Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The Truths of Revival-1-OT -Jacob_SUN 09-21-08
! § Introduction {TT – Genesis 28}
!! w We’re going on a mutual journey – to discover –
!!! Ÿ *The Truths of Revival*
!!!! Þ Every Christian speaks and thinks of revival.
!!!!! § All true Christians want revival.
!!!!!! w Note: all who call themselves Christians aren’t.
I know.
For years I considered myself a Christian, but wasn’t.
!!!! Þ But not all Christians have a clear understanding of it.
!!!!! § Like the weather – we talk about it, but …
!!!!!! w … until the last 50 years, not well understood.
!!!!! § One mark of developing wisdom is …
!!!!!! w … realizing how little we know.
IE: During hurricanes Gustav & Ike
Meteorologists kept referring to Cone of Uncertainty.
Represents demarcation between what we know & don’t know.
!! w My assignment is to take a detailed look into subject: Revival:
!!! Ÿ What it is; What it isn’t.
!!! Ÿ How and why it starts.
!!! Ÿ How to recognize it.
!!! Ÿ How and why they end.
!!! Ÿ Even take a look at what we don’t know!!!
!! w Going to look at it from two viewpoints:
!!! Ÿ Scriptural History.
!!! Ÿ Post Biblical History (Revivals since Bible completed.)
!! w Look at the impact that Revival has:
!!! Ÿ How it affects individuals.
!!! Ÿ How it affects groups.
!!! Ÿ How it affects churches and movements.
!!! Ÿ How it affects those outside of the Body of Christ.
!! w No idea how long this will take.
This is a huge topic.
!!!! Þ I’ve studied it for 20 years and still feel like a novice.
!!! Ÿ So Lord will guide us as to how at He wants us …
!!!! Þ … to benefit from this study.
!! w Ask you all to pray for and with me over this study.
!!! Ÿ Let’s grow together in the things of God, Amen?
É Begin in the O.T.:
§ Jacob’s Return to Bethel - A Revival of One.
!! w One of earliest stories of Revival.
!! w Keep in mind – Jacob a real, normal person.
!!! Ÿ Jacob – *supplanter - * n : one who wrongfully or illegally seizes and holds the place of another [syn: usurper]
!!! Ÿ Born a twin (Esau) of Isaac and Rebekah.
!!!! Þ At time of birth father (Isaac) was about 60.
!!!! Þ Grandfather was about 160.
!!! Ÿ Had a quiet and gentle disposition like his father, but …
!!!! Þ … he also had a selfish, sneaky side.
!!!!! § Tricked brother into trading his birthright for …
!!!!!! w … a bowl of red bean stew (Chili?).
!!!!!! w Birthright:
Ÿ Double portion of family estate.
Ÿ Judicial authority over the next generation.
!!!!! § With help from mother, tricked father (Isaac) into …
!!!!!! w … giving him the blessing of the elder son.
!!!!!! w Blessing:
Ÿ Becomes spiritual link from Abraham.
Ÿ Conduit for the Abrahamic Covenant
!!!!! § Think of it:
!!!!!! w In natural- should have been:
Ÿ Abraham, Isaac, and Esau!!!
Ä I believe Esau could have recouped his legacy.
His sin, was not respecting God and his inheritance.
A major sin, yet today!
Had he repented of that sin, I believe God may have …
… intervened, but :
*/® Hebrews 12:16-17 (NKJV) - /*16lest there /be/ any fornicator or profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright.
17For you know that afterward, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought it diligently with tears.
!!! Ÿ Jacob flees to Haran to Rebecca’s brother, Laban.
!!!! Þ On way has “Jacob’s Ladder” Dream at Bethel
!!!!! § Bethel = “House of God”
!!!!! § God confirms the covenant blessing.
!!!!! § Jacob completes the covenant by a vow:
*/Genesis 28:20-22 (NKJV) - /*20Then Jacob made a vow, saying, “If God will be with me, and keep me in this way that I am going, and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on, 21so that I come back to my father’s house in peace, then the Lord shall be my God.
22And this stone which I have set as a pillar shall be God’s house, and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth /[Tithe] /to You.”
!!!! Þ Not a minor event!!!
!!!!! § Think about it – Jacob didn’t qualify for God’s blessing …
!!!!!! w … any more than Esau did, except for HERE!!!
*/® Romans 3:23 (KJV) - /*23For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
!!!! Þ Said another way:
!!!!! § “Believing and Confessing God’s blessing is …
!!!!!! w … God’s means to salvation (blessing).
!!! Ÿ Make a mental note:
!!!! Þ THIS was a type of salvation.
!!!! Þ THIS represents when Jacob “got saved.”
Ä Didn’t get “born again” back then, but they did “accept the Messiah”!!!
!!!! Þ Why so important?
This is when he got “Vived”.
!!!! Þ For a person~/group to be REvived, they must first …
!!!!! § … have been Vived!
!! w Jacob goes off and falls in love with Rachel.
!!! Ÿ Agrees to work for her father for 7 years for her hand.
!!! Ÿ Laban deceives him and substitutes …
!!!! Þ … Rachel’s older sister, Leah.
!!!!! § (Jacob reaps some real problems from …
!!!!!! w … his days of deception here.)
!!! Ÿ He agreed to work another 7 yrs for Rachel.
!!!! Þ For some time we hear nothing more concerning …
!!!!! § … Jacob’s devotion toward the Lord, except, ….
< .5
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