Psalms of Jesus: Psalm 22
Will the title of my message this morning is the Psalms of Jesus. And today we're going to take a look at a remarkable Psalm that's found in the scriptures Psalm 22. Some of actually called it the song of the Cross and you'll get a sense of why that is today. I remember reading this song as a young boy 11 12 years old. I ran across that. I think either in my study of the Psalms or later on as I read about the crucifixion of Jesus and what you're going to see in Psalm 22 is a remarkable Testament to the inspiration of the scriptures. We've been looking at the songs over the course of the past several Sundays and we've learned that the songs are really the hymn book of Israel a book that captures the faithfulness of God and puts it into a language that the people of God can can sing in worship as they give thanks to God for all that. He's done for them last week. We looked at Psalm 46 probably a song that was written in response to the Deliverance of Jerusalem in the reign of Hezekiah from one of the most powerful in dominant Empires known in the world the Assyrians as sennacherib surrounded Jerusalem, and ultimately was sent Away by seeming plague that God said upon that conquering Army Psalm 46 recounted the fact that the Lord God is our refuge and our strength It's that song We Remember that tells us to be still and know that I am the Lord as we watch and see the Deliverance that only God can bring as the Israelites must have witnessed that Army fleece by the hand of God and by his hand alone. So often the Psalms Chronicle in event of God's faithfulness in the past or they Proclaim an act of God's faithfulness in the present, but the songs Don't simply deal with the past in the present. They also deal with future events that are yet unseen. Not surprisingly as with other places in scripture because this songs in the scriptures are written by the inspiration of God's spirit. They foretell the future sometimes with shocking details and accuracy. It's not accidental that God gives himself a trans historical witness to the faithful promises that he fulfills. He simply does not act at a certain time of his tree but quite often he announces what he will do hundreds or thousands of years later that the whole earth might look and see that he is a God who foretells the future before it even comes to pass. I shall see you today Psalm 22 is just such a song a prophetic song that speaks of the coming Messiah with such Clarity and it's almost as if the psalmist standing beer and witnessing the very crucifixion of Jesus, but the song was written a thousand years before Jesus was ever born. What's interesting is the scriptures often give us the tools. We need to understand them. We interpret the scriptures as often as we can based upon what the scriptures themselves say because God's word as inspired when God's word interpret the passage of scripture for us. We can be certain we're holding on to a truthful statement about God's word. The prophetic power of the Psalms is not something that we observe simply ourselves, but even the scriptures recognize the prophetic power of the Psalms. You guys probably remember the day of Pentecost is the the apostles waited for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as Jesus instructed them before that Spirit poured out and they went out into the world and and proclaim the gospel for the first time with an Acts chapter 2 verse 22 that spirit is poured out and Peter begins to preach at the preachers. He undergirds his preaching with claims that the psalmist had made a thousand years before which were being fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. Why didn't the face of his here's her with me if you've got a Bible The Acts chapter 2 verse 22. There's a red Pew Bible in front of you. This is Peter's address to the people of Israel. The Holy Spirit has been poured out in and the apostles have spoken of the goodness of God in the Redemptive work the garden accomplish with the Daffin resurrection of Jesus Christ by miraculous act in the language of the difference of people who are present. It was the Passover feast. It wasn't too long after the Passover feast and there were great crowds in Jerusalem from all over the world and here is what Peter proclaimed on that day. He said men of Israel. Hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man attested to you by God with Mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst as you yourselves know this Jesus delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of Lawless men. God raised him up losing the pangs of death because it was not possible for him to be held by it noticed what he says next in verse 25 for David says concerning him and now he's going to quote a statement of David that's found in psalm 16 a prophetic statement that David made someone unaware a thousand years before these events for Damon says concerning him concerning Jesus. I saw the lord always before me for he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken. Therefore my heart was glad and my tongue rejoiced. My flesh also will dwell in Hope. For you will not abandon my soul to Hades or let your Holy One see corruption. You have made known to me the paths of life. You will make me full of gladness with your presence and then Peter interprets this statement. He says Brothers. I may say to you with confidence about the patriarch David. Eki both died and was buried in his tomb is with us to this day. In fact, they could have walked to David's tomb there in Jerusalem referring when he said that the Lord would not let his holy one see corruption. He certainly wasn't referring to himself as Peter makes clear because David is buried in the ground only a few thousand feet from where we stand but David was speaking of another Holy One of Israel, like himself who would never see corruption. And so here's what Peter says to the crowds being there for a profit and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that he would set one of his Descendants on his throne David for saw and spoke about the resurrection of the Christ that he was not abandoned to Hades nor did his flesh see corruption. What happens there in the first sermon that was ever preached by the power of the Holy Spirit. One of the storm song 16 is referenced as a prophetic declaration that this Holy One the Messiah himself would never see corruption though. He would die. He would rise again. The people's response to Peter's preaching on that days after being cut to the heart what must we do to be saved.
The Psalms speak not only of God's past faithfulness or his present faithfulness. But by the inspiration of God's spirit Facebook of his future faithfulness of actions that he will take in Generations that have not yet been seen I remember a couple of people as last year or the year before being at one of the EPC general assembly's or where the church gathers with church people from all over the country. And and I was going to meet with someone there who I had never met before and so I had the person's phone number and I pulled out my phone and I was about to write in the message will when you come around the corner, I'm sitting on this couch and I have you know, I've got to this color shirt on and I was about to write and I have blonde hair and blue eyes and I was going to send it off and I thought wait a minute. I can't write that anymore because my hair is no longer blonde. It's I thought when I really get a ride, I've got gray hair. I'm not going to ride that. And so then I had to figure out some other way to describe myself a blue shirt or a red thing that it was just a shocking moment, right? But for many of us you go to meet someone that you've never met before and you need to have signs that will show you that this is the purse. Whom you are seeking. And God in his grace to us a common Grace and a Grace to his people has provided prophetically signs that we might identify the ones that we are seeking one of the most powerful signs that God provides in the scriptures is Psalm 22 really look at it this morning. But before we do, I want to read you that the setting of Psalm 22 know what's the setting of Psalm 22 or stepping 1000 years into the future from when it was written. it's one of those things in the scriptures that raises the question for all of us have the power of God of who he is and and the way in which he oversees history as Peter spoke about Matthew Christ's crucifixion and he recounted in relation to Psalm 22 in Matthew chapter 27 verse 32, you can follow along if you'd like Matthew Wright as they went out. Defend a man of Cyrene Simon by name they can pelvis man to carry Jesus's cross and when they came to a place called Golgotha which means place of a skull. They offered him wine to drink mixed with gall, but when he tasted it, he would not drink it. And when they had crucified him they divided his garments among them by casting lots, then they sat down and kept watch over him their head over his head. They put the charge against him. Which read this is Jesus the king of the Jews. Big two robbers were crucified with him one on the right and one on the left. Hello to pass by derided him wagging their heads and saying you who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in 3 days save yourself. If you are the Son of God come down from the cross, so also the chief priests with describes an Elders mocked him say he saved others. He cannot save himself. He is the king of Israel. Let him come down now from the cross and we will believe in him he trust in God let God deliver him now if he desires him for he said I am the Son of God and the robbers who were crucified with him also revealed him in the same way. I listen carefully now from the sixth hour and the sixth hour is 6 hours after Sunrise, that's about noon now from the sixth hour. There was Darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. Can about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice? Saying Eli Eli Lama sabachthani. That is my God my God. Why have you forsaken me a little bit earlier today Bill read Psalm 22 and what are the opening lines of Psalm? 22 Eli Eli Lama sabachthani? My God my God, why hast Thou forsaken me Jesus is referencing his here's to that song Some of the bystanders hearing it said this man is calling Elijah Eli and alya sound somewhat similar Elijah being the name of the Prophet Eli being the name of God and one of them at once ran and took a sponge build it with sauerwein put on a reed and gave it to him to drink but the other said wait wait and see whether Elijah will come to save him. Jesus cried out again with the loud voice and yielded up his Spirit had to hold the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom and the Earth shook in the Rocks were split the tombs. Also we're open to me bodies of the Saints who in falling asleep were raised and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection. They went into the holy city and appeared to many. The century in the nose were with who are with Him keeping watch over Jesus saw the earthquake and what took place. They were filled with all and said truly this was the son of God.
Beer at his crucifixion and Jesus is speaking to the crowd to have gathered which in compass the religious leaders of Jerusalem who have politically maneuvered for his death the crowd to claimed Hosanna Hosanna as he entered the city, but now shop crucify him crucify him his disciples John alone among the apostles. But yes the women who were gathered as they all stood there at the foot of the cross. It is Psalm 22 that Jesus turns their attention to A song that was written 1,000 years before this day and yet foretold it in the great detail detail even greater than Matthews account who had it from eyewitnesses. The song three interesting because they're pinned by men who do not necessarily always know to what they refer is David pin these words a thousand years earlier, but it's not clear that he knew exactly that he said if Lee was painting a picture of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, it seems in in psalm 16 that Peter referenced on the day in which he was preaching that yes in that instance. David had to spend at the Messiah would not see corruption 22. We just are not sure what David understood was. He simply detailing an experience that he had in his own life. Do you have a sense that God was painting a picture of something greater you think of Isaiah 53 as he wrote about the crucifixion of the suffering servant that he would be pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities. It seems clear that Isaiah knew that he was speaking of the future prophetically about the Messiah who is to come fascinating that Isaiah's words. So accurate about what crucifixion was even is David here in Psalm 22 will talk about being pierced in his hands and feet David wrote this song in 1000 BC crucifixion wasn't invented until 400 BC when the Persians developed it as a way to torture their opponents their political enemies and yet David writes these words inspired by the Holy Spirit portraying the cross in the greatest most accurate detail. I think this song expresses the heart of Christ in the midst of his death. What he went through in the door and the victory that ultimately that he anticipated. Jesus points is here in that ninth hour after the darkness had fallen upon the Earth my God my God. Why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me from the words of my groaning? You can only imagine the depth of forsaken this that Christ must have experienced there at the cross. I mean you guys have seen The Passion of the Christ and you seen that film is the portrayal of the physicality of the suffering of Jesus Christ crucifixion was a brutal Way to Die the most brutal it was intentionally develop so that it would produce the most suffering possible on the individual who would undergo it. They created the cross in such a way that they would extend the life of the person that they were crucifying. Today when we execute individual we give them an injection that will kill them almost instantly Wheatley attempt to be as compassionate as we can to someone who is ultimately judged to be guilty of the greatest. Most heinous crimes look for the Romans and for the Persians execution was a show and it was extended as long as possible that the suffering might be as great as it could possibly be Passion of the Christ portrays the physical suffering of Jesus with the physical suffering of Jesus was not unique the Romans crucified thousands of people there were times in the history of Rome when they had to cut down entire forests simply to have enough wood to crucify their opponents and what experience They Crucified over a thousand men down a highway who is risen up against Rome has assigned others not to question Roman Authority. It's important to recognize that fact because the physical suffering of Jesus Christ was not unique and is not why we were redeemed. The great suffering that Christ endured on the cross certainly was physical but the suffering that brought Redemption for those for whom Christ died was not physical suffering, but it was facing God poured out against the sin of all those for whom he would die. Remember in the garden is Jesus knelt and prayed. What did he pray? He said father take this cup from me if you will it. He didn't look forward to the shopping that he wouldn't endure at the cross ultimately in that time of prayer in the garden. He resolved to drink down that cup the cup of the wrath of God. That's the image that used in scripture to describe it to fulfill the will of the father and do affect our salvation. There on the cross Jesus was forsaken in a way that he had never experienced before it was not the nails that the Roman soldiers Drew your drove through his hands that produce this great despair, but it was the Turning of the father from the Sun as he bore the sins of you and and of me. My God my God. Why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me from the words of my groaning? Oh my God, I Cry by day but you do not answer and by night I find no rest. The psalmist certainly was dealing with the great struggle in his own life as he pinned these words in that struggle is brought to bear on the person of Christ there on the cross and it's a struggle. That's a great one. It's not an insignificant struggle. It's on a despair. That's a fleeting this spear for a minor issue, but something exceedingly great.
Albert Schweitzer, who is a great secular biblical scholar looked at the statement of Jesus Christ on the cross my God my God. Why have you forsaken me and he concluded Jesus Christ believe that he was the Messiah, but when he was crucified, he was proven wrong and there on the cross. Jesus came to realize that he was not who he claimed to be Jesus there on the cross died with the greatest of Despair forsaken by God and broken in heart. That's always fascinating to me how much attention Evangelical biblical Christian Scholars a paid secular Scholars, but that was Albert schweitzer's position and many even when you read the words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 25, and you hear him safe my God my God, why hast Thou forsaken me your your your left in a moment of confusion trying to understand what Jesus was trying to express in that moment. Jesus was the one who taught his disciples to pray Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name. Jesus was the one who was the unique Son of God Loved by the father who listen to him. He listen to Hey There in Matthew 25. He testifies to his forsaken this in these moments. What exactly was Jesus saying? What are you saying that he had been completely forsaken by God and he lost his phone and lost his trust. We certainly experienced the forsakenness that he had never faced before as he bore the sins of mankind in that moment as the father turned his back because of the separation that sin brings you member there in the garden when Adam and Eve sinned against the Lord. Coe is the next thing that they did. They hid from the one with whom they used to walk in the coolness of the day because sin brings separation from God and that's simply on The Human Side when we recognize our own guilt and get the scriptures tell us plainly that God will not countenance our sin, but he is a god of wrath against what is evil in is wrong and any brings his rap out against evil in a powerful way. He does not wink at sin in anyway. And so when Jesus bore the sins of the world God's face was set against him and Jesus experience or forsaken this we as Believers because of what Christ has done. We'll never have to experience or sell Scriptures talk about hell is a place of Eternal fire, but it's a place where people will experience that separation in their being because their sin is not been atone for it will be a horrible place. My God my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? Why are you so far from My Cries From saving me? he was interesting about Psalm 22 is it is not as Albert Schweitzer believe a declaration of forsaken s It's a declaration of faithfulness.
The psalmist writes in Jesus pointed us to these words in verse 3, he goes on he cries out. Why have you forsaken me when he goes on yet You Are Holy. Enthroned on the Praises of Israel and you our father's trusted they trusted and you delivered them to you. They cried and her rescue in do they trusted and we're not put to shame what's going on here at this point in the psalm. The psalmist rides Jesus experience is the Forsaken this Of God Wrath of God against the sin of the world and yet he remembers the faithfulness of a God who has always proven faithful You Are Holy and thrown in the Praises of Israel and you are father's trusted they trusted and you delivered them. This is not the word of a person who has turned their back on God utterly forsaken with the belief that God has proven faithless. It's the words of one who in the midst of that forsaken. This is faithful and believing that God will prove Facebook as well. He's encouraging himself here in the midst of this very difficult circumstance that even here on the cross. Jesus is reminding himself of the faithfulness of his father. Jesus was not unaware that this was before or game plan of the father. Remember Peter's words to the crowds got ordained this event to come to past for the Salvation of many and Jesus willingly submitted himself to drink the cup of the fury of God's Wrath. Hey did not know do that ignorant of the fact that God would deliver the father did not say to his son drink down this cup and I'll choose what I'll do with the end. He knew that the father would deliver him, but he still had to go through the wrath of God in our place that he might endure it and then it might be overcome by God's grace and Resurrection. He talks about that experience and Bruce 6E talks about it this way, but I am a worm and not a man. Scorned by mankind and despised by the people all who see me mock me they make mouse at me. They wag their heads very imagery that Matthew uses of the crowds observed the crucified Christ. He trust in the Lord let him deliver him let him rescue him for he Delights in him. Jesus experienced this on the kroft the psalmist experienced in his life. He felt forsaken for the sake of something not that he had done wrong it seems but but but but for the others believed to be something that he had done wrong stay wag their heads at him and they stay mock him. And what is their greatest charge he trusted in the Lord let him rescue him. I think that they find most troubling is the safe that the individual who is suffering placed in the Lord in the midst of his circumstances. It's a very strange interaction. Yeah, that's exactly what happened at the cross. For the psalmist remembers again the faithfulness of the Lord not simply to the nation but to himself in a powerful way in verse 9 year accounts it get Urt who took me from the womb you made me trust you at my mother's breasts on you as I cast from my birth and from my mother's womb. You have been my God. How many Prophet that this would it ever be said it would be a powerful statement that God was faithful to them. He even from the time that they were conceived Jesus no greater statement could be made to the angel that appeared to Mary and what kind of greeting must this be married Houston and confusion and where the angel say to her where you're greatly loved by the Lord and and something. Uniques going to take place to the holy spirit is going to come upon you to the child in your womb will be called the Holy One. How will this be? A Mari asper? I'm a virgin. I've not yet been married as it could happen in the future. How's this going to come to pass will know it's going to come by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus took over and above any profit new the faithfulness of God from his birth from the womb from the very beginning. Reminds himself with the faithfulness of the father from the very beginning of his life in the midst of this forsaken moment be not far from me verse 11 for trouble is near and there is none to help. And it's remarkable because it's the portion of the song that seems to get clearer and clearer not in 1000 BC, but they are in 3380 mini bulls and Compass me strong Bulls of Bashan surround me. They open wide their mouths at me like a ravening in Roaring Lion. Listen to the language that follows. I am poured out like water all my bones are out of joint. My heart is like Wax it as well melted within me. My strength is dried up like a potsherd my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. You lay me in the dust of death. crucifixion I brought the joints of the sufferer out of joint and the swelling in the and the Damage that was done inside the body would would cause the the lungs to fill up with liquid such that the person being crucified struggle to breathe and they placed a little stool. So that that person could lift himself up just enough to gasp for breath before they fell back down and begin to suffer time and time and time again, this would happen sometimes for days until ultimately the individual asphyxiated from the swelling and liquids in the heart and lungs. It's remarkable as this song speaks. So clearly I pull and poured out like water all my bones are out of joint to my heart is like wax my strength is dried up as a potsherd dogs and Compass me a company of evildoers in circles me. They have pierced my hands and feet I can count on my bones. They stare and gloat over me that divided my garments among them and for my clothing they cast lots Roman soldiers would divide the garments of the individuals who were crucified but often they didn't have to cast lots, but in Jesus case, they did John R Accounts why when the soldiers that crucified Jesus John was the only one there of the Apostles. They took his garments and divided them into four parts. This is John 19:23, 1.3 each soldier soldier.
Woman in one piece from top to bottom so they send one another let us not tear it but cast lots for it to see who's it shall be. This was to fulfill the scripture which says they divided my garments among them and for my clothing they cast lots isn't it remarkable that by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit David a thousand years before basically. Like a court clerk records the events of Jesus's crucifixion and get it is not a Psalm of Despair. It turns in the midst of this suffering in the midst of the surrounding hordes of moles and lions who ravenously rip this one to shreds hit turn Ambrose 19th, but you oh Lord do not be far off. OU my help come quickly to my Aid deliver my soul from the stored my precious life from the power of the dog save me from the mouth of the lion you rescued me from the horns of the wild oxen. What's interesting is I said a little bit earlier on off and we can use the scriptures to interpret the scriptures and Psalm 22 is not simply referenced in Matthew's gospel but interesting ly enough, it's also referenced in the book of Hebrews in Chapter 2. It is the author of Hebrews talks about the Brotherhood that we share with Christ that he was like us in every way yet without sin and the hazard brother. He laid down his life for us. And what's interesting in Hebrews to his Hebrew to quotes Psalm 22, but it doesn't in a very unique way listen to what the author of Hebrews write speaking of Jesus. It was fitting that he for whom and by whom all things exist and bringing many sons to Glory should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering for He Who sanctifies and those two are Sanctified all have one source, that is why he is not ashamed to Call them brothers who is not ashamed to call them brothers. Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers. Say who is saying Jesus is saying and now a quote of Psalm 22. I will tell of your name to my brothers in the midst of the congregation. I will sing your praise. Do Hebrews chapter 2 tells us that song 22 are the words of Jesus Christ? Psalm 22 verse 19, but you oh Lord do not be far off OU my help come quickly to my Aid deliver my soul from the store my precious life from the power of the dog verse 22. I will tell of your name to my brothers in the midst of the congregation. I will praise you by Professor Schweitzer. This is not a song of forsaken s not in school, but it's a song of faithfulness your faithfulness of the Lord to his people to redeem them from their greatest foe, which was not the Roman. but the power of sin and death It's not a song of Port Sama forsaken this a Psalm of faithfulness is God Faithfully redeems his son. First 24 pretty does not despise or abhor the Affliction of The Afflicted and he has not hit in his face from him but has heard when he cried to him from you, miss my praise in the great congregation my vows I will perform before those who fear Him to be afflicted chop meat and be satisfied those who seek Him shall praise the Lord may your hearts live forever all the ends of the Earth shall remember and turn to the Lord in all the families of the nation that worship before you. For kingship Belongs to the Lord and He rules over the nation's it reminds me of the last conversation that Jesus had with pilot pilot. Jesus was brought before Pilate and Pilots question to Jesus was this so you're the king of the Jews? Jesus's response who told you that Pilot am I a Jew that I care about these things Jesus? I am a king, but my kingdom is not from this world. No thinks it belongs to the Lord and He rules over the nation's worst 28 all the prosperous of the earth eat and worship before him shall bow all to go down to the dust. Even the one who could not keep himself alive. And then we return to one of the most powerful statements at this song makes posterity Shall Serve him it shall be told of the lord of the coming generation. They shall come and Proclaim his righteousness. to a people yet Unborn for it is finished. It doesn't say that in your Bible. It says that he has done it. Jesus's first words there in the ninth hour my God my God, why hast Thou forsaken me and the boy you're sending mine and his body on the cross and endure God's Wrath against our evil ways that we might be forgiven that we might never have to experience that wrap it up ourselves. He was forsaken by the father, but he was forsaken for our steak and both God the father and the son crude faithful in that moment and Christ atone for the sins of the world. And so he cried at the end with his last words from the cross to tell us die. It is finished in the words of Psalm 22 pinned 1,000 years before Jesus was born were fulfilled in his death. Even if he would be exonerated by Resurrection as the father lifted him up to his very right hand. Today we celebrate communion. We remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We turn our attention to the Garden when Jesus prayed father take this cup from my hands. But if it's your will let it be done and Jesus Faithfully faced The Forsaken this of Sinners for our sake that we might be forgiven that we might be freed from the power of sin and death a freedom that we would never have been able to accomplish on our own. It's so Peter told the crowds on the day of Pentecost when they asked him what shall we then do you told them plainly confess Jesus Christ as Lord and be saved for this salvation is for you and for your children's children. On the cross Jesus was forsaken for us. But in his faithfulness to the father's task and in the father's faithfulness to his people he rose again that we might be reconciled to the God who loves us more than we can possibly imagine. Lord Jesus on the night. He was betrayed took bread and after you giving thanks, he broke it. Sing this is my body, which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me. The same way after supper. He took the cup. Sing this copies the cup of the New Covenant in my blood. As often as you drink it do this in remembrance of me whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the death of Jesus Christ until he comes again. . Covenant, we practice and open communion, which means if you put your faith in Christ, if you trusted the one who was forsaken for you that you might be forgiven then parte celebrate what Jesus has done on the depth of God's love for you if you don't put your faith in Jesus Christ yet then do so today. You do not want to experience God's Wrath against your sin. Jesus could barely endure it on the cross a certainly does not intend for you to face such judgment because he has faced it in your place is free you from that judgment and opened up a relationship with the father that he alone at least it once enjoyed but it's not open to us because of that atoning sacrifice as our kids come forward for communion at a border prayer. gracious and holy God
We didn't know who you were. And we sought to understand you gave us some signs not gray hair or blonde hair or blue eyes, but across that would shine forth in history or your son would be forsaken that Sinners Like Us might be forgiven. Are we see what you have done and we give you glory for your Mighty and merciful Acts. Or did we take in the cop in the bread and celebrate what you've done help us to search our hearts. It's in might no longer easily entangles us but that we might love you with a heart mind soul and strength and serve you and proclaim the good news of the gospel because of this great and faithful thing that you've done for us for sake and sinners. We pray all these things in Jesus. Mighty name. Amen.
the body of Christ broken for you
Buddy Christ broken
He was forsaken that we might be forgiven for God so loved the world that never believe you gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life. The body of Christ was broken for you.
black Russian for you
Christ was condemned that we might be called God Sons and Daughters for God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him the blood of Christ shed for you.
Stand and sing our closing song.