The Miracles of Jesus Christ
What are miracles?
What are miracles?
Events which are not possible within the bounds of the physical laws which govern the creation in which we live.
Events which therefore require a supernatural explanation and as such attest to an agent that exists outside of the laws which govern our existence. In a Judaeo-Christian worldview, that agent is God.
God may or may not be the being that performs the miracle but he is always the agent which makes it possible.
Where do we find them?
Where do we find them?
Before the incarnation as recorded throughout the Old Testament.
(Sarah delivers a baby beyond the age of biological possibility)
(A wooden staff becomes a snake)
(The water of the Nile becomes blood)
(Elijah prays down fire from heaven)
During Christ’s ministry on Earth as recorded in the Gospel accounts.
37 separate recorded miracles. The majority of which are confirmed in more than one Gospel.
After the resurrection but before the ascension as recorded in the Gospels.
(Jesus appears after his death and interacts with the Apostles)
(Jesus ascends into Heaven)
All of the Christian era following the ascension as recorded in the New Testament and christian tradition to the present day.
(The Apostles speak in languages not known to them at Pentecost)
(Peter heals the beggar)
Christ’s Miracles During His Ministry
Christ’s Miracles During His Ministry
Can be grouped into specific general categories
By far, the majority of the miracles worked by Jesus were acts of restoration or healing. Whether ill, possessed, or even dead, people were restored to the fullness of life. Not only does this attest to the divinity of Jesus, but it also emphasizes the entire purpose of his incarnation, crucifixion, death and resurrection.
Jesus’ miracles always serve at least two purposes:
To reveal his divine nature to his Apostles
To teach an important lesson about the Messiah, The Kingdom and Salvation
Water into Wine in Cana
Water into Wine in Cana
Water into Win
Water into Win
Water turned into Wine
Water turned into Wine
Water into Wine in Cana
Water into Wine in Cana
Water turned into wine in Cana of Galilee.
John 2:1-11
Not the beginning of his ministry but his first act where he revealed his divine nature.
Travel to and from the wedding feast
Franciscan Church
Turn of the century image of Kaffir Kana. See the Franciscan Church that is the traditional site
Kaffir Kanna
Ritual purification water vats
This miracle is not the beginning of Jesus’ ministry but it is the very first instance in which Jesus acts to reveal his divinity to others.
Vasily Nesterenko - artist
The town of Cana is visible from the town of Nazareth about 8 miles away, Jesus’ hometown. So the citizenry likely knew each other well.
Mary was apparently involved in the organization and execution of the wedding as she had concerns abouts the success as the event and authority to direct the servants
Some church tradition holds that Mary was the sister of Salome, the bridegroom’s mother. In addition, an early set of prefaces to the new testament assert that John, the author, was that bridegroom which would have made him the cousin of Jesus.
And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does that have to do with us? My hour has not yet come.”
First, Jesus is not being rude. Woman (greek:gyne) is a term of respect and endearment. It is the same word Jesus uses from the cross to tell Mary that John will henceforth serve as her son.
Jesus question to Mary is really a way of him saying, “Mom, who do you believe I am that I can solve this problem? Why do you turn to me in faith?”
This is reminiscent of him asking his Apostles, “Who do you say that I am?” . Or him crediting the Canaanite woman’s faith when she had such believed Jesus would work a miracle for he because “even dogs eat from the Master’s table.
Jesus is also making it clear that he he is here in creation for the sole purpose of doing his Father’s bidding and not to serve any other. He fully intends to act as Mary has requested, but he is acting not out of obedience to his mother but because the actions will serve in support of his Father’s will for him.
In response to Jesus’ question, Mary simply turns and gives an expression of her faith in Jesus capacity to meet her need.
His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”
When you face an insurmountable problem, one that is clearly much larger than your ability to solve, do you turn to Jesus? Even more importantly, do you turn to him with the absolute confidence which Mary clearly possessed?
Jesus spoke often of his hour. Jesus “hour” was to die on the cross as the perfect sacrifice capable of covering the sin of all creation and forever redeeming mankind. That said there was much good that Jesus did through acts of service, loving example, teaching, correcting and prophesying that were not strictly part of his sacrificial role. Technically, the miracle at Cana was not necessary to Christ’s ultimate purpose. However it served to confirm his divinity, to win the loyalty of his disciples, and to teach us lessons about the law and the new covenant.
Jesus asks for 6 ritual washing jars to be filled with water
In Reina, a 2000 year old Stone jar factory was unearthed in 2016. Right in the neighborhood of Cana and operating at the time of the wedding feast
Jesus then instructed that 6 water jars be filled with water. These were jars that the jews used for ritual purification of their feet and hands prior to and during the meals
6 is a traditional Jewish symbol of incompleteness. Additionally the fact that the objects were physical examples of Mosaic law clearly highlights them as representative of the old covenant.
Jesus then instructed to take a sample to the headwaiter who found it to be a superior wine. And they had 180 gallons of it.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
Jesus “abundant” action shows that not only is he able to meet your needs he is able to go above and beyond any need you could ever have in the blink of an eye. He is not limited and all he asks is that you trust in him to provide for you.
The conversion of the water into wine also demonstrates how Christ comes not to replace the old covenant but to fulfil it.
“Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.
In this first sign performed by Christ, he is proclaiming that he has come to take the law where the law alone could not go. The law existed for preservation but Christ came to carry preservation forward to salvation. Water into wine represents preserving law becoming salvation through the grace of Christ.
The headwaiters proclamation makes it clear that despite all that God had done to bless and protect the nation of Israel, the very best that he had to offer his chosen people had only just arrived.
and said to him, “Every man serves the good wine first, and when the people have drunk freely, then he serves the poorer wine; but you have kept the good wine until now.”
Finally John tells us that this first sign was largely done so that his disciples would see his divinity and affirm their faith in him as they set out on their ministry throughout Galilee.
This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.