I Didn’t Count on That!
Sermon One Title: I Didn’t Count on That!
An optimist sees the glass as half full. A pessimist see it as half empty. Both occupy a middle ground. At the extreme ends of the spectrum are those who can only see a full glass or an empty glass. Regrettably, too many people’s perspective of God tends to the extremes. The doomsayer perceives God as eager to annihilate humanity for the slightest infraction of His law. The utopian believes God to a senile grandfather who overlooks all but the most heinous crimes. Neither is true to God’s character as revealed in Scripture. God does not overlook a single violation of His will, but neither does He seek human torture. God judges all sin, but He offers hope to those individuals who turn to Him in faith.
1. Clarify Your Situation (29:1-32)
a. The exiles would stay in Babylon for a long time.
b. Separate reality from wishful thinking.
2. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff (30:1-24)
a. The exiles’s struggles in Babylon were only temporary.
1) God gives hope when its hopeless
2) God does the impossible.
b. Determine God’s priorities and then pursue them.
3. Trust in God’s Promises (31:1-40)
a. Sorrow turned to joy (verses 1-30)
1) God keeps His word (compare verses 27-28 with 1:9-10)
2) Enter into God’s New Covenant (31:31-34)