Lessons In Suffering
If we can get done with some preliminary things, I guess the rest of the congregation is at home.
What is I believe I am reluctant to cancel services? Folks until we're told otherwise, so thank you for being here in consultation with some of our leaders this morning. We are going to be suspending communion after today just out of safety concerns fear, whatever reasons caution things along those lines contact transmission. So on and so forth. So we will have communion today. We will share the peace. Although of course were told not to shake hands anymore. So you can just do the elbow bump or you can destroy the car to grab somebody's forearm bypass their hand and grab the forearm unless of course you're coughing into your into your I'm so the forearm thing may not be the best thing or or in some however some other way of expressing God's peace to each other after the Absolution. We still do want to do that. And then that we're working on on the building in general in terms of a keeping that clean and sanitize not only for us but for outside groups that I'm meeting. My most of the groups are probably not going to be meeting but I personally cuz I'm just speaking from me. I'm reluctant to shut the building down because of the agents that me here and how important it is for AAA people to meet together to stay sober. So I don't know what we're going to do about that. But that's that's still a work-in-progress. All right, we will probably I will probably no matter what we do in terms of services. I will probably be here every single Sunday and because of the software that we're using for this service, we have the capacity to record and then post on the website. So I'm going to be here doing something which we will then be a recording and put it on the website everything. Sunday morning at 9:30. Alright, so whether anybody's here or not, you know time will tell hopefully this will still be an opportunity for people to come together and be Christian and be a congregation and encourage one another and grow together and and support one another. I'll be talking about that in the sermon today. Actually, the sermon today is from the epistle reading books about lessons in suffering and it was when we get there are concerned about about the situation that's in our culture and many many questions. Why we're just to be kind of talking about that Nancy.
Right, right.
Right, right. Okay. Yeah. Thank you very much. It's it's 9:35. We are here where two or more are gathered. We are we good morning. And the Lord be with you. This is the day the Lord has made.
Let's do that. So let's please rise and and sing our first song son and of the holy spirit in the Bible says in his hand or the depths of the Earth the heights of the mountains or his also the sea is his for he made it and His Hands formed the dry land. Let us pray together. Almighty Lord my Creator I confess to you. I forget your power and might fail to trust in your ever providing hands and I'm found lacking in my managing of this world. You formed. The Bible also says oh come let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our maker for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the Sheep of his hand. Let us pray again together. Almighty Lord, my maker and Shepherd. I confess. I like a sheep have gone astray listening to other voices of this world. I have not loved you with my whole heart and have not love my neighbors as myself and we'll pause now for a few moments of quiet for personal confession.
And also the Bible says today if you hear his voice do not Harden your hearts as at meribah as on the day at massah in the wilderness when your father's put me to the test and put me to the proof though. They had seen my work. Let us pray once more. Almighty Lord like those you sent wandering in the wilderness. I just fully deserve your present and eternal punishment for the sake of your son. Jesus Christ have mercy on me. Forgive me renew me and leave me so that I walk in your ways to the glory of your Holy Name, man. Brothers and sisters the good news from God today is also from his word, which says that therefore since we have been justified by faith. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Almighty God in his Mercy has given his son to die for you. And for his safe for gives you all your sins in this Lenten season as we journey closer to his cross God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners. Christ died for me. So now it was a cold and ordained servant of Christ and by his authority. I therefore forgive you all your sins in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit I'm in O come let us sing to the Lord. Let us Make a Joyful Noise to the rock of our Salvation. Let us come into His presence with Thanksgiving. Let us Make a Joyful Noise to him with songs of praise for the Lord is a great God and a great king above all God. chapter 17 all the congregation of the people of Israel moved on from the Wilderness of sin by stages according to the commandant of the Lord and camped Intrepid him, but there was no water for the people to drink. Therefore the people quarreled with Moses and said give us water to drink and Moses said to them. Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test the Lord but the people there stood there for water and the people grumbled against Moses and said, why did you bring us up out of Egypt to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst? So Moses cried to the Lord what shall I do with this people? They are almost ready to Stone me and the Lord said to Moses. Pass on before the people taking with you some of the Elders of Israel and taking your hand to staff which you struck the Nile and go behold. I will stand before you there on the rock of Horeb and you shall strike the Rock and water. She'll come out of it and people and the people drink. the most disco in the side of the Elders of Israel And he called the name massah and meribah because of the quarreling of the people of Israel because they tested the Lord by saying is the Lord among us or not. This is the word of the Lord.
The epistle is from Romans chapter 5. Therefore since we have been justified by faith. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God more than that. We rejoice in our sufferings knowing that suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character and character produces. Hope and hope does not put us to shame because God's love is been poured into our hearts to the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. For while we were still weak at the right time Christ died for the ungodly for one will scarcely die for a righteous person though. Perhaps were a good person one would dare even to die. But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. This is the word of the Lord. What does please rise for the reading of the Gospel?
Good news of Jesus for today comes from the account of St. John in chapter 4 beginning adverse 5 glory to you. Oh Lord in this is a continuation and the Fulfillment of the Old Testament reading from the Wilderness. Jesus came to a town of Samaria called sick car near the field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob's Well was there so Jesus where he dies he was from his journey was sitting beside the well was about the sixth hour. It'll be about noon a woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her give me a drink first disciples are gone away into the city to buy food. The Samaritan woman said to him. How is it that you a Jew ask for a drink from me? A woman of Samaria for Jews have no dealings with Samaritans Jesus answered her if you knew that gift of God and who it is that is saying to you give me a drink you would have asked him and he Would have given you living water. The woman said to him sir. You have nothing to draw water with and the well is deep. Where do you get that living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob he gave us the well and drank from it himself as did his sons and his livestock. Jesus answered her everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never be thirsty. Again the water that I would give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. The woman said to him sir. Give me this water so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw. Jesus said to her go. Call your husband and come here. Woman answered him. I have no husband. Jesus said to her you are right in saying I have no husband for you. I've had five husbands and the one you now have is not your husband. What you have said is true. The woman said to him sir. I perceive that you are a prophet our fathers worshipped on this mountain, but you say they'd in Jerusalem is a place where people are to worship. Jesus said to her woman believe me. The hour is coming when neither on this mountain Northern Jerusalem. Will you worship the father you worship what you do not know we worship but we know for salvation is from the Jews, but the hour is coming and is not here when true worshippers will worship the father in spirit and Truth for the father to seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit. And those who worship Him must Worship in spirit and Truth. The woman said to him. I know that Messiah is coming he who is called Christ when he comes he will tell us all things and then Jesus said to her I who speak to you and he this is the gospel of the Lord praise to you o Christ in response to the reading of God's word today. We confess together their starter Christian faith as we find it in the Nicene Creed and we will pause at that pivot point of the Creed for a few seconds and Ponder the mystery of God becoming human. Let's confess together. I believe in one God the Father Almighty maker of heaven and Earth and of all things visible and invisible and in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God begotten of his father before all worlds. God of God light of light very God of very God begotten not made being of one substance with the father by whom all things were made who for us men and for our Salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary and was made man.
And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried and the third day he rose again according to the scriptures and ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the father and he will come again with glory to judge both the living and the dead whose kingdom will have no end and I believe in the Holy Spirit the Lord and Giver of Life for proceeds from the father and the son who with the father and the son together is worship and glorified who spoke by the prophets and I believe in one holy Christian and Apostolic church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins and I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come I'll mad Please be seated will continue now with the next song Father through Jesus Christ. His only son and I are only Lord and Savior. No, man. So I let me begin with a little discover personal account of my little Health Odyssey the last couple of weeks cuz you know that I wasn't here last Sunday and you know what day we had sec. I have to cancel Services the previous Wednesday because of my own little LS. So it all started basically after Ash Wednesday just to give everybody kind of an up-to-date sort of a thing with some sneezing. I don't generally sneeze so frequently and then a tickle right in there, I would cause the coughing so I decided let's go to the doctor on Friday cuz like Sunday's coming then oh, I'm so I went to the doctor, but she couldn't find anything that was wrong. So just said they going to take some Mucinex DM for the expectorant in this cough suppressant in and see what happened since over the weekend things got a little worse. So but I was still here on Sunday. So I went back to the doctor on Monday and by that time then that doctor was able to diagnose an upper respiratory infection. So they put me on an antibiotic because a low-grade fever and it started as well. And that's the main reason why I had to cancel service is on March 4th because of a low-grade fever and because I was getting weaker. So it was a fever and that on Wednesday. I haven't had a fever since the past Thursday the previous Thursday, but I didn't have any energy either and that's the reason then I had to ask Pastor Franco to fill in for me last Sunday and I understand things went rather. Well, except I think it's a late service the battery died because you know, I'm a loser and I'm going to get every single stinking boat out of that battery before I change it that I can but anyway, other than that things went well and it's a good thing that I asked him to fill in for me because I'm on Sunday morning when I got up. I literally have no voice. I couldn't talk louder than this that I had to go pee I so something else was going on. So I went back to the doctor for a third time the next day which would have been this past Monday and gave me a new antibiotic and I've been taking that since Wednesday and I'm gradually feeling better and hopefully we'll be in a back to normal normal very soon. And then at the end of this the doctor said I need an x-ray of my sinuses to see what's going on in there and with any luck when I get the x-ray they will find a brain anyway. You know that joke was coming, right? Okay. More than likely what I picked up. I picked up from The Honeymooners.
Who came back from their honeymoon sick? And with some of the same stuff and then of course we did the usual hugging and kissing thing that we should not have not. All right. Now by the way, Linda has this that's why that's why she's not here. She thought it earlier in the week tested negative for strep test negative for flu. And I went back to the doctor on Saturday and she's on antibiotics and steroids for her congestion and things like that. So she's got all kinds of energy today that she didn't have yesterday. All right anyway, so that's my little story and I'm sticking to it. All right, but but speaking of picking up things from Honeymooners stuff like coronavirus. I actually had this in my notes for today. I was going to talk about this no matter what unfortunately not a whole lot of us are here. But but like I said, we we have the technology to record the the services in the sermons and things like that. So this will be posted for the website at some point later on today when it comes to this topic that everybody's talking about you all realize that up a couple years ago. We didn't have a 24-hour news cycle and we only hearing about it three times a day at noon at 6 and at 11 and that's the only time we hear about this stuff, but now we have 24 hour news channels. There's nothing to talk about but this so it's always up there. So you heard the conversations about good hygiene, right? So, please do that. Please practice good high on good hygiene. Let me encourage you to do that. You know, that means washing your hands. Okay, it also means washing the digits that also means washing the fingertips. It also means washing for a long. Of time. I ran across a funny I should have included it this morning, Texas coronavirus hand-washing tip. Okay, you need to wash your hands for as long as you would have to watch them if you were preparing jalapenos, and then had to take a contact out of your eye. Okay, so however long that is that's how long you should take it? Okay, coffee station, which we doing here. Just fine. Thank you very much. Any any other good hygiene that you heard? Okay, Rob.
creation that we are
back in the
Back in the 1920s. Came around Madden and I don't know how many after Labor.
the Chiropractic philosophy on outside
as a result of that big fat, but that area had a very high survival rate extremely hot as opposed to 6% survival rate for people are going to know.
Now wow the line every single part of your body.
everything that you do
Yeah, yeah action that kind of leads into what I should have put up on the screen, but I don't have a something on the screen for you about this was just going to chat briefly about her along the same lines that only practice good hygiene, but also stay in good health. All right staying in good health is not the same as good hygiene, right? I'm staying in good health means what? What you eat? How you sleep how you exercise? Okay, all those things. I mean if you want to get chiropractically adjusted that's fine too for the reasons that Rob said, all right, because I will get to that in a minute because the greatest resistance we have against this virus is our health. Okay, if we're in good health and good health is bigger and then that good hygiene. Okay, and then point number three that I want to talk about with you a little more this morning is please don't be afraid. Okay, please do not be afraid. Jesus said those words more than anything else that I have encountered in in reading the gospel or not. If you like the King James version Don't Be Afraid by whatever version you like another words don't give in to the hype and don't give in to the hysteria and don't give in to the panic and don't give in to the 24-hour news cycle where they have nothing else to say because this is what makes four ratings. Okay, there's other things going on in the world and there's much more to life than listening to a 24-hour News Channel. It is very natural for us. I'm kind of banging on this drum because at least it is for me. Okay, I'll just say it for me. It's very natural for me and maybe for you to give in to fear. okay to give into the anxiety to get all caught up and what everybody else is getting caught off and but here's what the Bible says. God did not give us a spirit of fear.
But a spirit of power and love and self-control. Okay, that is the spirit that we have been in endowed with we as Christians. We as Christians are the people who are not afraid. Okay, we're not afraid of big things and we're not afraid of little things and weed by the spirit that lives within us. We do not live our lives in fear and in the Haight. That other people can't help but live in because they do not have that same Spirit of power and love and self-control we do, okay. We are not afraid of death. Which is the greatest fear in the world? We don't have that fear when the spirit is filling us. I like have that fear. Sometimes you have that fear. Sometimes that's when we're sort of kind of facing the reality of death on our own resources. When we Face the reality of in the spirit. We are not afraid of it. Why?
Fun easy why we are afraid of death because Jesus is Concord. It's Jesus has overcome death. He has risen from Death. He will never die. Again. He doesn't he is the one who has the last word that's does not have the last word in our lives. He dies and his word is life. eternal life so we're not afraid of death. That's the biggest one and if we're not afraid of death, we're not afraid of smaller things like sickness. or suffering if that should happen to come our way. We're not afraid of those things because we know from the Bible that those things produce beneficial results that's produces. The greatest beneficial result there ever can be an in life and that is eternal eternal life with God. Underneath that sickness and suffering produce also beneficial results and outcomes of which I want to go into at least three. The first one is that it connects us to the suffering of Jesus. One of the beneficial results of suffering is that it connects to the sufferings of Jesus the Bible tells us that Jesus actually was made complete in his sufferings.
So are we? All right. The more we connect to his suffering. Through which he was made complete the more. We also connect to his love. Cuz it was for us the more we also connect to his Mercy because it is for us the more we also connect to his. Peace. Because that is also to us. The more we also then connect to his strength because that's how he enjoyed his suffering. So the more we connect to Jesus more we connect to his suffering the more we connect to those gifts that he gives us through that suffering. Another helpful result of suffering is this it helps us to reframe life. Just like it's very easy to give in to fear. It's also very easy to get trapped on the treadmill of life.
Anybody know what I mean by the treadmill of life? You got to go go go go go go commitment commitment commitment suffering clarifies that clears out the crap. Hey clarifies what's important is clarifies who's important it clarifies? What is lasting and enduring and it clarifies? What is not And if you ever talk to suffering Christians around the world, which I have not I have read about them. I've not talked to them. But if you talk to them or if you read about them, you know that suffering Christians get it.
suffering Christians know what's important suffering Christians know with lasting because they and we are aliens and strangers on Earth longing for the Heavenly country of their own. That's how the Bible puts it. That's the language out of Hebrews chapter 11 the great faith chapter. If you want to read something inspiring today go home and read Hebrews chapter 11. It is the Hall of Faith as it is called in in in the Bible.
There's a third beneficial outcome of suffering and that was in the epistle reading from Romans chapter 5 verses 3 to 5. Okay. I kind of want to unpack that for you a little bit and some and some more detail. I am watching the clock. I do realize what time it is. That's just give a little bit of a background and do a little bit of review before we get into these beneficial outcomes of suffering God is declared us innocent guy has declared us pure God has declared us. Holy no matter what your life looks like. God sees you as righteous innocent pure and holy this is because of the life and the suffering and the death of Jesus Christ because he has taken the perfect life of Christ and put it over on top of your life. So he does not see the ugly stuff and he has taken the suffering and death of Jesus and with that like a magnet I sucked out of you all the time. Is that are wrong all the things that are selfish your past and your future they are gone. They are on him. His perfect life is on you. This is what it means to be justified. K in the eyes of God, that's what we are. That's what you are. And then by his grace and by that spirit that he's given us we have believed it and we trust it and that's what faith is Faith is not to Simply knowing what the Bible says faith is actually believing the thing. Entrusting the thing and the word that are in there and the God who wrote it and so therefore because of the fact that we are Justified and the fact that we have believe that I trusted. We therefore the Bible says have peace with God
We're not running anymore. From him there is no more hostility between us there's no more suspicion or fear of Suspicion. There's no more defensiveness on our part. There's no more anger on your parts. There's no more fear on our parts. There is only calm and only confidence in him and his intentions and in his grace and his Mercy in his presence. And because we have his peace with God, we also then have access to his grace. The Bible says we have access to his Blessing we have access to his riches we have access to his favor. He wants to do good to us. He wants to bless us. He's at peace with us.
And because of that kind of relationship because of this kind of relationship when we suffer and we all take turns out it it all looks different but we all take turns at it we can still rejoice. Kainos, that was a good song Danny by the way for what determines song Rejoice he is with us. Okay, we're not alone. We are not abandoned on our own devices. We don't Rejoice because we suffer we rejoice in our suffering because God is there he is with us because we are connecting to Christ's sufferings because he is reframing our view of life through this suffering and because he is also working out on suffering for all good. Okay, I'm citizen number of times. I'm going to keep saying it every so often. There's no such thing as a useless suffering for the Christian. Romans 8:28 you guys got her memorize this verse in all things God works for the good of those who love him.
Got that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. specifically when it comes down to our sufferings Our sufferings are producing perseverance within us that's one of those beneficial results and outcomes that that is happening to us as we go to whatever misery were going through what God is doing is he taking our misery and turning it and turning it into a character development experience and he is producing bananas perseverance. What's another word for perseverance persistence? The ability to carry on. Suffering Christians around the world get this cuz he's been working on them a lot in this regard. You show me someone who has suffered and I'll show you someone who knows how to not give up. And how to carry on you show me someone who's not used to suffering and I'll show you someone who's really quick to quit.
Okay. Perseverance then that is produced by suffering becomes part of our character. It becomes part of our personality. And so does related to it so does resilience what is resilience? The ability to get off again. The ability to not stay down when you're beating down becomes a part of who we are because our character and I'll personally those patients that's part of perseverance also resilient patients. What is patience the ability to wait without complaining that's why when you go to the doctor you are called a patient.
You were learning the ability to wait without complaining. Okay, that's what patients is. You show me someone who is not used to suffering. I'll show you someone who is impatient. Show me someone who is used to suffering. I'll show you I'll show you someone who's patient. and so does Hope Okay, that's what those are also the kind of package in the bundle of perseverance Hope by the way, let's be clear about this when we talk about Hope in the Bible and as Christians, we're not talking about our Wishful positive thinking that things are going to get better. That is not hope that's just wishful positive thinking they may get better. They may not get better. Hope it's different. Hope is an unquenchable belief that God's word to us will come true.
Hope is an unquenchable unquenchable belief that God's purpose for us will be accomplished.
Hope is the unquenchable believe that God's Destiny in us will be fulfilled. And that's why this hope never disappoints us. The Bible says in Romans 5. Okay, because God's word is always going to come true. And God's purpose is always ultimately going to be accomplished and God Destiny. I'll always be fulfilled in us because of the death and the resurrection of his son Jesus Christ. And this hope that we have then that's in our hearts is based on the love of God that he has poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit day. That's where we get it from. We don't get it from within we don't wish yourself into this kind of hope this kind of hope this unquenchable unquenchable belief has to be poured into us by the love of God that comes to West End by the Holy Spirit whom he gave us and our baptism.
And hope he continues to give us through his word. And through his holy communion. That's how he keeps pouring that Spirit into us. That's how he keeps pouring that love into us and that's why it's important to get together for divine service.
Cuz why are we here? Member from a couple of weeks ago. Why are we here to be served by Jesus? That's what this is about to be served by Jesus.
So suffering produces good results, but not by itself. Okay suffering produces good results when it is coupled with the love of God in Christ Jesus by the holy spirit that we receive through his word and through the holy supper. All right, that's why we are gathering together. And that's why we're going to continue to do so until somebody from on high says somewhere that we got to stop doing this. Control somebody from on high says we got to stop doing this. We're going to continue to do this and we're going to continue to record it and we're going to continue to post on the website then if people are not up to coming for whatever reasons they're not up to it, but hopefully you all and others will be up for it. because this is part of Overcoming the fear this is part of receiving the spirit. This is part of being filled with the love of God and as we then continue to gather and as we continue to come together and receive the spirit of power the spirit of love and the spirit of self-control we will be able to fight the fear that is around us and tune out to some extent the 24-hour news cycle, which has nothing to talk about but this Then we're also then going to be able to endure our sufferings whatever they may look like. And which are then going to be able to produce within us that perseverance and that character and that hope that God describes. And in the midst of whatever fear we're living in the midst of whatever suffering we may be enduring. We're going to continue then to be able to rejoice. not in our sufferings but in God and in God's presence because God's word to us is going to come true and God's word to us right now is true because it's God's And because we have Jesus is life and death as a guarantee.
amen Amen. All right, let's continue our service then. Maybe we see you the tithes and offerings. We are brought for the Lord.
Please rise for prayer.
Lord God that we are undeserving of not only a mercy and Grace but also of your tending to our daily needs to give you thanks that you provide all that we need for this body in life. We pray for all that. We need the help of the soul the piece of the Mind the strain for the body forgiveness for sin freedom from condemnation and your genuine heart that is gifted for service Lord in your mercy hear our prayer Lord God we pray you would Grant your healing to Those whom we name before you those who are listed in our bulletin and those that are near and dear to us in our hearts as we mentioned their names now either quietly or out loud.
mine up the hearts of those who were troubled heal the wounds of those who suffer in anyway, comfort those who are burdened bless those who are leading our nation in terms of dealing with this outbreak bless us as we take our wise precautions, but also as we maintain our health and maintain our hope Lord and your mercy hear our prayer grant that the witness Lord God and teaching of Those whom you have called and placed his overseers and leaders in your places of worship here and throughout the world. May Faithfully fulfilled to tasks. You've given them that they may speak your word and confidence so that your truth may prevail your love and grace be made known to all who hear Lord in your mercy hear our prayer Lord God. We also pray for those who serve our country in the armed forces and in various emergency services and ask that you would guard them and protect them as they fulfill their duties both here and abroad for all who work in our communities for safety and Order and protection. We asked you would be with them in their service and for all over you your gifts and abilities that are that you've given for the health and well-being of others in various medical fields. We have to do with guide their care and Grant them wisdom. Lord and your mercy hear our prayer bless all who communed this day that through the body and blood of your son Jesus offered here in the form of bread and wine. They may be strengthened in your forgiveness and able to withstand the Temptation Of The Devil in the fear that is in the world and be empowered to lovingly serve neighbors and your name for it. Isn't that your hands dear Lord we come and offer home. We pray we do that trusting in your mercy through Jesus Christ your son our Lord with the words. He taught us Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation. But Deliver Us from Evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory Forever and ever. Amen our Lord Jesus Christ to shine upon you and be gracious to you the Lord look upon you with his favor and Grant you his peace a man after I closing. So I thought a little bit early will have some announcements.
I could trouble you to be scared just for a few moments is going to highlight a couple of things here in the announcements that you have or you may not have depending let's begin with midweek Lenten Services. We had them on Wednesday. When I intend to continue them on Wednesdays were looking at the apostles and other various friends of Jesus and finding out more about their lives. I saw you're welcome to join us for that until I get someone says we shouldn't be doing this a r t tax prep that the next one up there. I am told has been canceled prior to that. I was going to tell you that there are no appointments available. They showed up really quick because they weren't as many sites available in the monmouth-ocean area now apparently at least for our Mondays they have been canceled and then there's a sign-up sheet that the next one there Danny for right? I guess we're going to continue to plan to have it. Until we're told not to so there's a sign-up sheet for Palm Sunday breakfast and then indicate any food allergies, please when you do that and then finally, is there a video there for Make-A-Wish so I'm missing the month. We have a little video and I mention in the morning.
That's our mission of the month. I am to understand all that wishes that involve travel have been suspended until travel has become safe, but nevertheless the need still exists to wish to still need to be granted the children still need to be blessed. And so therefore we're having our March mission of the month. All right? All right, but I miss any other announcements. I need to be made. So let's remember then a couple of things on our way out. Who are you? I'm a disciple of Jesus Christ. Why are you here to know him and make him known? Where are you going? I bring the compassion of Christ to people so they can live with hope and joy, let's go in peace and serve the Lord folks xB