Salvation in Christ Alone
Christianity is cross cultural, isn’t it? That means it’s for everyone, in every, and from every culture. Americans, Muslims, Russians, Africans, and you get the picture. Christianity is of course, salvation by Christ alone.
However, preaching salvation by Christ alone, has become counter cultural. In other words, counter to the present culture. Salvation by Christ and Christ alone is no longer accepted. We live in a culture that says their are no absolutes, like salvation is by Christ alone.
Our culture today, preaches there are more than one way to heaven. It teaches us that they serve the same God we do. I don’t think a God of love would instruct anyone to fly planes into buildings, do you? That is just not the character of the God I know.
November 30, 2003, on the O’Reilly Factor, on Fox News, Bill O’Reilly and the late Jerry Falwell debated salvation by Christ alone.. Bill O’Reilly said “Catholic theologians have told me, there is a loop hole which allows access to heaven to persons who do not know and trust Jesus as Saviour.” To that Dr. Falwell quoted :
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Bill O’Reilly was a very good journalist, but he has bought into the counter cultural view of salvation. This is why more than ever before, we must be ready to preach the gospel, in season and out!
Bill O’Reilly was a very good journalist, but he as bought into the counter cultural view of salvation.
The problem we are going to run into is, the “by word” in this counter culture which we face, is the word “tolerance.” They expect us to be tolerant to them and their beliefs, but here is the problem. They don’t tolerate what we believe. The problem we are going to face in the future is, our preaching of salvation by faith through Christ alone is not considered tolerant.
That is why you have heard me say so may times, that one day soon, we will probably face persecution for our preaching of the gospel. Because, we cannot preach anything else, but salvation by Jesus Christ alone, can we? Even if it means persecution.
So, we must take our stand now! As Texas judge, and one of the architects of the 1980’s Southern Baptist Convention conservative resurgence, Paul Pressler says, and a truths he calls, “A Hill Worth Dying On!” Salvation by grace though faith alone, is one such hill!
In , Paul reminds us of 3 truths regarding salvation, we should never forget:
1. Salvation is God’s Work! (v 8)
1. Salvation is God’s Work! (v 8)
The key phrase is “by grace.” The definition of grace is a gift freely given. It has been defined another way. It has been defined as “Something God gives us that we do not deserve.” Salvation is a free gift, God gives for the asking. He bestows this grace out of His love rather than our merit.
Isaiah says, “our righteousness is like filthy rags.” Those rags lepers used to wipe their pussie, bloody sores. In our own merit, all we deserve is eternity in the everlasting fires of Hell! Aren’t you glad, God loves us enough to save us who call upon Him anyway!
“Grace” here in the Greek is in the perfect tense. That means it was initiated by God in the past at the cross. It isn’t anything we have done, it is Christ’s work alone, isn’t it? The perfect tense also suggests that it’s effects will continue from the moment you received grace, into the future. In other words, it is permanent. When God saves, we are eternally secure in the future. Amen!!!
2. Salvation is God’s work, God’s way! (v 8-9)
2. Salvation is God’s work, God’s way! (v 8-9)
The key phrase here is “through faith.” We are saved through the object of our faith, Jesus Christ!
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Faith begins with the knowledge of the gospel!
17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
By faith, we accept what the Bible says about how to be saved. It is still grace that saves, but faith is the key that unlocks the door, isn’t it?
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Notice in the picture, there is no door knob on the outside. Jesus doesn’t forces His way in. There is no irresistible grace, as the Calvinist teach. So many hear the knock, but refuse to let Him in. To be saved, you must hear Him, you must respond in faith, and let him in. That is God’s way!
3. Salvation is God’s work, God’s way, according to God’s will!
3. Salvation is God’s work, God’s way, according to God’s will!
The key phase for this point is found in verse 10, the phrase “in Christ!” When we are saved, we become in Christ. God’s will is two fold:
a. God’s will is that “in Christ,” we have forgiveness of our sins.
a. God’s will is that “in Christ,” we have forgiveness of our sins.
When God saved us, He put us “in Christ.” He recreated us “in Christ.”
17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
On the day of our salvation, God wiped away your past, and gave you a new beginning! He forgave us of our past and future sins. As we talked about last Sunday, He justifies us. No longer are we held back by our past life. “Your are forgiven,” may be the sweetest words anyone could ever hear! It is God’s will, that “in Christ,” there is forgiveness!
b. God’s will is that “in Christ,” we are fruitful. (v 10)
b. God’s will is that “in Christ,” we are fruitful. (v 10)
We can only be fruitful for the Kingdom of God, “in Christ.” We are saved to bear fruit for Christ. And if we are truly saved, we will bear fruit for the Kingdom of God! Verse 10 doesn’t say, we are saved by our works, but we are saved “unto good works.” We can’t do good works without being saved. We can’t do anything good, until we get saved. We really can’t!
Salvation is God’s work, God’s way, and in God’s will. That is salvation by Christ alone. When God saves us, He saves us completely, and He keeps us secure for all eternity!