I AM: The Light of the World
I. Jesus’ six _______ ___________ :
1.) ______ of the ______ 2.) _______ by the __________
3.) _______ _________ 4.) _________ of this ________
5.) ________ for the _______ 6.) ________ __________
II. What does the Light of the World mean?
A. The __________ __________ in ___________
B. The _________ of ___________
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
C. The _________ of _________
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
D. The ________ of the ________
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
III. The _________ of Jesus being the Light of the World
A. ________ to the __________
B. __________ to the __________
C. __________ to those in __________
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
IV. What does it mean to _________ the ________?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Going deeper
Use these questions in your devotional time or discuss them around the dinner table.
1. Read John 3:19-20. Why has humanity chosen darkness over the Light? What does this dark inclination reveal about the human problem?
3. How do we as Christians struggle with choosing the Light over the darkness?
4. Why do you think we fail to walk in the light?
6. How will you endeavor to shine the light of Christ into the darkness this week?
7. Pray for strength to follow the light and the power to shine brightly for Christ in your life.