John 10 (Part 1) The Good Shepherd
The shepherd metaphor
• It is given to distinguish:
o Between Jesus and the Pharisees, 10:5, 11-14
o Must distinguish between truth and error (there are absolutes)
• It is given to teach
o Teaches the voluntary nature of His death, 10:17-18.
Content of the parable
• The parable, 10:1-18
o Its presentation, vv. 1-6
o Its application, vv. 7-18
He is the door, vv. 7-10
He is the good shepherd, vv. 11-18
• The reaction to the parable, 10:19-21
• The rejection, 10:22-31
5-step progress of “who Jesus is”
• He is a man, 9:11
• He is a prophet, 9:17
• He is worthy of allegiance, 9:27
• He is from God, 9:33
• He is God, 9:38
• 4 walls, 12-14 feet high, 100 yards long, attached to shepherd’s tent
• No doors
• Here it is Israel
• He develops “others”—10:16