The God who Provides

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Exodus  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  31:41
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I know, but thank you for this morning.

Then all the other things I pray this morning as we speak.

So we come now to call Primo left out before you finish. The series has happened. What has been going. God is a God to reveal we saw how he reveals himself to Moses at the burning bush. And how did it go with God in The Burning Bush Moses? We saw how Moses revealed himself to Pharaoh respond to Paris with him who is not that I should play God and true the Play Store. Battle of Brandywine shooting and then after that 2012 responded to this out of Egypt and last week we saw Steve leaving a message at Edwards showing how the Israelites out of Egypt cross the Red Sea and finally destroy the enemies that that help Israel in slavery. So now we come to the rental place the book of Exodus and then the rest of the book of Exodus. We see how God has revealed himself one day and into the next bus got rescued.

Represent I guess in some ways. I want to listen to Journey how God reveals himself to us. And we going to have a choice and inverse operation to rescue set and then he related to choose not to relate to him. We are outside the place of Grace condemnation Revelation or we continue to remain outside of the love of God and his Ross. For the person that is out of God in a mindful that. Who is she? I she told me that she wants me to get.

Is that God needed to take out of this route and in the reading we head in the morning?

In the best of the whole community of Moses and Aaron the Israelites are too damned. If only we had died by the last hand itches then it would be one that you have brought us.

I have seen all the final power of God. And then he say that.

the song everything that God has done but then they

lights are now in the present moment with God.

All the things that it is wrong with living in this deception. They were saying actually Teacher in development meeting different people who have been in abusive relationships and they come out of the abusive relationship help. Remind me to find a relationship and you wonder why because of the situation is.

And it's something that would send us as well. The God Bless Texas free and Indian Oakley Pub. Send me a price righteousness a mess. But but like I said, I do what a Wretched Man. Israel thank you celebrate this Deliverance of God in the Bible what God has set us free.

What's the weather? Still controlling the sinking by Nature everything that experience they have free physically. Who controlled by Egypt and Saudi by the center?

tattoo deal with that agent in the heart in order that they can be truly free from slavery to end out to be possible to cut drill with his people in the Tabernacle and go straight to the bronsted cuz what would happen if they would be

I think it was very much tied up in Egypt if they're thinking what controls.

I saw him get into the last flowing with milk and honey still related there and able to get it free from in there flowing with milk and honey. Human life the moment. You become a Christian. You don't become perfect. Maybe some of your mic.


Bruce Lee vs. S3. We are now heading to God be the glory forever, but we are still wrestling with sin and I saw heaven until God of Israel from Egypt to the promised land. There is no way they can be too much was a born free to watch it because it was too late to the lifestyle of Egypt. So many died at just before I went into the promised land. This is why.

Remember how the Lord your God that you all the way in the wilderness for 40 years to humble and to text you in order to know what was in your heart. You wouldn't keep his, even though it was set free from Egypt Egypt. What's a shoulder itches?

The weather instructions of God for today and how simple they are. There was no way they can be free to worship God or to know the will of God until Egypt take it out of there and then they can know what this says what the will of God is at the people of God in Romans chapter 12 verse to conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you'll be the only way to be truly the people of God. Free from the slavery and not just a physical slavery and the only way that God can show them the option to show their loyalty and being conformed to the image of the world and I'm not the one that said we will still be by the ways of the world. Only way we can be set free. It's been on my mind set on mine is renewed or transformed by the bus and so giving instructions.

Dog, that's that by teaching has to rely on his foot. Install Exodus 16 and I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people that I will text them and see whether they will follow my instructions on the 6th day and then it will be twice as much as they get us on the other day and it was 19 read this morning. I was out of his instruction should I collect?

Simple instructions from Saturday night to Thursday light enough Mana consumption for the family so that they can finish it up and then the next day to go and pick it up on Thursday night and Friday night. The gold and pink tulip to portion for today. And so that the Friday night to Saturday night. They don't go out and have a few starts with s instructions

little simple instructions story read in + 20

until morning, but it was full of Megas and begin to smell. So Moses was texting with them and then again later. Albert 27 and 28 people went out on the 7th Day to get arrested, but they found and then the Lord said to Moses. How long will you refuse to keep my Commandments? simple instructions easy to easy to draw

What happens if Israel can follow the instructions? toilet paper instructions to show

Who did God get angry with Moses?

NST correctly mentioned is a representative of Jesus. Just remember when Jesus was on the truck training all the citizens of the world and God turned his face away from Jesus as my God my God and Jesus himself into the same way Moses was the people's Representatives.

What was God's teaching Israel to do simple instruction?

I'm just kind and how much they want to do.

It's all coming back to this reflection that Moses had that you to run away. When Moses said remember how the Lord your God that you are in the world.

And then he goes on to say how about you and then you know your ancestors had no.

The man that lives on bread alone, but on every word every instruction that comes from the mouth of God. Baby doll on the plastic on the instructions that God gives us the man that God was giving for them to follow the instructions. What's the reason for Destruction was to have them know and understand? What is it that have to show them how lovely how how did Steve Howe?

How far from God?

God gave instructions in order to show that the Menace II blue.

No. Gotham teaching Dad how to live in obedience to his instructions

I need to walk to his action was required. Then the Lord said to Moses and the rain down bread from The people I could go out each day and get it tuned up for the day in this way. I will test it and see whether they will follow my instructions. So I will rain down bread from Heaven and the people I can go out to eat dick and get us some quiet time.

Give me some in the morning and be safe.

Is following instructions. Is following God's word. God expects action, Georgia to set them free. but now God is calling them and that means action is required. They had to go out each day.

Jesus said that in mind when you prayed for this type of the phrase, give us this day our daily bread for you today. What are you wanting me to do? Because remember it's not about what I meant calling for me to do today. What are you going to do that?

what does

I just like this is what is it that you call for me to do and responding to that how to fix the bread the man. According to the instructions go to set up a time to work out what is better better than God's way

But what God was wanting to do in Festus on a obedience to God bless not about dancing not about them, but it's not hot totally committed to following God's way. And then finally, he humbled you forcing you to anger and Princess beating you with metaboost night at you know, your ancestors to teach you the men that. They want every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. Close the flapper era did Maxwell during this 40 years know that in your car that has a man discipline discipline of negative punishment.

To worry about those clothes and wandering in the wilderness for 40 years of V 12. What was God doing he was preparing for the Olympics. You need to be disciplined. You need to follow strict training in order that you can succeed is for our good. It's not a punishment being faithful to his left to know and understand God's until they reach the border every day every day.

What is this? Before they reach the Promised Land. And then they were ready.

And that's what God wants to do in my life. He wants his work his instructions to become a mechanic.

His ways are higher than our ways are higher than our thoughts and in our life and begins to become parent.

God has set us free from the ways of the world in order to follow the ways of God.

So God it is what is giving us instructions area of our life. Instructions to change the weight of the world. You know what that is. The weight of the world is going to get more and more and see God. The weight of the world is going to get more and more and they can rationalize and give you reasons. Why there Unless and until the affiliate.

The ways of the world is going to pull us away from God. And what God is wanting this is what to take route to be very much a part of phobia. Play Poison Apple music. It's one of the most popular Topic in the Bible.

Pause would become so ingrained in us being generous.

God's weapons

stop to change from inside out.

Is that from a conception to the point we get taken away from 12 is sacred. I need to be a living in the world where the Secretary of life is being challenged. What are we going to do about that? To help us about the value of Life the environment environment.

The sanctity of marriage principles that the Bible itself is being challenged in today's world. What are we going to do about it? And the Bible says God gives instructions. Why does Moses tells his trip to show what's in a hot? So what's the time? Dark Souls 3 from the ways of the world to know the ways of God

How much time do we spend eating on the word of God is calling us to live according to his instructions? That shouldn't be a primary focus of our lives about half everything we do. No. Esperanza City Union not knowing what to do when you don't know.

Episode in the springtime because we're in order that we can walk. In the freedom that God wants us to be set free from sin. Alpine set up dating a behavior and it's only when we start to allow Boswell to change and transform us. Can we begin to live a life?

Thank you Lord for this message that you have given to the Israelites in Egypt and showing them give me the option about how did she die? He'll get the men and they fail because of what in the Hat. Before we stand in judgment. It's the lights and affiliate. We also red lights.

Let me know if you don't mind giving them choose to allow of Flesh into to make decisions that that was a game. Barbie asking forgiveness for the spadias I think you down and not following instructions.

But no you don't stand in judgement of Paris.

Bring us back to the cross. But not cheap challenging us to keep walking. As we walk with you to also waffle obedience.

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