Delivered: Exodus 1-2
The Story
The Story
Exodus - focus on God’s work for His people
Christ - focus on God’s work for His people
Key Points/Passages
Key Points/Passages
Verse 3 - basket = tebah = ark
The name “Moses” from the water, also a Hebrew component, Pharaoh’s daughter recognizes heritage
1) Take note of who God used to protect Moses, and ultimately His people (at this point, up to 4 years old)
1) Take note of who God used to protect Moses, and ultimately His people (at this point, up to 4 years old)
Moses’ mother
Pharaoh’s daughter
(Pharaoh - source of worst fear: mother meets Pharaoh’s daughter and God turns a circumstance of fear toward hope and salvation)
Instead of Moses’ death, God delivers in an unanticipated, wonderful way (vv 5-6)
2) Right response, wrong reaction (at this point, 40 years old)
2) Right response, wrong reaction (at this point, 40 years old)
Moses is properly upset (v 11) - sense of justice
“Looks this way and that” - improper response, pre-meditated, and tried to conceal it
But he feels his “brothers” are ungrateful
Flees to Midian
Similarities there, not exactly a friend of Israelites
Includes sections of Sinai peninsula
Midianites are descendants of Abraham, through wife Keturah
A kindred spirit, ideal place for Moses to be
Note: Moses’ first attempt to deliver and help his people (v 12)
God is at work with Moses, in a way he did not recognize at the time (vv 13-14)
God is at work with Moses, in a way he did not recognize at the time (vv 13-14)
Israelites didn’t recognize his attempt to help them and he’s confused, afraid
Just like US - during time of misery and emergency, could end up as blessing
Moses’ arrogance got him and others in potential trouble (Egyptians would investigate, and blame Israelite slaves)
(foreshadowing: people would later look back to this time and think of them as good times, even after God helps them)
Moses wanted to help
People were suspiscious
God works in Moses in Midian
Encounters Jethro’s daughters, fights off shepherds
Sense of justice - God will use that
QUESTION: What about you can God use? Are you open to it?
Moses marries Zipporah, a non-Israelite - God’s people are always going to be determined by faith, not flesh
Child - Gershom = “alien there”
3) God’s Perfect Timing - the timing of God’s response
3) God’s Perfect Timing - the timing of God’s response
Moses’ Perspective (after 40 years in Midian, he’s now 80)
Separated from his homeland (Egypt)
Separated from his own people (Israelites)
Failure to help them
Failure as an Egyptian
Unwelcome with both Egypt and Israelites
A wanted man
Now permanently in some obscure place
Alone with a people of a different religion
It’s going to take an amazingly supernatural action of sovereign God for this “washed-up exile” to be used by God, to play a role for God.
“I have become an alien in a foreign land” - point of clarity for him
“Come to Jesus” moment
How would you feel? How would you respond?
SUMMARY - How’s this gonna go down?
SUMMARY - How’s this gonna go down?
1 - Pharaoh is dead, and anyone else who would be against Moses
2 - Israelite situation is getting worse
3 - HUGE - People begin to PRAY
They don’t realize what He is doing for them already
Will they accept His response to their prayer?
4 - God “remembers” His covenant (Abraham) - He “calls it to mind, desires to honor His promise
5 - God desires to reveal Himself to Israelites
God’s people are being watched over by a sovereign
He will not let this suffering continue without a good purpose and result!
POINT: He allows suffering, desires us to trust Him through it
Bulletin questions (?)
Know this, God is working, right now, to...
help you, support you, hear you, walk with you, lead you
Maybe you don’t notice - be still, know He’s God
“Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Let Him use you
Moses learned - firsthand (despite weaknesses, we’ll learn more)
He wants you to know Him, intimately
He wants to use you, for His plan
Continue to reveal Him to everyone, everyday, in every situation