James 5:6-7 (Part 17) The Importance of Patience (Part 3)
Psalm 13—a lament Psalm (5 parts)—normal order is:
• The address to God, v. 1a
• The problem stated, vv. 1b-2
• An expression of trust, v. 5 (he moves this one down one)
• A request, vv. 3-4 (he moves this one up one)
• Praise, v. 6
Psalm 13 outline (we learn how David works through pain to praise)
• David’s question, vv. 1-2
o “How long”—expresses extreme and forsakenness
At this point David has a promise with no confirming evidence
o Dual problem, v. 2: (1) internal & (2) external
• David’s petition, vv. 3-4
• David’s trust, vv. 5-6—confidence expressed in a song to the Lord
James 5:7-11, exhortation to patience
• “Patience”—vv. 7-10—ability not to retaliate: illustrations:
o Early and later rain—be patient like the farmer who trusts the faithfulness of God, v. 7
o Patience based on the fact that we know the ultimate outcome, v. 8
o Be patient with those who irritate you, v. 9 (deal with the inner attitude)
o Prophets—model of patience, v. 10
• “Patience”—v. 11—hupomone (ability to carry a load)
o Job—the idea of persistence
Prohibition of oaths, v. 12
• Don’t make a moral issue out of this
• James is dealing with the Jewish habit (we do this, too)
o I promise
o I swear
o I’m telling the truth
The subject of prayer, vv. 13-18
• The call to prayer, vv. 13-16
o Emotional situations, v. 13
o Physical situations, vv. 14-16
• The effectiveness of prayer, vv. 17-18