3.15.2020 3rd Sunday

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"Wake up"  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  19:58
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Praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord everybody. Come on. That was not cut off was for me. Let's clap for the Lord hallelujah.


I know you might not feel like it but that's the best time to praise God and man attending pray with me agree with me. Heavenly father. I humble myself before you this morning. I have so God that you take away every hoarseness of everything the Run says every fleeting thought that is not so y'all will sense your word this morning blessed somebody Lord Jesus Touch Somebody this morning God even me Lord Jesus in the name of the father of the son and of the Holy Ghost and the church say, amen. Amen. You may be seated in the house of the Lord. You know, I couldn't help laughing at this and tell him this morning. We're looking at each other and laughing, but I guarantee you we laughing at different things. And then evangelist Donna is going to sing a song about our God is real and then he's going to say no about how amazing God Grace has the time. I'm laughing they're going

I was trying to get something Jones attention to see if she's going to keep me on key.

but after the two songs I'm going to leave your eardrum for another time.

I'm not a single, but I want to tell you the song that came to me. It was father alone, not father. But Farther Along, we will understand all that is happening. We might be tempted and we might even be tried and we will see Wicked people seeming to prosper and we can figure it out. What three where I'm just ended Farther Along? But when we see Jesus coming in Glory Hallelujah when he comes from his home in the sky. Then we will meet them. understand better by-and-by, praise the Lord this morning my message to you is about waking up.

And I'm coming from Isaiah 52 the whole entire chapter. I will be skipping some verses. And then returning back to 1 and 2 and 7 and 8 and so forth, but I would advise you to just stay and read the entire chapter of Isaiah 52 when I want to start with his awake awake outside. Put on bite strength o Zion put on that beautiful Garmin. I love you. Just pause here for a second in this context. It meant literally your finest clothes as you go before the altar of God. You have to be clean and beautiful.

For him for Dish on no more come into the the uncircumcised and the unclean from the back and sit down or Jerusalem buy stuff from the bands of the neck captive Daughter of Zion. 47 says Break Forth into Joy sing together you waste places of Jerusalem for the Lord has comforted his people. He had redeemed Jerusalem. I'll stop there. Break Forth into joy and this time and this very day. That seems like there's nothing much to sing about. We're all a little tense. We're all a little cautious walking on that show, but not all but some of us. But don't tell me it didn't cross your mind that what if I accidentally hug somebody that has the coronavirus cuz how can I check if x is a normal thing? We've been taking for granted for a long time. So it's hard to put it down.

And we may not even hug each other, but we might walk into the grocery store, and I don't know if this is how it's going to happen, but you can't touch a carriage. Can you?

Yes, can you can it happen that way only nice is not answering praise the Lord. What if it happens that way while you were being careful and cautious about not hugging and shaking hands you're still going to the grocery store if you are still going places where other people have been. So it seems as though we don't have anything to sing about. We don't feel like singing We don't feel like praying but I don't feel like preaching today either.

But I have to tell you the truth. This message was supposed to be in January when we had a snow day. This was a message for the beginning of the year. We didn't know about the coronavirus then but the message was to wake up.

I'm just that word. Wake up means somebody was sleeping.

So let me talk about sleeping for a while when you are asleep. Most people even if your eyes are open when you're asleep, and you still can't see.

You are not alert. You have no idea what's going on in your surroundings because you are asleep.

I'm here to tell somebody today spiritually speaking. Wake up from your sleep. You are not alert. Spiritually, you are not aware of your surroundings. Spiritually their demons all over right in front of you behind you. Wake up somebody Shake the Dust off Jerusalem. Don't worry because God has comforted you already. I may not look like much to you. But when I stand before God I stand redeemed. You are redeemed and the Bible say let the redeemed of the Lord say so. I am redeemed.

He told me that he was when he leaves me. He said I must go to my father not to worry. I will send the comforter.

I know I hear people say that comes with a came but didn't know the comforter was sent. To comfort his people he was sent for the day like today when Corona is in the air. Corona is in the minds of the people.

So we must get it together and sing together. No, we're not going to be foolish like the five foolish virgins. We will keep our eye and ear on what the news or the CDC is saying whatever comes the time when we cannot gather together, we won't

but for the time being let's prove God be smart, but prove God and let him prove himself to you. He has not given us a spirit of fear. But of love and of a sound mind Hallelujah, you are Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb by his stripes. You are healed hallelujah. Thank yourself off from the Duff.

Wake up somebody you are children of the light. Not the light. the man You know, sometimes we Mystic we think we hear one word and its really another that we are children of the light not Children of the Night.

Charlie alertness is needed to cure yourself off, you know, sometimes when you go to wake up some people not pass the people all the time and they don't believe me back the falls asleep on the way to the pillow.

He is asleep before his head hits the pillow while I am there looking at TV and turn and talk to me. He's in la la land. I'm so not to call his name.

not me you have Wake up my kids wake up, Mom.

alertness We're all different. Sometimes. There's not a trick your cell phone. Shake It Up by two feet on the ground sit for a little bit look around play attention Hallelujah

I'm here to tell somebody to rise up and shine no more sleeping. We are the children of God. We have bottles coming our way. We must be a lawyer to fight a lot to see what's around the corner. I want spiritual eyes need to be open. Don't worry about the opinions of people God knows you before you were even formed in your mother's womb before you are a twinkle in your father's eyes Hallelujah. Wake up and we will learn the voice of God. We will be able to discern the spirit speaking to us.

Don't worry about tomorrow. You can't do nothing about tomorrow. You could plan.

You think your plans will come to pass? What if God said? Okay. Yeah, go ahead and go ahead and plan. You will go there. But he can also say not so. I know if you don't listen people fit you don't know my back hurts, and I can't get up why.

Not everything is the devil sometimes God is saving you from something but because you are being you don't know his voice.

So he have to fix your flat down. Sometimes it's flat on your back. I don't know what's happening, but my card is able and he's got us covered. We going to walk ahead. We don't know if he's in the back because he's got a whole back Hallelujah. Wake up. He knows what's around the corner Matthew 6 3133 take no thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we wear? But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. All you got to do is wake up on seek. God seek his face. He said ask and it shall be given knock and it shall be opened seek and you shall he also said we have not because we ask not Remax a miss.

If you don't like a bid for an example, if you're asking God, please provide for me Lord. Let me just hit that Lotto that's asking a miss. God is not going to answer that prayer. He will provide for you.

Pizza Hut, I am Jehovah Jireh.

Your provider, but don't pray for the lotto. Don't pray that you walked on the road. I'm fine no money cuz it belongs to somebody. They just dropped it there.

Wake up another voice of God, wake up another Spirit moving and not feelings. Don't get caught up in your feelings thinking. It's a spirit of God wake up and learn the voice of your father. He said I am the one crying in the wilderness.

My sheep know my voice wake up. You can't afford to be sleeping anymore daughters. You can't afford to be sleeping women of God put on your beautiful garments put on your voices of Praise. What time your holy hands are lifted up to heaven Hallelujah Holy Ground Hallelujah.

Don't. Beautiful things that you can put on put on. 5 put on. Love put on that's where you can recommend someone when they approach the host of God. Wake up and come to see remember when Jesus was in the boat with the fisherman. He was on the bottom sleeping. I mean there's sometimes it's okay to sleep. It's okay to rest. Only if you know that Jesus is in charge. What they were cops in the book losing their minds or what shall we do what y'all and then they have the nerve to tell my stuff. We are going crazy up here renewed.

That's what they said to him sleeping like a baby losing their mind upstairs. Didn't know that they had the master of the sea in the boat.

You're going crazy doing okay with it. I don't know what to see how to stop.

All they needed to do is that it don't matter what the season now that we have the master of the sea. They got to know where you are and who you are going to be like The Walking Dead. Don't just lay there sleeping wake up. Wake up and bless somebody stop looking for only blessings be a blessing for a change Hallelujah.

Wake Up and Shake yourself off

s*** yourself. Don't expect me to come and check you I'm not going home with you. You need your own strength when you walk out the door the person that's going to go with you and pray for you and give you a couple all the time. We will have to call you from it from the air.

You better wake up on your own. You can't say you didn't hear evangelist Borax or let it be telling you that it's time to wake up and cry should put in an appearance right now. You can't say that you didn't know that you have to wake up. I'm charging you today before I sit down.

Don't sleep no more. Relax no more not in this day and age. We can't afford it. You don't know where the rule is going to call and your number is going to be up. Will you be ready? Will you be awake?

I'll leave you with this. Last night when I was sleeping. A Dream came to me. I'm not talkin. I'm just reciting someone else. I dreamt it was the end of time about eternity. I stole my husband and my children.

There were crime.

It was about eternity.

Where will you be? Where will you spend eternity? Will you be happy or will you be crying?

I'll ask this question. Where will you be?

When I was awakened, I realize it was just a dream because I stole my husband and children and I was about to scream. But instead I went down on my knees and I pray. Heavenly Father

help me if you please.

Where will I be?

No, I want to spend eternity with me. So wake up and realize that eternity could start tomorrow eternity could start in this moment check yourself. If you don't know somebody don't think because you've been in church a long time, you know, if you are not sure. Wake up set up. Think about it. Ask yourself. Where will I be if my eternity begins this moment? God bless you.

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