Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Title: Clean House (Get ready for God to move)
Text: 2 Chron 14:2-15
*Intro*: I was watching a TV commercial the other morning for Public Storage.
The seen was women going into the garage but all that you saw was clutter and no place left to put anything else in, move or even to go inside.
You didn’t even know what she was looking for in the garage until she pressed her car alarm trying to find her car among the clutter.
She could not see the car nor get to it because other stuff that occupied the space that was reserved for the car.
My brothers and sisters, when I looked at this commercial I could not help but think about how much stuff we put in the space that should only be reserve for God.
We want God to move in our lives but we have too much stuff blocking Him or we have things in our lives that hinder us from getting to him.
If this is case, it is time to clean house so God can have room to move on your behalf.
If you want a move of God in your life you are going to have to move some things first.
Our story today is about the reign of King Asa of Judah after the Davidic Kingdom is divided.
Here in verse 2 we see something about King Asa’s character.
The text says that he did what was good and what was right before the Lord his God.
What makes his actions so important is the fact that his predecessor, his father King Abijah did not do what was right before God.
His daddy didn’t love God.
First Kings 15 tells us that King Abijah walked in the sins of his father and his heart was not devoted to the Lord his God.
But King Asa did.
This tells me a something.
That just because my parents act a certain way and did certain things that are not pleasing to God that does not mean that I have to do it.
I can make my own decisions to do right by the Lord.
King Asa did right in God’s eyes.
He had a life pleasing to God.
He was upright with a heart for God like his father David who was a man after God own heart.
What I am trying to say about King Asa is that he had the heart of a worshipper.
Being a worshipper is a lifestyle.
/Worship is one’s heart expression of love, adoration and praise to God with an attitude and acknowledgement of God’s supremacy and Lordship.
/ King Asa’s action proved that God was first and foremost in his life.
Church, our actions should tell likewise.
However, this is not the case with many of us who call ourselves believers.
We put everything and everybody on the throne of God therefore not worshiping Him as the Lord of our lives.
Moses in the OT and Jesus in the NT tells us /to love the Lord with all your heart with all your soul and with all your might./
This is essence of worship.
Somebody might be saying “rev I worship, I praise, I clap, I say my thank you Jesus’.
This is not worship my friend.
We get it twisted.
There is a difference between praise and worship.
/Praise is a vocalize expressing of glorifying and exalting God and also directed to others about God./ Worship is your intimate connection that moves us to the faith realm of His presence.
The act of worship satisfies both our desire to honor God and His desire for us to be fulfilled.
If you can imagine a puppy dog coming up to his owner with bright eyes and licks of affection which says “you are the most important person in the world to me.
I am here to serve you and obey everything you say.
Through a stick and I will fetch it” This how we should be our attitude when we worship God.
True worship must have a singular focus on God.
Everything else must be removed or set aside so the worshiper can come face to face with the Lord.
This is what King Asa does.
Look at what he does in verse 3. “/For he took away the altars of the strange gods, and the high places, and break down the images//// and cut down the groves:” /He removed from Judah any type of idol.
Anything man made image or idolatrous worship apparatus was removed.
He took everything away to make room for the true and living God.
My brothers and sister we have to do the same thing.
The Lord must be predominant in our lives.
Know that God is a gentleman.
He won’t fight for space or our attention.
That is why He does not compete with you sin.
He just turns you over it.
When we consciously sin in essence we are saying we want it more than we want Him.
He is not going to sit around and be second while everything else is first (your job, position, money, you).
His presence will not be there.
He is God alone.
He doesn’t need you.
You need him.
If you want God to reign in your life, you got to make some room.
You may have to remove some stuff physically, but it first starts with remove stuff in your heart.
You got to open up your heart and clear the way so King can come in!
Not only do we have to remove some things for God to move in our lives, we have /seek and obey God/.
Look at verse 4. King Asa /commands Judah to seek the Lord God… and to do the law and commandment/.
First of all, when we seek God we will find Him.
But in essence He finds us when we worship.
Jesus tells us that when we worship in Spirit and in truth, he actually He seeks us.
Worship sends a SOS to God! It puts you immediately in His presence.
But seeking God is not going to doing anything if we don’t obey what we find in Him.
Obedience is the key to having favor with God.
When you obey you are lining up to the will of God.
You are connected to the source as vine is connected to the branches.
This connection releases blessing and power!
So if you want power you got to stay connected.
Your obedience to God’s word is that connection.
But look at the benefits thru King Asa of a worshiper who of removes stuff, seeks and obeys God.
The text tells us in verse 5b that the kingdom was quiet.
How many of you just want some peace and quiet in your life?
How many of you just want all the fightimg and frustration to stop even just for a little while?
King Asa had peace for ten years.
He brought presence of God back to Judah and God gave him rest and peace for a season.
Before this Judah had been at war because of disobedience and idol worship.
This warns us to check ourselves if we are at war.
Maybe we are disobedience and our worship ain’t right?
This may be the cause of some of your strife and problems in your life.
Even though God’s presence is everywhere and His goodness is all round, we still have to war with enemy.
King Asa knew this.
In verse 6 King Asa shows great leadership skills while his kingdom was quiet and had rest from war.
King Asa used this time wisely by doing some preventative maintenance for any attack.
The text says that he built fenced cities at this time.
Rest does not constitute complacency.
Rest is a necessary temporal condition so we can refocus and be refreshed so we can live, serve and even fight effectively spiritually.
My beloved always take time to strengthen anything that is weak in your life.
The enemy looks to attack your weakness.
So while you are getting your rest, build up your strength to protect yourself!
Verse 7 tells us that King Asa built walls, towers, gates and bars.
We have to do the same spiritually.
My beloved start building walls to fortify your life.
Build towers of prayer so you can see the enemy coming.
< .5
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