Well, I know not everybody has been here the last couple weeks some of you were just been here as first time in three weeks, but I have been covering the Book of Esther and I'm going to conclude today. So I just want to do a little bit of recap the very first week. We talked about patient willingness and beauty treatments. Even for a band we go through things that we don't necessarily like that God puts us through that are preparing us for something greater and how Esther had to endure all of these to become Queen last week. If you were here you would remember that we talked about Esther's purpose and we need to find our purpose and how Esther Bae that purpose with prayer and fasting and we talked about prayer and fasting last week and how we need to bring corporate that into our lives. The final thing I want to share this morning from The Book of Esther. It's just one point. We should not rush God. We need to learn to wait. We talked about this a little bit on the first Sunday when I mentioned patience and I said I'll I'll come back to this will now it's time to come back to it today. I want to elaborate a little bit more on that because we're still seeing Esther being patient, but this time her patients and her waiting is allowing God to work. We know from last week that after much prayer and fasting well as to approach The Kinks, but let me back up with just a little bit in case you weren't here for the first week Esther was chosen to go before the key to be and while she was before the key. She was selected to be the new Queen. Well her cousin Mordecai didn't make a man happy when down to him so payment decided to make this decree that he was not only going to kill hangman, but he was going to kill all the problem was Esther was a Jew so this also put Oh a death on her head, you know, but she didn't told the king that she was a Jew so now Mordecai and Esther talking and they said hey, you kind of need to figure out how to train your people Mordecai's telling us through this and that says go down in the morning take. Yes for such a time as this is your purpose and so they can admit it to prayer and fasting so now there's this decree out there that is going to kill all Jews and Esther going to try to convince the key to change that well in order to approach the king you have to be summonsed, but if you get the Rays scepter, you're allowed to go if you are not summons and you don't get the ray scepter. Then you are automatically killed. So we know that Esther Mordecai and the Jews they pray they fasted so that this would prepare Esther for when she went to go approach the key about her request to save the people. So now that we've kind of got caught up after did approach the key. He did raise his stuff to her and invited her to come and she was able to live so I want to pick up an extra 5 3
After five three starts out. Then the king asked what is it Queen Esther? What is your request even up to half the kingdom it will be given to you if it pleases the king replied Esther let the king together with Haman come together or to come today to a banquet I have prepared for him. Bring him in at once the king said so that we may do What Esther ask so the king and Haman went to the banquet Esther had prepared as they were drinking wine the key out again. Alabaster now, what is your petition? It will be given to you. And what is your request even up to half the half the kingdom it will be granted as to reply my petition in. My request is this it's the king regards me with favor and if it pleases a king to Grant my petition and fulfill my request let the king and Haman come tomorrow to the banquet. I will prepare for them. Then I will answer the Kings question.
When Esther entered the courts, she was given the scepter and right then and there she could have told the king that she was a Jew and what her request was she could have just revealed everything. However, she did not she chose to invite him and the one who initiated the mass execution payment to a meal. I believe the phrases keep-your-friends-close-and-your-enemies-closer. I think that's right. Well, that's kind of what she was doing. She was trying to win back the king's favor. I believe remember if you heard me last week, it has been 30 days before the king of even requested to see her. She's kind of thought maybe she lost them favor with the key. So this was her way of one earning favor back with the key if she has lost any but really what she was doing was allowing her prayers and the fact that had taken place to be heard and answered. At the meal she could have once again revealed her nationality and presented her request, but she did not the time was not right for her to tell the king yet. So what does she do she invites them to another meal the next day? Sometimes we we need to keep our mouths closed and we need to allow God to work and this is very hard for many of us. I fall into this trap, especially in work in Ministry and even in the lives of my kids. If we see something that's not right. We want to fix it. Especially his parents. Well, if I see something that's not right either in ministry here at my job or with my kids life. I want to jump in there and fix it. But if I do that I sometimes make the situation worse. I have learned. I needed to bite my tongue pray and wait for the right time. I'm not perfect at this. I'm still learning but I have I am trying to learn at least my prayers when I go into a lot of meetings our Lord. Please hold my tongue because sometimes it needs to happen. Cuz sometimes I want to say a lot more. Because I don't want to make the situation worse. Can you imagine if Esther had gone in there and revealed it at the first she may have made the situation worse. I remember timing in youth ministry when I found out that one of the youth counselors that was under my supervision was having an affair with one of the church leaders. I was in early twenties. I just fresh out of college. and I did not like confrontation and here I was presented with this and I knew I had to resolve this I had to do something because this was for the health of the the youth this could not continue. So I took some time and I prayed about it. I asked God for wisdom for courage. I asked God to help me with this and I finally called up my youth counselor that I was working with and I said I need to see you in my office. Well in that time frame that person showed up to my office and I was trying to build up everything to talk to them. And before I could say a word they resign. Right there. I didn't have to say a word we didn't have to bring up the issue on what had been happening. I knew they were working it out. But my position as youth Minister and the health of my youth they had resigned her position and we're no longer going to be helping with that. God took care of that had I stepped in there when I first found out about the affair and had the first done done something immediately. I may have made the situation worse relationships may have been broken Church in family relationships may have been broken but God works through that. Are you rushing into situations and not allowing? God to do his part? Had Esther done the big reveal with the king in the court or even at the first meal what happened next would be insignificant the next two passages. I'm going to read from Esther would have been totally insignificant and you have to understand that. So let's look at Esther 5 9
Heyman went outside a happy and in High Spirits remember he just had a meal with the queen in the key, but when he's not Mordecai at the king's gate and observed that he neither Rose Norris Trophy rat in his presence. He was filled with Rage Against the Wornick. I never the less restrained himself and went home calling together his friends and his wife Hayman boasted to them about his vast wealth his many sons and all the way the Kings had honored him and how he had elevated him above all the other Nobles in officials. And that's not all hey man was thinking pretty good of himself here Hayman added. I'm the only person that Queen Esther invited to accompany the king to the banquet that she gave and she has invited me along with the key tomorrow. But all this gives me no satisfaction. As long as I see that Jew Mordecai sitting at the king's gate. You've got great friends and great wife. Maybe not his wife. Jareth, Sarah and all his friends said to him have a Gallows built 75 feet high and asked the king in the morning to have Mordecai. Hang on it then go with the King to the dinner and be happy. This is a suggestion delighted Haman and he had the Gallows built. Hey Melissa, feeling really good about himself. He was the only one invited to the king's table with the King. No left. He was thinking he was Top Dog. However, he noticed Mordecai still not honoring him not going down not showing him the respect that he needed that he thought he needed. And if you remember last week Mordecai we talked about how he wouldn't have he wouldn't have bow down to Haman because of this the religious beliefs and that's where Haman decided to come up with this plan to kill all the Jews. The work I was kind of already on his bad list, but then you add in the wife and the friends who come up with this suggestion to build this Gallows to have Mordecai hung this huge magnificent Gallows that was going to be so big. Everybody could see it. He thought it was a wonderful plan. Mordecai was going to be hung the next morning and he was going to go into the king in the morning and tell him the plan. He was ready couldn't wait for morning to come but wait. as we read on God works in the keys heart that exact same night when this plan was being formed for Mordecai the exact same time the key. He was having a hard time sleeping that night. I asked for the Diary of his time as king to be brought to him so he could read it. And if you remember from last week, I had mentioned that there was a time that Mordecai had found out that there was a plot to kill the key. Dewey told Esther and when it was found to be true Esther gave Mordecai's the the credit and Mordecai's name in this event Was Written in the history book The Kings reign will hear the key. He can't sleep. So we asked for this history book to be brought to him now frankly. I'm not too much into history. I will fail when we have the history trivia night. But if I were to read it to history book at night, I pray I fall asleep to So I kind of get what he was doing the king. He asked that night. You don't bring me my his my history book of my rain here and it just so happens that out of his many years of rain. What does the king read series about this event where Mordecai saved his life and he asked his officials has he been honored for this and the official said no.
So he has to pick up an ester 6.
And after it says that nothing has been done as for 6 part 3 isn't nothing has been done for him. If the key said who is in the court now. Hey, man had just entered the outer Court of the palace to speak to the king about hanging Mordecai on The Gallows. He had erected. Okay. So here's more to talk. He's getting ready to approach the king to say. Okay. We need to kill morokei. He's still an army. I'm done with them. Let's let's do it. The word hame is coming in to see the key and the attendants answered hemans standing in the court. The king order when hey man entered the king asked him should be done for the band that Delights that the king Delights that they King Delights to honor. Well knowing a man's head and how wonderful he thought he was being at the Queen's table and high official in the king drinking. He thought well the king wants to see now so he responds with What are your thoughts on who is there that the king would rather honor than me, so he answers the key. For the man the king Delights to honor have them bring a royal robe in The King The King has worn and a horse. The King has written one with the Royal Crest placed on his head. Then let the robe in the horse be entrusted to the one of the king's most official Noble princes. Let them robes the man and the King Delights to honor and leave him on the horse through the city streets proclaiming before him. This is what is done for the man the king Delights to honor. Hobo it once the king commanded Heyman. Get the robe the horse and do just as you as you have suggested for Mordecai the Jew who sits at the king skate and do not neglect anything that you have recommended. So Heyman got the rope and the horse he wrote Mordecai and let him on the horse back through the city streets proclaiming before him. This is what is done for the man the king Delights to honor.
God's timing is wonderful. Haman was dumbfounded. He was edited to tell the king about the plan to kill Mordecai that very day and the King. That's what should be done for somebody who should be honored. He thought for sure that was going to be him. And so he said exactly what he would have wanted done for him. He said this selfish reasons. This is what I would want done and boom God. He had just given the orders of what needs to be done with Mordecai, but not only that he was going to be the one doing the honoring. He had him he had he was heading in to have Mordecai killed and walked out of there being the one honoring Mordecai. Kind of a Twist of events if you ask me, but it shows that God was working the whole time.
Esther revealed her lineage that day before either or either at the meal or in the courts.
What would have just happened would have been pointless? It may never have happened if she might have lost her own life, but God put hangman where he needed to be in the courts. Open the Eyes of the king to what Mordecai had done spearing his life. God was working and now it's time for the next meal. Esther 7 verse 8 I'm sorry Esther 7 verse 3 it says. Then Queen Esther answered. If I have found favor with you, okay, and if it pleases your majesty grant me my life. This is my petition and spare. My people. This is my request for I and my people have been sold for Destruction and Slaughter and Annihilation if we had merely been sold as male and female slave I would have kept quiet because no such distress would justify disturbing the king king's RCS Queen Esther. Who is he who is the man who had dared to do such a thing as replied the adversary an enemy. Is this vile Heyman? Then Haman was terrified before the king and queen the king got up in a wraith left his wine and went out into the palace Garden, but Heyman realizing the key already decided his fate stay behind to beg Queen Esther for his life.
Esther very humbly made her request before the king. She now has disclosed to the king her lineage. She did so with respect and honor and knowing she could lose her life. She had courage and bravery, but the scam was up. God had worked enough on people's hearts that this was the right time. The King was so enraged with Haman that he had to leave the room and when he returned he found Heyman on the couch what he was really doing was begging for Esther for his life, but the king didn't see it that way. The king saw payment on the couch with his wife with his Queen then this makes him even more mad thinking that something else was going on decent sentenced to be hung on the Gallows that he had built for Mordecai the same Gallows that he was all pumped about having Mordecai hung on he was now being hung on. Kind of ironic Twist of events. None of which would have happened if Esther had rushed into the situation and revealed everything early on Esther waited on God and the outcome was successful. Have you ever had an experience where you waited on God and didn't rush him & the outcome came out better than expected. Several years ago doctors found tumor a couple tumors several of them. I believe three in my mom and one of them on the X-ray you can see it. It was the size of a grapefruit. Mom wanted nothing more than to have these tumors removed the family wanted nothing more than to have these tumors removed in surgery. They weren't going to do any treatments before him. They didn't know if they were cancerous. They didn't do blood results in the blood results showed cancerous levels, but they couldn't confirm that until they had remove the tumors and tested them. Well, we wanted them removed so that we could have answered because in our head something in her with cancerous. the only issue was the surgery date kept getting pushed back further and further. The doctor was not available. He kept having to change the surgery date will this wasn't sitting well with the family we wanted the surgery to come. We wanted the tumors out. We didn't like having the surgery date being pushed back. We even made the suggestion may be finding a different doctor, but we stopped and we prayed about it. We had others pray about it also and finally on the day of surgery mom went in the doctor started the surgery and the grapefruit sized tumor was nowhere to be found. Nowhere, where did it go? How do you lose a grapefruit sized tumor? They look they do exploratory surgery. It was gone. Mom still to this day. She has the X-ray she offered it up to me yesterday when I talked with her. She was going to X-ray and she has the X-ray that shows the tumor on there, but the doctors never found it. We believe in the power of prayer that God use the delay surgery as a time to remove the tumor. Did he need that much time? No. doctors were amazed The tumor has not appeared since then Mom shares this testimony and she give God the glory the whole time. Can you imagine the outcome if we had demanded the surgery be earlier if we had demanded to find a different doctor who would have moved that surgery date up and if we had jumped ahead of God's plan the outcome very likely could have been different God needed to see that we were patient and that we were willing to wait for a miracle and we received a miracle that day. If we rush God and put God on our time schedule, we are eliminating his Helping Hand. We're telling God. We don't need him. We're telling God that his time frame is not important to us. There are things that will happen in that time of waiting that we have no control over but they could help our situation Esther had no idea that Haman would be so mad at Mordecai that he would have a Gallows built for him that night after had no idea that the king wouldn't be able to sleep that night and in the process find out that Mordecai had never been honored for saving his wife. And she had no control over the fact that hangman was walking through the courts at the exact same time. The King was looking for someone to honor Mordecai. Esther had no control over any of these situations, but God did and when she chose to wait and to take that time that precious time God did miraculous things making so that her request would be accepted. One thing that we cannot miss in all of this Esther did take action. She did not sit back and just wait and stop there eventually her waiting did have to turn into action. He had to take that risk. She had to be brave.
We need to give God his time to work. But we remember to be prayerful it and to know when it's our time to do our part. If you look at the rest of the Book of Esther, I'm just going to summarize it for you. Esther was given heyman's estate Mordecai was allowed to write the new decree to save the Jews lives allowing them to assemble and protect themselves. The Jews did protect themselves against those that had been previously told to kill them. Peru is set in place where the Jews would celebrate their relief from their enemies and their freedom and perm is still celebrated today. The next celebration is March 9th through the 10th getting ready to come up here. They still celebrate this time. Mordecai had earned a great reputation among the Jews and became second-ranked to the king to the king asked his purpose was fulfilled and she has saved her people. God had used her. fun fact if you read the book of Esther know where in there will you see the name God or Lord? nowhere But if you read the book of Esther, you will see God all over the place. That name was not in the original manuscript. It was not there. But God is there you see him working. Esther 4:14, who knows that you have come to this Royal position for such a time as this we may not be in a Royal position.
But God has placed Us in this part of our life for a reason. The last several weeks we've talked about six things that we need to apply to our life willingness patients beauty treatments that we need to endure finding our purpose praying and fasting and finally giving God time to work by waiting. We all have situations in our life where we ask God. Why me? Why now? Why here why this why we go out those questions. This is where we need to show our willingness to go through whatever God puts us through. We need to be patient where God puts us and we need to realize that sometimes we're going Proctor and dwarf hard times or those spiritual beauty treatments that God's going to put us through knowing there's Beauty at the end. We need to know that God does have a purpose for us and we need to find that purpose and bathe it with prayer and fasting and we need to make sure we don't move faster than God and we wait for God to move Esther was putting Esther with put in a situation where she had a purpose. It was not a great situation being part of a harem, but one that had me God used Esther for good. God can use you to you may think that you know, you're full purpose but so did Esther she thought her purpose was to be Queen? But God was going to use her way more than that being Queen was only one purpose. It's a small one and it led to a greater purpose saving God's people you may think that you have a purpose in that. Maybe it's a small purpose but maybe God's using that small purpose for may be visiting a neighbor calling a friend helping at church helping in the community. Whatever you think your purpose is in there. You're teaching her being with having a certain friend, but you know what? Maybe that's God's way of getting and preparing you for something greater. You still have a purpose we each have one. And we've each been putting this chapter of our life for a reason. We need to find that reason and glorify God. with all of our heart Are you ready to take that Esther challenge? Are you ready to put these lessons to practice? Are you willing to wait when God needs us to wait? Lord we thank you for today and for this time. Thank you for this challenge. Thank you for this book that is in your words and the many lessons that can come out of it. And these are just some but Lord. I just pray that you will allow us to take these put them into our hearts and apply them to our lives so that we can live everyday growing closer to the you doing what you called us to do. Being where you need us to be and doing the things you need us to do help us not jump ahead of you and put you on our time schedule help us to be patient and wait.
Help us to remember we need to take action when you want us to.
or we just we thank you for All that you do in our life all that you have planned for in our life. Thank you for the way you've moved in our lives and we never even realized it. Thank you for the way that you work. Even when we donate don't ask for it. Or we just thank you and we praise you in your holy and precious name. Amen.