Final Instructions Part 2- Discernment
I Thessalonians • Sermon • Submitted
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· 5 viewsPaul continues his final instructions to the Thessalonian church providing instruction regarding their response to the Spirit of God and the preaching of the Word of God along with encouraging their discernment.
Last week we started to look at this concluding portion of Paul’s first letter to the church at Thessalonica. We saw his instructions to them to rejoice, to pray, and to give thanks continually.
This week we will look at three more of the instructive statements that Paul makes. These each have to do with our personal spiritual discernment.
He offers forth instruction in regard to our relationship with the Holy Spirit of God, our relationship with the Word of God, and our relationship with the world around us.
It is vital that we have spiritual discernment in each of these areas.
He encourages discernment in our response to:
The Spirit of God
The Spirit of God
The word “Quench” means to extinguish as you would a flame. The idea is that the power of the Spirit of God can be extinguished by our response or failure to respond to His promptings.
The Spirit is the source of power and vigor in the life of the church and we must remain sensitive to His guidance if we are to make a real impact upon the world for Christ.
Illustration- day of Pentecost- Spirit pictured as fire- What if the disciples had refused to proclaim the gospel, what if they had decided to declare their own message, what if they had decided to mix foul language with the message of the gospel. The Spirit of God would surely have been quenched and the results would surely have been much different.
You and I must also heed Paul’s instruction for you and I can also be guilty of quenching the Spirit of God. How do we do so?
We quench the Spirit of God anytime that we do those things which are in opposition to the Spirit’s influence in our lives.
Illustration- You want the Spirit of God’s power upon your teaching on Sunday morning but you spent Saturday night watching and ungodly movie filled with sexuality and filthy language. I desire the Spirit of God’s power in the Sunday morning message but I have bitterness and anger in my heart at some other brother in Christ.
We must yield to the Spirit of God’s influence in our lives and guard ourselves from those activities or behaviors which would be contrary to the Spirit’s leading.
We need desperately the power of the Spirit of God and ought to do all that is in our power to promote and atmosphere that is acceptable for Him to work.
Each of us must recognize the responsibility we have individually to remain sensitive to the Spirit of God so that we do not engage in any activity or behavior which would quench the Spirit and prevent God from working at High Plains Baptist Church in the miraculous manner that He desires to.
I believe it is God’s desire to do great things in every true New Testament church, but often the Spirit of God has been quenched by members who are living contrary to the Spirit of God’s leading in their individual lives.
It is even possible that a church may quench the Spirit by bringing carnal worldly elements into the church, thus assuring a lack of Holy Spirit power in their ministry.
If we want a church that is aflame with the power and presence of God we must cease from anything that would quench the Spirit.
The Preaching of the Word of God
The Preaching of the Word of God
Prophesying as it is used here is the declaration of what God has said. It is not a foretelling but rather a forth-telling of truth directly received from God.
Prophecy is a gift that is no longer necessary with the completion of the written Word of God. This ministry is akin to the preaching ministry in the modern day church.
Now men declare what God has said on the basis of their study of the scriptures not on the basis of revelation received directly from God.
The issue that Paul is confronting here is the undervaluing of this ministry. Many of the early churches prioritized the gift of tongues over the ministry of prophecy.
This same danger exists today, to the point that many churches have almost altogether removed the preaching of the Word of God from their services. Many will have a lengthy song service and leave only a few minutes for the preacher to give a brief devotional thought.
Preaching was, is and should always be primary. - preaching is power of God
Paul is here warning the believers at Thessalonica not to undervalue the declaration/proclamation of God’s truth.
Too often we can value emotions or experience more than we value the Word of God. We must recognized the power and impact that the preaching of the Word of God has on our lives and the lives of those around us.
The preaching of the Word of God is God’s chosen means of brining about change in the lives of believers. You and I need preaching and we should value it for the impact that it will have upon our lives.
The World Around Us
The World Around Us
We must examine all that we come into contact with to determine if it is good (pleasing to God). Those things which are good must be held fast while lesser things must be turned loose.
We ought never to simply accept things without first trying them in the light of the Word of God to prove their acceptability in the sight of God.
We ought to examine our associations as well as our activities to determine which are worth holding fast and which must be rejected.
We must first examine our associations: our friends, those we listen to, those we read after.
- try spirits
- try spirits
There are many false teachings which are prevailing in our day. You and I have a responsibility to determine what is truth and what is error by searching the scriptures and seeking guidance from the Spirit of God.
We must be cautious in our reading and our listening to men. Many have been led astray by a well-written book or a charismatic speaker.
We must also examine the activities that we engage in to be sure that they have the approval of God.
- we ought to have a desire that all of our works are good works in the sight of God.
Before we engage in any activity we should search the scriptures to determine if it is acceptable in the eyes of God. We ought also to yield to the prompting of the Spirit of God and His leading as well.
Paul gave similar instruction to the believers at Philippi in - approve things that are excellent
If we desire to live in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord we must not be careless but cautious as we make daily decisions. - be sober, be vigilant
The world, the flesh, and the devil are all out to bring destruction to you and to your testimony for Christ so we must constantly guard against their influence!