Woman at the Well- Table Talk with a sinner
John 4:1-42
John 4:1-42
Today we are looking at a long passage it’s a passage of a woman at a well in the middle of the day talking to a stranger.
Key Ideas
Key Ideas
Jesus does not answer to social norms, but witnesses to all
Woman was sinful and Knew it. But Jesus moves her into a new Life
Jesus is Pro-Life All of Life to it’s fullest which means boundaries
Messiah knows what everyone else knows but instead of shame it is a starting point of hope
Through Samaria
Through Samaria
People coming to him for the forgiveness of sins for repentance, for ritual cleansing. Some of these people wanted to be disciples of Jesus. It was a great honor to be chosen by a rabbi to be a disciple, but Jesus only chooses a few. But now it is time to move on and Jesus wants to head back to Galilee where he is from. But to get there he chooses to go through the area of Samaria.
This area is an area that good religious elitist Jews would avoid and go around (Like some of you would the Getto). Samaritans trace their roots to the ancient kingdom of Israel. However, Judeans (Jews short for Judahite) considered the Samaritans’ Israelite pedigree to have been bastardized due to intermarriage with Assyrian colonists. Before the Judean elites were exiled by Babylonian conquerors (586BC). And in days of antiquity, people and their land were organically connected Both the Samaritans and their land were unclean or impure in Judean eyes.
We see right away that Jesus did not shy away from areas or people that were considered taboo. On top of that when he gets there he is talking to a woman which for us seems like the polite thing to do. But in this society men and women don’t mix in public. They don’t mingle.
The woman’s place is the private places. Plutarch put it, “The best woman Is she about whom there is least talk among persons outside.” This included either censure or commendation. Says Plutarch, “The name of the good woman, liker her person, ought to be shut up indoors and never go out” ( In Praise of Women 242E)
Sexual Sin
Sexual Sin
Agree or disagree that was the society. And here Jesus is talking to a woman, from Samaria, and on top of that, she has some very gossiped about sin. She has committed sexual sins.
She cohabitated, Sleeping with men that she wasn’t married too. Which, in that society was seen as a shame. She knew it was a sin. She seems to be a somewhat believer in the passage. She is waiting for the Messiah. She seems to know her action are sinful according to the way fo the scripture.
She continues to live this way though.
In this current society, it is seen as normal. Statistics show that it’s not healthy to cohabitate. Even though 48% of all unions are cohabitations. Many of these will become marriages, but according to the math, this increases your chance of divorce and lowers sexual satisfaction within the marriage. And Jesus points out its sinfulness
But he tells her that there is hope. Hope is one of the most precious things that the Lord offers to us. Hope for the world seems like a fool's errand but for a Christian hope is more like a promise. A promise that God is there with us and walking us through life. If we follow his ways he will bring us hope for the future, a life that is to its fullest.
Jesus sits with this woman that would have been seen as an outcast and Talks about life and about the Messiah (that he is) and the bread of life and the well of life that she can be brought out of this shame.
Now, today it’s not a shame but it is still a sin. We use this passage to show that Jesus would be around and ok with any number of sins we don’t want to be condemned. See Jesus was around the woman at the well. I t is true that Jesus came not to condemn the world but to save it. Truth is Jesus is not anti you and your struggles. He is pro-life, not just for babies but for all people. He came to give us a life that is to its fullness even if it means, and it will call us to, make sacrifices. One of the things God does for us is layout boundaries. We will always have to struggle to live life within those boundaries. Some more than others it seems. Sexual sins are such an area that God puts boundaries for us even if it doesn’t feel like it. It is because He wants us to live a full life.
This woman leaves the pitcher that she had come to fill in the heat of the day, an act she was performing to avoid the talk and the people's stairs. She Leaves this 65-pound pitcher and goes where she was avoiding into the crowds and tells the people about all that this Messiah had said About all her sins. She knew everyone knew but now she has something different. That will come to a new life. She will come to a discussion. Will I continue in my old life that God says is wrong or will I choose to sacrifice and make a better decision that will be harder.
Who’s your One
Who’s your One
As we look at the new life that this woman had we know it will be difficult. But she will be healthier than she has ever been before.
We want the best for peoples. Lives
We beginning the call for us to find our one
Next Steps
Next Steps
Some of you have become to anti. You’re not for God your anti-everything. You don’t agree with you're not for God who says I Love you and have called you to live a life full of life
Some of you are the ones that have chosen not to make the hard sacrifices you want to live in sin and then feel bad but don’t see anything better or don’t even feel bad and say well it's socially acceptable. It's ok. God will forgive me. If I even ask
Jesus took the word to everybody and offered a better way, not because their way is so horrible and detestable, But because there is more than just this. There is a better way. Some of you have forgotten to take the word of Jesus and offer a better way Jesus wants all of us to live a life that is to its fullest in the boundaries of God as living sacrifices Because there is more because there is better
Will you claim it