James 5:13-20
We are living in a ‘What to do with …’ society. We pick up a magazine, and we are told what to do with this situation or that. We go to the Internet, and we are told what to do with first one problem and then another.
This is the ‘list’ generation. We love lists: ten steps to this, five keys to that, seven principles for something else. We like lists because they are so practical!
The Bible was dealing with practical matters long before we ever came along, and, unless the Lord Jesus soon returns, it will continue to do so after we are gone. For centuries and centuries, the Bible has been telling us what to do with various situations.
And while all of the Bible is practical, no part of it is more so than the book of James. In the verses before us, James gives us a list of what we should do with various situations. He begins with …