The 1st Six Seals
The End of Times • Sermon • Submitted
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The 1st Six Seals
The 1st Six Seals
It is important to look back at what has happened thus far. John was given a vision while on Patmos.
He saw Jesus among the seven lampstands and He had seven stars in His right-hand
He was told to write a message to seven churches
He saw God seated on His throne
There were four creatures
There were 24 elders
They all sing and worship
He saw a scroll in the right-hand of God
No one was found to open it.
Jesus took the scroll
4 creatures /24 elders bow before Jesus
Sing a New Song
Angels sing
Every living creature sings
There is no rapture, no return of Christ yet. This would suggest that the seven seals would be broken while believers were still alive. Each seal is figurative and can mean any multitude of things. However there is only one true meaning and it would not be 100% known until it takes place. The Lamb opens the seals.
Seal 1
One of the 4 Living Creatures says, “Come.”
White Horse came (from where, the scroll?)
Rider had a bow and he was given a crown
He went out to conquer
Seal 2
2nd Living Creature said, “Come.”
Bright Red Horse came
Given a sword and takes peace from the earth
People kill one another
Seal 3
3rd Living Creature says, “Come.”
Black Horse came
Had a Pair of scales
(Voice in the midst of living creatures)
“Wheat and Barley cost a days pay”
“Do not damage oil and wine”
Seal 4
4th Living Creature said, “Come.”
Pale Green Horse (Death - Only one with a name)
Hades followed behind him
Authority over 1/4 of the earth
Kill: People
By: Sword, famine, disease, and wild animals