Part 6: Leave a Lasting Legacy
Are you ready to see?
Oh, good morning. Good to see you again. And that Jill thanks for welcoming. Everybody. Great job in the front of DJ live here.
Awesome job. I'm curious with your life of your thought about this. Do you want to leave a legacy with your life? Have you ever considered what your legacy might be? What's the obituaries going to read? the week of your funeral
what's going to be on your Tombstone? And that's the topic this morning and I wonder if you know what you get into your life group this week. One of the things that you're going to do is actually right, but we're calling a tombstone tweets. 50 words or less? What would be what do you hope? Is that about you? After you're gone. Cuz everyone has this date circled in red on their calendar and it's an appointment a meeting with your maker. And unless they might be the day he returns it also might be the day that you move on. Your life apart from this Earth, but in any case it's there for you and one guy in particular. I don't know if you've heard of this name. I bet you have Alfred Nobel. Have you heard of him? I need to know his first name, but you know his last name, but it once said that every man should get the chance to write his own obituary. That's what he said. He made the statement after spending as the latter part of his life rewriting his own. Alfred Nobel was a scientist and a Swedish chemist who invented dynamite in 1866 and his invention made him very wealthy and I gave Looney Tunes a lot of material to work with has used it in so many different ways over the course of his life. He held over 350 patents in over 20 countries. And in 1888 22 years later his brother Ludwig died. All the papers got it wrong and they thought Alfred had died and they published an obituary for Alfred and here's what was written. They called him The Merchant of death because he had devised a way to kill more human beings than ever in the history of warfare and he died a very rich man because of it.
Alfred had the dubious privilege of being able to read his obituary in the paper the next morning if you read your obituary and it said something like that about you he was The Merchant of Death kill more people than anybody answering Warfare and then he made a ton of money from it, but you can imagine how that might have struck him. It changed him forever and he decided then and there that Dynamite would not be his legacy. He decided that wasn't going to be his legacy and he wrote a different ending to his life. Not today, how many of you knew that offer. Nobel was the one who invented dynamite? Two-headed most of you. What is your name for? The Peace Prize in all the other prizes in his name different ending to his wife and now we don't associate is named primarily with dynamite. But primarily with the Nobel Peace Prize that there's a whole slew of them with his name on it. I wondered if somebody was to write the obituary of your life today. What would they write? But when ink free read tomorrow. I would like to do.
Would you be remembered? What's the lasting Legacy of of Investments like we talked about last week, or would you be left with the lasting Legacy of?
And okay wise but there's not much to be said now going forward.
I'm going to show you this morning it it's not too comfortable to think about. That is it? But I want to show you that the power of the Gospel can change your legacy. Jesus can change your legacy. And we've already said the legacy of Our Lives is closely related to our investments and Alfred. Nobel is life. Is it is Aquila stration of that? But the question is I mentioned last week. What are you investing? Are you investing in God's plans and his dream in his best for your life. Are you investing in something else that's going to pay off in a totally different way one day with that. Let's pray father. Thanks for Jesus. Thank you Lord that Even if we've was the lights that might be out by all accounts wasted up until this point our lives are not wasted Jesus you that have life in front of us were breathing we have agency to make decisions and follow you into turn to you and invest in your plans for our life. And so Lord. I pray that as we reach the topic this morning, would you in a way that only you can buy your spirit? Draws closer to Jesus in and draw our hearts and our minds and our affections toward him and leaving a legacy that honors him with our lives. No matter how much time we might have left. That's the only thing that will last Lord. I pray against the enemy he would cause us to focus merely on the here and now but Jesus as we sang you are the king of glory and we look to you both today. And for our Eternal future. It's in your name. We pray. Amen. Well this morning we're going to be in Jeremiah 33 and we're wrapping up this series called 20/20 vision for life and we've been kind of dipping in and out of the book of Jeremiah and looking at his life and even though his example and some of the prophecies that the Lord spoke through him not to give us a glimpse of what's it look like to live a life on purpose according to how I've been designed according to the gifts. God has given me putting off we talked about putting off our false self and put it on our true selves. We talked about investing in the future and not just living a life that we just kind of take it as it comes, but we really truly focus our investments in a way that would bring Jesus Glory others good and hot and us to Joy. And really is we wrap this up. We're kind of talking about invitation this morning for you to think about your future. And what's the lightest your future for the future after you? After Josh what's life look like when you're gone. What's your legacy? Jeremiah chapter 33 if you want to turn there with me again. I'm going to be starting verse 14 and 14 starts like this. Call the days are coming declares the Lord that phrase the days are coming that shows up 16 times in the book of Jeremiah 7 times that it pops up. It refers to a coming destruction and their Exile in those days but nine of those times. It actually refers to God's blessing and the fact that he's going to blast them yet again, if you remember if you've been around if you haven't, let me catch you up early briefly. Some of the context here is Jeremiah's been a profit for decades to the southern Kingdom of Judah and the northern tribes have been taken into Exile a hundred and fifty years prior because of their sin and now has being exiled as well. They're being conquered by King Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon and for decades Jeremiah's been like listen, you need to turn back or the same thing that happened to them is going to happen to us and then sure enough is happening. And once it starts happening is like listen that your best bet is I just let it happen. This is the Lord's plan it in a sense. He's telling them give up and we saw last Sunday that King zedekiah is like no, I don't like that. We're not giving up or rebelling and he puts Jeremiah in prison in the prison Palace, right and the chair but the Lord of Lord keeps coming to Jeremiah. I need he buys this field as a sign of investment which really makes no sense humanly speaking but it makes total sense in that. It is prophesied to the fact that God is not done with this people, even though there's been destruction and it's been hard. There's coming a day or his Blessing will retire he hasn't given up. This is just the time. discipline for them 7 of those times of in those days are about the destruction nine of those though our about the blessing that he's going to bring back to them. In this case, we're talking about the future blessing because he says behold the days are coming because Lord when I will fulfill the promise that I made to the house of Israel into the house of Judah. Jeremiah and the God's people didn't mean in the midst of the Exile in the midst of being taken off. Says. Listen. I haven't forgotten my promise and the days are coming. I'm going to fulfill it where I'm going to prosper you and there's a hope for you and there's good things ahead.
Their own decisions too feminine or God resulted in some harsh consequences in their lives, but they maybe even felt like they totally ruined any chance of ever using them or loving them were being kind to them again because there's no no no, my grace is dependent on my goodness. Not yours. Oh my goodness. God says. It's on the days are coming of his promises. And how is Sovereign plans? Like they can't be sorted even by our sin. Listen if you turned radically away from the Lord.
If you have and your breathing. If you would return to him, he's not done with you. He Longs for you to return He Longs for you to come back to him. Is a god of Second Chances and a third fourth fifth and sixth for that matter. He loves you and his forgiveness is not based on your good works. It's based on Cheese's good works. I'm his goodness and the story that God is right and what we're going to see her this morning is the story that he's riding the Legacy. He's leaving it will come to pass and even our sin cannot afford it even the scent of his people here in this case.
2nd Timothy 2:13 says even if we're not faithful who is faithful. Jesus says even when we are Unfaithful he is faithful. But somebody's got you in his hand. He's got you in his hand trust him. The Fulfillment of his promises are dependent. I'm his will not our good works and it when Jeremiah prophesied in chapter 33 Judah is on the brink of collapse in the not-too-distant future Jerusalem's going to become a desolate waste everything will be destroyed so much already has but there's coming a day where it will all be destroyed and it might feel like the final word to its people but it's not it's just a chapter in the story. And what's happening in the passage this morning is God is simply reminding Jeremiah of his Covenant and that he keeps his promises. The legacy is going to be of God's faithfulness. It's going to be a vis faithfulness and he's going to see that Covenant fulfilled in part of that Covenant with his people by the way, you're going to see this in a second since I bring it up is that there's going to be somebody raining on David's throne. And that the Levites are there going to be ministering in the temple. So let's keep reading. In those days that that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David. Does France have a capital B? Please. Branch might be it's usually right, it's Jesus. VSP capitalizes it even to give us that clue a branch from his roots will bear fruit. And in that we're looking forward to our talk about Jesus coming. What's the same topic here? Because look at what else that says about this branch and Jeremiah 33 verse 15. He shall execute Justice and righteousness in the land. In other words. He'll do what's just I'll do what's right and he'll bring righteousness to his people. The great promise and Isaiah 11 on the screen his Delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. This is speaking of Jesus and of the branch mentioned herein Jeremiah, you shall not judge by what is IC or decide disputes between his ears here, but with righteousness is diesel judge the poor and decide with equity for the meek of the earth initial strike the Earth with the rod of his mouth with the breadth of his lips. He shall kill the wicked. Righteousness shall be the belt of his waist and faithfulness the belt of his wines. Jesus execute Justice will always do what's right, but he will also enable us to do what's right. Righteousness will be given to us through this branch. That's great news to give you little sneak peek next week. We're starting a new series based on Micah 6:8 says what does the Lord require of you but to walk humbly with your God? Jesus is the perfect example of that here. We read about him doing Justice and love and mercy and walking humbly with the Lord. And if those days were 16 Judah will be saved in Jerusalem will dwell securely. And this is the name by which it will be called. The Lord is our righteousness e the Lord is our righteousness. If you become a Christian, here's what happens when you become a Christian you put your faith in your trust in Jesus and Martin Luther describe it and called it The Great Exchange. And you wrap up it's a gift exchange you wrap up all your filth and all your sin and you hand it over to Jesus and he raps off all his goodness and all his righteousness and he hands it over to you. And what was credited to your account is not credited to his and what school it was credited to his account. Perfect righteousness is now in your account. And the Lord Jesus himself is your righteousness to see it has nothing to do with your good works. But everything to do with his good works. That's how God can save you can save me because Jesus gives me his righteousness and anything they're going to be safe there going to be secure because the Lord is your righteousness. The days of this for them of these things half a tank of the branch coming for that like 500 years away when Jesus shows up and in terms of him, finally bring complete righteousness to everyone who's tried his trusted him. That's at least 2,500 years away. That's about where we are right now in case you wondered and he is going to finish what he started. And that's great news, and these promises will be fulfilled last week. We asked us what you're investing in in your life. And if you're investing for God's best and we said that that investing is really an Act of Faith because Investments pay off in the future and the faith is believing what God's word is said Jesus is going to save you that he's going to make you knew he's going to make you clean and acting upon it putting your faith in him. No matter how you feel even in circumstances or doesn't make any sense because he promised is a good result will this morning here at work were seeing the ultimate good result, which is when Jesus returns. That is the ultimate good result.
Pic of God keeps all his promises in those days for 16. Judah will be staying Jerusalem. Will. Securely and the name by which it will be called. The Lord is our righteousness for thus says the Lord David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the House of Israel. He promised there's going to be a righteous King on the throne, but we know that's going to be Jesus. But in this moment in these circumstances, what do you think the people thought? Oh, man, we send we turned our back on the Lord now. We're being stalked by the Babylonians were all going into exile. Our Legacy is this loss like our lives are done. There's no hope for me. No. Hope for my future. I got those no, no. No, I'm going to keep my promises. Yeah, you messed up the other consequence, but you can trust me. I'm good turn to me because there is still going to be a king on David's throne. Davidson never like a man on his phone all the way that's going to be Jesus and then Verse 18 full of Pinnacle preschool never lack a man in my presence to offer burnt offerings to burn grain offerings to make sacrifices forever profits. Are those like Jeremiah who speak to the people for God right in the Old Testament the priests are those who speak to God for the people? To intercede for them and end God is promising that the priests are going to continue serving. There's that there's going to be someone to intercede for you will just like Jesus as the king to sit on David's Throne. Jesus is our high priest we read he's the one who is our ultimate mediator between us and God. And he's the one who represents us with his righteousness. Before a holy imperfect God he's always interceding for us in his sacrifice for sin is once and for all. In fact, he continues to be your Advocate if you ever thought about what business would I have standing before a holy and awesome and mighty sinless God.
ever thought about frightening that would be
Imagine it apart from the reconciling work of Jesus on your behalf. I've been making you clean before God has forgiven you. This is great news what genre is he says my little children. I'm writing these things to you so that you may not send but if anyone does soon we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous. He's alright this mess. That's great news in Romans that says who's The Condemned Christ of the one who died. Prices on he died for you. There's one God the rights to Timothy one mediator between humanity and God the man Jesus Christ. Frontiers your only hope Jesus himself said I am the way the truth the life no one comes to the father but through me. Is the ultimate fulfillment of God's promise? What is the Legacy that God is leaving you an opportunity to be part of us as Christians. We know that they were talking about Jesus. It's all about Jesus. That's why we say this. You must dancing before God has nothing to do with Josh's goodness. Cuz I fall. Eternally short of God's glory and of his goodness, but guess what I have a savior is giving me his righteousness has made me clean his made me new who's totally forgiven me past present future. And that I can be secure standing in him. It's all about him. It's not about us, but you agree.
So do you want to leave a legacy then? I mean if it's all about Jesus what that means if you want to leave a legacy, you need to connect your story to the greatest story. That's ever been told. What's the lasting Legacy? Your legacy. Like literally into eternity. Connect your story with the greatest story, but the story of Jesus. With what he's done for you with who he is leaving a lasting Legacy Begins by getting an early on the Legacy that God himself is leaving in the world in Jesus. And when you understand and live consciously in the in the fact that you're part of God's story your story games more significance. We like to say like this that your story then becomes the second Greatest Story Ever Told. You come to send this Wednesday night. Pastor days will be leaving some training and that we want you to come by the way because he wants you to be a part of what's happening in our church. We're going to give you a little bit of a glimpse into the coming months and coming here. So even if you're not serving anymore, please come it's going to be a lot of fun. But we're also going to do a little bit of training on. What's it? What's it look like the connect to my story with God's story. And how do I tell that second Greatest Story?
Do you have that story? can I trust in Jesus and connecting your story with his cuz if you want to leave a legacy with your life in a good way. You got to connect your story to the greatest one. You heard of a guy named c t Studd. He was a stud. I wonder if that's where the name comes from Charles Town of his day. And he was from a very wealthy family ended up attending Cambridge. But at one point in his life, he was at a church at a Revival meeting and his is wealthy father Edwards. Dad became a Christian and it was a d l Moody Ira Sankey Revival meeting Moody. I went to Moody Bible Institute. The guy who founded the school I went to I was like the Billy Graham of that century and he was leading a Revival and Edward goes and he becomes a Christian and he
Visiting preacher comes to their home and converted his son's CT in his other brothers Charles led a life where he would kind of backsliding into sin. And at one point in time, you really begin to feel like me know what what am I doing? I've trusted Christ, but the legacy of my life is just one of living for myself and somebody challenged them with these words.
They said what is all the fame and flattery worth Charles when a man comes to face eternity. Like I said, he was an incredible Cricket player. So he's like the very bonds of his day in cricket.
I don't know if that's what I read.
Are you go to Cambridge is incredibly smart incredibly wealthy hit all kinds of things going for him than me. This this pierces his heart and it was at this moment. He realizes what is all this worth? What's my legacy really going to be? And so he along with six other guys from Cambridge they end up being known as the Cambridge 7 and they give up everything to go into missions and one story short. He becomes a missionary in China and an India and then and Africa at the end of his life. He gives his entire inheritance away a big chunk of that went to Moody Bible Institute, which means if you've ever been offended in any way from the Lord using me that you've benefited because of this man's faithfulness your part of his legacy.
Think about that. You can even know who it was talk today. But he's racking up rewards for eternity in heaven because of his faithfulness during his life. And he had this quote he's most well-known for this. Maybe you have heard this he wrote a poem that said only one life twill soon be past only What's Done For Christ will last? You heard that I'd modify this statement just a little bit. I would say and I think you would agree with this. By the way. This is what you meant. Only what's done only one life twill soon be past only what's done with Christ will last. Because Jesus said there is nothing you can do a lot of things for me and there's going to be people on the last day that said what about all the good things? I did in your name and he's going to be like what depart from me. I never knew you. Connect your story with Jesus. Don't just do the good things do the good works. But but connect your life with him become a follower of his. I'm a Christian. And then you you live life with him and his power and that's the essence of what he meant by that quote for sure. I guarantee. But I think that simple chains and language might help us realize know if I'm going to leave a legacy. I've got a connect my life with the one who's Eternal is leaving an Eternal Legacy. Have you connected your life? Jesus if you're not a Christian, let me encourage you to trust him. Become one. If you are a Christian, are you coming ask me this? Are you abiding in him? Is your life connected to the vine or do you need to have a moment like CT studded where you you kind of just everything switches? And you know, you know what I've been living life for myself and it's time. I live with Jesus.
Paul writes it like this in 1st Corinthians. No one can lay any other Foundation that the one that is already been laid and that Foundation he says his Jesus Christ a person may build on it using gold silver jewels. Or would hay and straw. What are you building on that foundation with if you're a follower of his each person's work will be shown for what it is. I'm judgement day. It'll all be brought to life. It'll be put through fire in the fire will test how everyone's work is If the building doesn't burn up God will give the Builder a reward for his work. But if it burns up the Builder will lose everything the Builder will be saved but only like one who is escaping through the flames.
What are you building? What's your life? What are you leaving behind? The gold and precious jewels, I don't do or the fire. Will it all be burned up and he'll still be saved but by the skin of your teeth
When do you approach life with this perspective? There's a story of a visitor who's walking in the town who encountered three workmen you're working away. Anyway, so the first one table, what are you doing? Which I kind of look so bad of me. Scalzi says I'm it looks like I'm doing I'm making bricks.
Okay, what's the next guy? Cuz he moves through town and finds this guy working away and says that what are you doing? If I go I'm going to scout is it what's it look like I'm doing. Sorry, I asked and Ani. He walked down to the next guy and hey, what are you doing? The sky had a totally different perspective because I'm building a cathedral.
And it's the greatest Cathedral. It will be the greatest Cathedral the world's ever seen.
How you going about your life? What perspective are you just kind of uses making bricks passing my time. I'm going to get through this. Are you there? Anywhere? You are you're building a cathedral that's going to last in your life is going to endure her and way out live you. What perspective are you living your life would what's your leg is going to be if you want to leave a lasting Legacy. You need to connect your life. The greatest story ever told you I heard this week on you. Is that okay? How long have you guys been married now? 5 years and so in that time. I know you've been working really hard to adopt Evan and Noah, right and there was some good news this week and this week it went through and then that's awesome.
It's so cool. That's a legacy you're leaving with your life. That'll so outlive you your investment in those boys and your love for them. Let It Go It's awesome. What's in if you want to leave a lasting Legacy with your life. You got to connect it to The Greatest Story Ever Told. And I don't I don't know your entire story, but I know it enough to know that that's your heart that that that you follow the lord Jesus you love him, and and you have your family here because that's Primary in your life.
what are you connecting your life to see because if you connect your story to The Greatest Story Ever Told, even if Elvis when you're like me in a voice that all of it I'll guess what there's still time. There's still time. If you connect your story to The Greatest Story Ever Told your story will be one worth telling. your story will be maybe you'll be some Joe smoke preachers illustration 150 years from now because of your faithfulness.
What Legacy are you leaving friends? If you're still not quite sure. And I can't I know if I can trust God's promises to really follow him will look at this.
First 19 the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah says the Lord Jeremiah case you're going to do this. I guarantee I remember Jeremiah is a prophet and he's a hero of the faith for sure. But he's also a man and he had some of the same struggles you and I have he was still sinful. He still lived in real life. He still head aches and pains. He thought heartache and I would I would I would venture to say he probably still had doubts at times and here's what God says to him. Jeremiah is if you can break my Covenant with the day and my Covenant with the night so that the day and night won't come at the appointed time. Then also my Covenant with David my servant may be broken, but he won't have a son to reminisce on my Covenant with a little bit of Caprice my ministers. If this was written at today may be scientific or a straw animal with astronomical Not instrumental. It sounded smart. So I'm not with it astronomical language right where maybe he would say Jeremiah this to you. Put your name in there if you're questioning some of his promises.
Hey what? As soon as you can stop the Earth from spinning. I won't keep my promises to you. As soon as you can keep the the Earth from revolving around the Sun.
Four Seasons no longer change then. I'll break my promise with you. So it once you go ahead and figure that out and then you'll have to figure it out when I'm going to break my promise with you when I've given up on you. What's the answer? Now it doesn't work out he loves you.
I wonder what are the promises maybe you're doubting? Do you doubt that God loves you unconditionally? It has in Romans chapter 8 that there's nothing that can separate you from his love. Do you doubt maybe his forgiveness that you've really been forgiven? Now you you have been forgiven you do under in and out that he's really with you this almost right to you're never alone my father and mother forsake me, but the Lord will take me in. Your security. He's the king of glory. He's in control. Do you doubt the following him is really worth it. Is it worth the pain will check this out? What's not grow weary of doing good Paul rights and Galatians 6:9 for in due season. We will reap if we don't give up. It's worth it. What's an eclipse every one of his promises? Keep them forever.
What promises do you doubt? He goes on to give another example at the end of the passage this morning. But as we wrap up, let me just say this in our faith. We stand on the shoulders of giants, right the end of this passage. It is mentioned that Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. Are they mentioned? Go read their go read about their life in Genesis. and if you want to talk about family dysfunction go read about some of the heroes of the faith in Genesis like you name it. It happened. Nothing new Under the Sun. Get there remembered because of their faithfulness. Why? because of their goodness Abraham's righteousness was credited to him because of faith and we stand on their shoulders because of their faith of their connecting their story with the greatest story ever that of the Lord Jesus and that's why their story is a story with being pulled and that's how your story could be a story worth being told. She trusted him. Auntie loves you. Man, he would do awesome things through your life. What's the Legacy you're leaving? I'm going to pray and then Pastor David going to come up and introduce some things were doing together as a church family, and I'll give you an opportunity even to be prayed for towards that in. Let me pray right now in the Pastor. David will join me on stage father. Thanks for Jesus. Thanks for your grace to us. Thank you Lord that. You're leaving a legacy of righteousness of goodness and that you you would choose to use people even like us and do the same. I pray for those who never trusted you Lord that today would be the day they would but for those of us who have father that today would be the day we put a stake in the sand and say it's all about Jesus and by your spirit, would you help us with that out? Threw him through your son. We pray amen.
Josh and I are really excited this morning just to introduce a new ministry worship this morning and it's called the Barnabas team. It's a FIFA group a group of people just to pray with you at the end of the service st. Barnabas cuz he is a romantic Bible is named literally means son of encouragement and sell as people come forward for prayer just to be encouraged be strengthened.
Galatians chapter 6 verse 2 says this other's burdens. And in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ. Matthew 11:28 says come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. What are the things that we were like fries very much here is transformation versus information that we have a worship service. It's never just about like, oh that was interested. If it's about giving us a chance giving me a chance for us to move closer to Christ. And so the gods to seal the deal so to speak to give a tangible way for us to respond. Say yes God I want this to be this morning be more than just about information, but I want I want you to just to transform me. I want to come forward and and you don't even have to tell the person you're coming for 4, just exactly what's on your heart. You've just asking I just need prayer today. Would you pray for me?
Mike my hope is that for for Wawasee Bible that it is a a normal frequent thing for us to be but throughout in the in the in the in the commissary in the kids swing in the oil that just praying for each other is a very normal natural thing. I've been a pastor long enough to know that probably 1/4 or 1/3 of you lost sleep this week on something.
Maybe one and three of you just you you were lost in your your Daydreams of anxiety for an hour at least this week over some issue. So let's just let's just acknowledge that all of us. I'm at one point or another we need prayer. We need a sister. We need a brother just someone to talk to someone to pray for us. A long time ago in a church far away is Friendswood man named Tom. And when one morning time went forward for church at the end of service in response and tell him that married into a large extended family within the church every Sunday afternoon got together for a large family gathering the couple days later. I talked to Thomas and I was good. God was doing something your life is like I'll never go forward again. Like what? What are you talkin about? As soon as I got back my wife said
I think we have problems now. anyway to the family gathering that Sunday afternoon a relative comes up to and says are you dying? And all afternoon. He said everyone is like what have you done? Should you be in jail?
I just want to be clear just let's let's all be clear. Why was he Bible when someone comes forward for prayer? Remember? This is normal everyone needs prayer. our response is not What have they done but our responses to be? Yes God go-go-go Lord, Lord bless that that man that woman that boy that girl is going for work in their life that that is normal. That is nothing unusual. There's nothing out of the ordinary just want to be praying for them that is and it's between them and the lord it's simply between them the Lord we all have issues. We all have burdens. We all need prayer reasons we might come for prayer On Any Given Sunday. If you do not cross the line with this if you're not yet a follower of Jesus that you want to come forward. You just want to talk to someone like tell me more how I can know Jesus how how I can has Josh spoke this morning have a legacy how I can know for certain that I'm going to go to heaven. When I die. The second reason would be just rededication. Just so you know, there's some some stand in my life and and I want to it's going to be more powerful for me to I confess that to a man or woman and anything you say a few words can be confidential just between you and that person. It's going to be just between you and the Lord and business. Sometimes you might come forward. Like hey, I'm struggling with this problem with this sin. And I I just want to pray I want to ask God destroy help break the power that's in my life. I want to deal with that guilt or shame that I'm feeling a number three just ever responded to the message this morning. Like you might want to come for this morning. Just Lord. I want to I want you to give me show me what my legacy is. I want to move and work toward that just any kind of Burden depression grief unforgiveness bitterness in your life. Anxiety fears loneliness broken relationships physical illness disease pain,
Just your children are in crisis. Your parents are in crisis loss of employment financial crisis a loss of a friendship some type of tragedy and sometimes it might be I just want more of you Jesus. I want just broke closer to you all. I want more of you in my life. I want to know you more. I want to tell my friends about you Jesus. I'd like to come for prayer in my own life in the times that I've personally come forward as somewhat like going to chiropractor. There are times that I've gone to the chiropractor that I did something at work. I Jarred my back and and I'm in pain and I need to go to the chiropractor and then other times I go to the chiropractor just because I like going to the chiropractor cuz when I go to chiropractor, I personally always feel better after I go to the chiropractor if there wasn't anything emergency wise, but I just went because it's always good. You might want to come for prayer just to know what's on your bucket list. You know, that was a joke. I mean bucket list I going to Hawaii going to Europe cross it off going. I went forward at prayer once in my life and I was scary, but I did it. So and if you come forward we're going to experiment is the very first time they were trying this. So for this time, I'm going to ask the worship team come forward and ask the first team to Aldi come forward to spread yourselves out. So we're doing this all simultaneously. So this morning as worship team is singing. I'm going to be spread out down here and you're encouraged to come for prayer for whatever a heavy burden of light burn. You just want to grow closer to Jesus. So the prayer team is going to be down here. They're going to face the audience and just got to spread out and men with men. When was women Amorous you if you come as a couple probably just it'll be just two of these people just gather together pray for you and again just anything It's all again. If you come forward to me just like they'll stay just like how how can I pray for your day? How can I help you today? Just introduce yourself in just a few if you want to stay just am asking for prayer for this go ahead and do that. If you want to say I just need prayer today just say that and they will just pray for you.
And so we may try this at the at the very end of the service. We're just going to experiment a little bit bullets. I'll stand at this time. And what's up, if you put the Bible verses up again relationships 6 to Matthew 11:28. Let's reflation so we can bring that up again.
Maybe not.
What's up pass on the verse that that's conflicting with the worship, but we're going to say short prayer and then we're going to sing this final song. And I'm going to ask you as a church maybe already thought like a I want prayer today. I want to get in on the opening Sunday for for the pharmacy and see what it's all about. Maybe some of your going to want to join the team. You can talk to me afterwards you want to participate and we're usually not going to have everyone standing up your normal. It's going to be three or four, but this is kickoff Sunday. So we're having everybody the entire team. I tell you what, We need practice any practice. So I'm asking you as my new church family. Let's not let the song get too far. And let's have everyone everyone. We're all rookies. Write your Rocky with this everyone up here is a rookie with this to everyone up here or something of them the practice so Before the first verse is out. Let's I'm just asking come for from for are just different for nothing else. You want to give everyone here a chance for practice. Okay. So no one's going to think you've done my gosh. What have you done? But just this we want to like let's let's make this happen. So I'm going to pray just make sure everyone is full of hear prayers normal natural prophecy 500 bonus. Thank you for the worship today. We take the message. We want speaker Legacy. Thank you for the opportunity that you're leading us to extend our ministry of prayer Ministries helping one another very generous burdens. So bless his time as we worship you a blessed time is we pray for each other in Jesus name. Amen and come forward as begin to sing.