Baptism Identity
1. Baptism unites us in the death of Christ.
a. There is practical symbolism of this death in the sacrament of baptism.
b. Just as we are called to be baptized, that Jesus was also baptized.
i. This act of baptism unites us with the mission of God in the world.
ii. The act of Jesus’s baptism was one of identity.
c. Being united in the death of Christ gives us an identity as well.
i. We are dying to sin.
(1) This dying to sin is also a death to selfishness. Our focus is no longer on ourselves but on love for God and others.
(2) Dying to sin also means joining a new restorative mission in the world.
2. In baptism, resurrection has the final word.
a. Being united in Christ’s death means being united in Christ’s resurrection.
i This is not about how to die so much as how to live in the resurrection.
b. Because of the resurrection, we don’t fear death.
c. The resurrection enables us to live in hope.
1) We hope for freedom from sin.
3. Our identity is ultimately found in our baptism: being united in Christ’s death and resurrection.
a. Our ultimate identity should be found in Christ.
i. Those with an identity rooted in Christ join the mission of God in the world through lives lived as instruments of righteousness.
Jesus, crucified and risen, calls us to the same path, the same identity. He calls us to be united with him in his suffering and death, that we may also know the power of his resurrection—power over sin and over death; power that gives us the boldness to look into the darkest places of our world and enter with words of hope and power.
Take time to remember our baptism, to remember who we are, to join the mission of God in the world as we are transformed each day to look more and more like Christ.
Benediction: “2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”