Outline of Leviticus
I. Law of sacrifices,
II. Consecration of the priests,
III. Separation from defilement,
IV. Day of atonement,
V. Place of sacrifice and the sanctity of blood,
VI. Practical Holiness: laws against unchastity, uncleanness, and idolatry,
VII. Priestly holiness and priestly duties,
VIII. Holy convocations: Sabbath, Passover, Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles,
IX. Symbols of consecration, penalties for desecration,
X. Sabbatical year and year of Jubilee,
XI. Blessings of obedience, curses upon disobedience,
XII. Payment of vows and tithes,
Passover (pesaḥ)
Abib 14
The death of Christ Our Sacrificial Lamb
Lev. 23:5
Deut. 16:1–8
Unleavened Bread (Maṣṣôt)
Abib 15–22
Life separated from sin
Lev. 23:6–8
Deut. 16:8
Wave-sheaf (˓ōmer)
Abib 16
Resurrection of Christ Pentecost
Lev. 23:11
First Fruits (Feast of Weeks) (håag sheḇû˓ôṯ)
Ziv 5
Coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Church
Ex. 34:22
Lev. 23:15–16
Deut. 16:9–12
Trumpets (yôm terû˓â)
Tishri 1
Rapture or Second Coming of Christ
Num. 28:11–15
Num. 29:1–6
Day of Atonement (yôm kippûr)
Tishri 10
Pardon of God’s people cf. Zechariah 12:10–14
Lev. 16:1–34
Ex. 30:10–30; Num. 29:7–11
Tabernacles (sūkkōt)
Tishri 15–22
Fellowship of God’s people dwelling together in peace. Prophetic of the entire Millennial Kingdom the celebration of the completion of the Harvest
Lev. 23:34–42
Num. 29:12
Deut. 16:13–17
(Wavesheaf, First fruits, and Tabernacles) in thanksgiving to God, their Provider