Reasonable Christian Service
It is often asked by dedicated belivers, "What is it God wants from us?" This is a question around which pivots the essence of true religion. The Old Testament prophet, Micah sought to answer it this way, "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"
The apostle Paul comes to a crescendo in his letter to the Church at Rome as he reflects upon what has been said in the previous 11 chapters...He says, "THEREFORE"...
-depravity of man
-refusal to repent
-men are lost and deserve hell
-Abraham believed God and we are justified by faith
-No condemnation in Christ
-God chose us in Christ by a sovereign act of Grace
-we did nothing good to be selected
THEREFORE...I come along side you and plead with you...
I. Christian Worship is a Response to the Grace of God
Three Wonders In Heaven
John Newton said, “When I get to heaven I shall see three wonders there. The first wonder will be, to see many people there whom I did not expect to see—the second wonder will be, to miss many people whom I did expect to see; and the third and greatest wonder of all, will be to find myself there.”
II. Christian Worship is a voluntary,defininte(Aorist, active,Inf.), presentation of the Self- only thing you own
A. For the purpose of intimacy
B. For the purpose of Argument (prove)
III. Christian Worship is Living Proof of truth
Illustrations: Two living sacrifices in Bible-Issac, Jesus
A. Determination against negative peer influence (Conformed)
B. Determination to take on a different form (Metamorphoo)
1. Renewing your mind
Through the word and prayer - Mind controls body and will controls the mind.
IV. Christian Worship at it Purest is a Corporate Decision
"You" Plural
Illustration - Typical American
A United Press survey found that the “typical American” is a twenty-seven-year-old who does not read one book a year. He is materialistic, satisfied with small pleasures, bored with theological disputations. Although he may attend church twenty- seven times a year, he is not interested in the supernatural. He is concerned with neither heaven nor hell. In fact, he has no interest whatever in immortality. His principal interests are football, hunting, fishing, and car-tinkering.
He is part of a greater body of people just like himself, who are religious, like Baby Jesus, Christmas and Easter, but know little of the living for Christ and the standing for moral righteousness.