Beast Mode: What I Need to make it to the End
A little … horn represents a king who starts small in power but becomes dominant. The little horn’s eyes like the eyes of a human indicates its shrewdness and its mouth that was speaking arrogantly points to its boasting blasphemously against God (cp. v. 25). This little horn is a future world ruler whom Scripture also calls “the coming ruler” (9:26); the king who “will do whatever he wants” (11:36); “the man of lawlessness,” “the man doomed to destruction” (2Th 2:3); “the beast” (Rv 13:1–10); and the “antichrist” (1Jn 2:18).
Roman dominion fell apart in A.D. 476, yet it lived on in a divided status (Europe), but will be revived and return to great unified strength near Christ’s second coming. Then it will be comprised of the 10 parts under kings (vv. 7, 24), as well as an 11th king, the Antichrist (vv. 8, 24; 2Th 2:3–10; Rev 13:1–10).
Contents: The ram and rough goat vision, and its interpretation.
Characters: God, Christ, Gabriel, Daniel, Belshazzar, anti-Christ.
Conclusion: Out from the kingdoms of the last days a king of fierce countenance, the anti-Christ, will arise, and acting by the power of Satan, will bring transgression to the full. Though he will for a time prosper in his hellish schemes, the sudden brightness of Christ’s coming will utterly destroy him.
Key Word: End-time Indignation, v. 19.
Strong Verses: 23, 24, 25.
Striking Facts: Two ends are in view in this chapter—historically the end of the Grecian empire of Alexander; prophetically, the end of the times of the Gentiles (Luke 21:24; Rev. 16:14), when the “little horn” of 7:8, 24–26, the beast, will arise, followed by the return of Christ.
Prophecy covering the period from Darius to anti-Christ, showing the conflicts of nations, and final heading up for destruction.
The great tribulation of the last days, and the resurrection foretold. The last message to Daniel.