Luke 18:18-30 - The Missing Ingredient

Outcasts - Luke: a Gospel for the Rejected  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  46:51
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When a rich, young ruler comes to Jesus in search of a way to inherit eternal life, he seems like the ideal prospect - a very "good" guy on many accounts. But the words of the Great Physician diagnose a severe problem with his heart - good people aren't good enough for a perfect God. "Good" people, like all people, have a missing ingredient in their lives. They need God's grace to make the difference. So Jesus challenges the man to give up the idols which hold his heart behind the veneer of outward goodness, and this man's sad refusal presents a challenge for any of us who would allow something less than what Jesus offers us by His grace take the throne of our hearts. Could you be missing that key ingredient? Listen in to find out.

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