Part 32, The Heavenly New Jerusalem
The Glorious City
Poem LLS page 207, 1946 MM
Through eyes of faith I once could see,
Afar across the distant plain,
A City beckoning to me,
Inviting me to there remain.
It was a City built to stand
The ravages of endless time,
All fashioned by a mighty Hand;
Whose subjects lived in peace sublime.
It offered all who would abide
Within its borders honor great,
And wealth, with length of days, beside,
To joy in such a high estate.
And so I fell beneath its spell
(How sweet the influence divine!)
And longed that I might some day dwell
Where such rare blessings could be mine.
With passing years my vision clears,
Or so it seems, for I behold
Within its gates are shed no tears
By those who walk its streets of gold.
On twelve foundations rest its walls,
The words of the Apostles true;
And when the Lamb His servants calls,
His will with joy they quickly do.
This glorious City needs no sun,
Nor moon, to furnish aught of light,
For where the will of God is done
His glory makes the pathway bright.
It’s gates are never shut by day—
And night is never known to those
Who dwell within; there is no place
For sin its follies to disclose.
A river, clear as crystal, pure,
Flows through the City, giving life
To multitudes who rest secure
From weary days of toil and strife.
The Lord its Temple is, and there,
In worship at His feet they fall
For blessings all so richly share
Whoever heed His loving call.
Dear John, beloved of the Lord,
To you my debt is great indeed,
For giving me this lovely view
Of what is waiting if I heed
The warnings sounded through the years.
Now I must hasten to complete
My work, lest it be in arrears,
So I the faithful there can meet.
Oh, happy day, when, free from sin,
That glorious City we can see,
And, being righteous, dwell within,
Enjoying immortality.
Now let us work, and watch, and pray,
And watch, and pray, and work some more,
Lest we be lacking in that day,
And miss those glories held in store.