Lesson 03 - Andrew - John 01 35-40

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1.      We looked at Peter last week

a.       Just an ordinary guy

b.      Just like you and me

c.       Peter had a good traits

d.      Peter also had some bad traits

e.       Just an ordinary guy who God used in a MIGHTY way

f.       Peter seemed to have preeminence among the apostles was actually NOT the first disciple called

                                                              i.      It was ANDREW

                                                            ii.      His brother

2.      We know Peter was a very outgoing person

a.       Maybe you can’t identify with him

b.      When you look at the lives of the apostles you see such a diverse collection of personality

c.       May be you are not a Peter

d.      May be you are a Andrew

e.       Let us look at Andrew and see if we can identify with him



1.      Andrew lived in Bethsaida

a.       Small town northwest of the Sea of Galilee

John 1:44 Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter.

b.      There, he and his brother, Simon (who we know as Peter) were fishermen

c.       Name means Manly,  Mighty One or Conqueror

2.      As we read last week Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist

a.       One day as he, along with another disciple of John the Baptist, were listening to John the Baptist preach, Jesus walks by

b.      John the Baptist stops and says:


John 1:36 And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!

c.       Then Andrew along with another disciple of John the Baptist follow Jesus

                                                              i.      Believed this OTHER disciple was John

d.      Interestingly Jesus asks what they WANT

e.       Caught them off guard – didn’t know what to say,

f.       So like we do, when we don’t know what to say

g.      We ask

John 1:38 Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou?

h.      “Where do you live?”

                                                              i.      Always a PROFOUND question to ask

3.      Conversation did NOT end there

a.       John does not tell us what transpired

b.      What Jesus said

c.       Or what else Andrew asked

d.      BUT whatever was said, it CONVINCED Andrew that Jesus is the Christ

e.       Andrew now becomes a disciple of Jesus

f.       Andrew, along with probably John, become the first to believe that Jesus is the Messiah

John 1:41b … We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.

4.      It is ALWAYS difficult to step out by faith

a.       Remember when you stepped out in faith and walked that isle in response to the invitational call

                                                              i.      It was SCARY

                                                            ii.      It took COURAGE

                                                          iii.      It took FAITH

b.      When there is a ministry that needs to be filled at church

                                                              i.      It is NOT easy to be the first to volunteer

                                                            ii.      Kinda of like being in the army

1.      All VOLUNTEERS step forward

2.      EVERYONE takes one step BACK

c.       Andrew stepped forward

                                                              i.      That took courage



5.      Back to John 1:41

John 1:41 He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.

a.       Another FIRST in Andrew’s life

b.      The first person he tells about Jesus is his BROTHER

                                                              i.      Simon

6.      The FIRST thing we did when we were saved was tell our loved ones

a.       Tell our FAMILY

b.      Tell our FRIENDS

c.       Telling them we found JESUS

d.      Inviting them to find Jesus TOO

John 1:42a And he brought him to Jesus. …

e.       Andrew brought his brother to Jesus

f.       And his brother was SAVED too

7.      Andrew had to SHARE Jesus

a.       He couldn’t keep it a secret

b.      EVERY TIME we invite someone to church

c.       EVERY TIME we invite someone to Sunday School

                                                              i.      We are being LIKE Andrew

d.      Our churches need MORE Andrew’s

John 15:8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.



1.      Andrew rates down there with the fewest recorded words

a.       You will find less than 20 of Andrews’ words record

b.      Yet what you find tells A LOT about Andrew

2.      We find Andrew there amidst the feeding of the 5,000

a.       Certainly it was late in the afternoon

b.      Certainly the people where hungry

c.       Certainly the disciples were NOT prepared for such a large turnout

d.      Jesus takes this opportunity to give His disciples a little test

                                                              i.      He asks Philip where they could BUY some food

John 6:5-6 When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do.

                                                            ii.      Philip answers:

John 6:7 Philip answered him, Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little.

                                                          iii.      A penny (denarius) was a common day’s wage

                                                          iv.      Talking about the equivalent of thousands of dollars

                                                            v.      Still not enough to feed 5,000 people

3.      Andrew was looking for an answer

John 6:9 There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?

a.       Andrew has no idea of what was about to happen

b.      BUT Andrew wanted to be ready

c.       Jesus tells His disciples to sit down

d.      THEN he gets the boys lunch

                                                              i.      Just 5 small pieces of bread

                                                            ii.      AND two little fish

e.       From that Jesus will feed the 5,000 plus

4.      Andrew was not content to sit back and do nothing

a.       When Jesus first asked about feeding the 5,000

b.      Andrew immediately went out into the masses

c.       Andrew got to work trying to FIND food

d.      Andrew is trying to make EVERYONE comfortable

e.       Andrew had a SERVANT attitude

f.       Many years later Paul would write of such an ATTITUDE

Phil 2:4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

5.      Andrews of today are always looking for ways to help another in church

a.       They are greeters

b.      They are ushers

c.       They operate the sound system

d.      They serve in the nursery

6.      The Andrews are always busy working in the background

a.       Not having to be in the FRONT

b.      Not having to receive RECOGNITION for every thing they do

c.       They are simply doing all they can to advance the CAUSE of Christ

d.      Are you an Andrew?



1.      We have read of that INNER circle around Jesus

a.       Read of ‘Peter, James and John’

b.      The FOURTH name listed is Andrew

c.       In the early ministry of Jesus there were only THESE four

d.      Eight more would be added LATER

2.      Wonder what Andrew thought when his brother Peter became the leader of this small group?

a.       Wonder if Andrew questioned the Lord bypassing him and selecting Peter?

b.      Wonder if Andrew questioned why he was not in that INNER group

c.       Not that we would have ever entertained such thoughts

3.      Andrew was NOT a leader

a.       His personality

b.      His abilities

                                                              i.      Were not that of a leader

4.      It was NOT that Jesus loved Andrew LESS

a.       It was simply Andrews ministry would be DIFFERENT from that of Peter, James and John

b.      Maybe Andrews UNDERSTOOD what Jesus said

Matt 20:16 So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

5.      After the feeding of the 5,000, we hear of Andrew only ONE time

a.       Peter, James and John are mentioned MANY times

b.      They are in the SPOTLIGHT

c.       Andrew is serving in the background

d.      He is quietly doing God’s Work

e.       You find no mention that Andrew RESENTED his position

f.       He QUIETLY and FAITHFULLY served

g.      What a wonderful example he is to all of us

Rom 12:10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

h.      Came across a great saying:

“The most difficult instrument to play in life is that of second fiddle”

i.        We all can’t play the FIRST fiddle, but we certainly can play that SECOND fiddle

6.      Tradition tells us that Andrew was killed in Greece when the local governor became enraged when his wife and brother became CHRISTIANS thru the preaching of Andrew

a.       Tradition also tells us that he felt so UNWORTHY to die on the same cross as Jesus and asked to be crucified on an X shape cross

                                                              i.      Later this type of cross would be called the ANDREW cross

b.      Reported that he lingered several days on that cross

c.       Reported also that he tried to lead passersby’s to the Lord

Heb 6:10 For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.








1.      Andrew’s outstanding trait was one of a SERVANT

a.       Always trying to HELP others

b.      Always trying to SERVE others

2.      Andrew REACHED out

a.       First to his own brother

b.      Then to those he met

3.      Andrew did not have to play FIRST fiddle

a.       He was content, he was happy for the PRIVILEGE to just serve Jesus

4.      Andrew was NOT one of the greatest of the apostles

a.       Yet he had sound common sense

b.      He was sure

c.       He was steady

d.      He kept on keeping on

e.       Bottom line = He was DEPENDABLE


5.      All About The Apostle Andrew

a.       Only three things are mentioned about Andrew in the Bible:

                                                              i.      He brought his own brother to Jesus (John 1:42).

                                                            ii.      He brought a lad with a simple lunch to Jesus (John 6:8, 9).

                                                          iii.      He brought the Greeks to Jesus (John 12:22).

b.      That is all we know about Andrew.

c.       Unnoticed, unappreciated, all but forgotten, but what a ministry was his.

d.      Without Andrew, there would not have been that great preacher of Pentecost, Peter.

e.       Without Andrew the hungry multitudes would not have been fed nor the Greeks brought to Christ!

f.       Tradition tells us one of these Greeks was Luke, the physician, who wrote the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.

g.      In heaven, Andrew's name will stand high as the man who knew how to bring souls to Christ.

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