are we a people marked with love?
do we really love god? that has been the theme of 1 john so far… do we know god and do we really love god....
are you a person marked by love? do people know you because of the love you show them
is the chief characteristic of our lives love? and even if you don’t like it whether or not you show love ot others really tells a lot about if you really love god...
God is love right? so if we love god we are bound to love others right?
matter of fact if you are smart you've already figured it out but if you love god and god is love its impossible not ot love others
the greatest indicator of we love god is if we are a people who loves...
so can people clearly see love in your life? or do people see you as a selfish mean or rude person?
the person down the road you don’t like, or the person who was rude to you, or the family member you don’t get alone with… do you love them rightly?!?
illustration: the other day me and mande were riding in old milford down to a store and a woman passed us at a stop light with the worst frown i have seen in years...
i jokingly said man she looks miserable.... i bet she goes to church… and i said it as a joke, but is it really a joke if thats the case more often then not?
christians or church folks at least have become some of the biggest complainers and biggest jerks in American society
how did it get this way? idk but i know this we need to be a people marked by our love for others instead of being marked by our dislike of people, or our selfishness, or our rudeness...
I. love shows a persons real nature and it should be heard from the beginning (10-11)
I. love shows a persons real nature and it should be heard from the beginning (10-11)
In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.
A. love shows a persons real nature...
A. love shows a persons real nature...
our love will show someone if we are a child of god or not
the person who does not live righteously is not a child of god
and this person doesn't live a pure and holy life