The Enemies of Christ-Part 2

Last week we saw the introduction of what was a day of much controversy for Jesus. It began with his authority being challenged by the sanhedrin, and Jesus handles them with great wisdom and pronounces their fate. But as I mentioned last week, with the level of stubbornness his enemies possessed, their opposition toward him only gets worse. Having been rebuked and told their coming destruction, they didn’t regard it because of their unbelief. See, enemies of Christ won’t listen to rebuke no matter how strong or true. When they recognized Jesus spoke against them, they wanted to grab him right then but they couldn’t because they didn’t have a justified reason and the crowds would go crazy against them. So they resort to snake activity, forming deceptive plans to trap him in his words so they could arrest him. They were just like hissing snakes slithering in the grass trying to sneak up on Jesus, but Jesus was too wise for their harmful intentions. They were servant’s of satan’s lies and tricks. But just how Jesus defeated satan at the dawn of his ministry, he defeated these satan-ruled enemies, with the powerful wisdom and word of GOD!! They ask him three questions, and Jesus’ answer exposes their hypocrisy, malice, and blindness and points them to the honor for, power of, and love for GOD (and fellow neighbor). And it is my intention to direct our hearts to the same with this message.
The sanhedrin is hot!! So hot that they’ll do anything now to trap Jesus and get rid of him. But it’s not just them, Matthew and Mark say the Pharisees and Herodians are involved. And the sanhedrin, again being the authority in Jerusalem, are the ones that sent them. It should not be taken lightly what this entails. There are three groups operating together against Jesus. But this extremely strange. Why? Well the Sadducees and Herodians were theologically aligned, but they were halfway politically aligned. Herodians were extreme supporters of the Herodian government, whereas Sadducees supported the previous government of Judea (Hasmonean), but were OK with Herodian because Herod married a Hasmonean woman. Nonetheless they held the same religious beliefs, and Herodians operated like Sadducees in Galilee, where Herod lived. The Pharisees however differed from both groups religiously and opposed Herodian and Hasmonean government. But here it is they’ve all joined forces as enemies of Christ.
Example: Politically, this would be like republicans, democrats, and independents coming together to achieve a common goal!!! Religiously, it would be like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam coming together to accomplish the same goals!!! These things are very uncommon. But this is what happens when all groups possess the same hatred. - Luke says they were spies and pretenders.
With all their faking, they begin flattering Jesus talking about all that he is. They finally ask their question and it is an earthly matter. “Do you think it is permissible to pay taxes to the Roman emperor. See this was a question that supported Pharisaic beliefs, because they disagreed with Roman rule and anticipated a Messianic ruler intervening and shutting Rome down, and reclaiming independence for Israel. But Jesus knows the deal and he calls them out for the pretense. Then uses the manifold wisdom of GOD - Whose face and words are on this money? He has the rule to circulate his currency in this land, so pay him back what’s his. At the same time, pay back GOD what’s his! He didn’t answer yes or no because it was a trap.
Application: Beware of flattery. says there’s nothing reliable in their words, their inner person is destruction, and their throat is an open grave. Jesus is not stupid. It’s unlikely that an enemy will become this fond of him. But his answer is profound, pay taxes and all that the US demands, for after all there are US presidents on the dollars. But what belongs to GOD? What has he given me? What should I give back to him? Honesty, humility, righteous deeds, walk by the spirit, obedience, ministry, worship, faith, trust, praise, my very life!!! On earth, honor where honor is due. But with GOD, he deserves my utmost honor!!
Then the Sadducees come to him. Now it was known that they didn’t believe in the resurrection, yet they approach him with a question about it. They cite where Moses commanded that if a man dies childless, his brother should marry his wife and raise children for him. Uncommon for our day, but it was GOD’s law for them. Then they give him the case of seven brothers who did that with a woman and failed, and finally the woman died, and ask who will be the husband in the resurrection. But Jesus exposes the fact that they have been misled because they can’t discern the scripture or the power of GOD.
Application: This is so interesting, because just like satan’s second attempt involved scripture, that’s exactly what they do. But says that wise words in the mouth of a fool are like a crippled person trying to walk. When we resurrect, it will not be like earthly affairs. We won’t have the bodies or sexual gratifications like we do here! We need to understand that by the power of GOD, he has prepared a glorious immortal and incorruptible bodies for his children. And to prove that there will be a resurrection, Jesus uses GOD’s words from AM… Our souls will live on! Praise GOD! Hallelujah for his power!
After Jesus said that, it shut the Sadducees up! They had no comeback! The word of GOD is powerful in silencing satan’s workers, particularly when it is accurately broken down. But the Pharisees had to take one more shot at him, again just like satan did. One of the scholars of the group, high degree and who would’ve typically been able to answer the most complex questions about scripture. Surely he has a question Jesus couldn’t handle - What’s the most important instruction? Love GOD and Love your neighbor!
Application: Sometimes we get caught up in the mechanics of worship, meticulous about days, and so many other things. But the principal instruction and virtue to possess is Love! Which involves my affection, care, and loyalty. With GOD it should involve every ounce of my inner person, and the emotions, thoughts and understanding that I can experience. Then mind encompasses my intentions and goals, meaning all my life’s desires and intentions should be absorbed in my affection and loyalty for GOD. Then when it comes to whatever people that are situated near me, I show them love like I care for myself! Hmmmm. If I love me, there’s no stealing, murder, cheating, harm, or hatred I’d bring on me!!
After Jesus questions them about who’s son is the Christ, he baffles them by citing David calling him Lord. Then they wouldn’t ask him anything else. Jesus slays his enemies by the power of his Father’s word! We too should keep the wisdom and word of GOD at the forefront of battle with satan and his human servants. At the same time, from his battle with adversaries, we learn the importance possessing unrivaled honor to GOD, understanding of scripture and power of GOD, and love toward GOD and neighbors
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