(Exodus 2:1-10) The Compass of our Lives (Final)
Bethel Baptist Church,
Laramie, WY
Sunday, March 22, 2020
a) How do you try to direct your own life? What are the results? Why?
Pastor Nathan Sehi
Who is in control of your life? The turn and twists of life will
eventually remind you that we have very little wisdom or power over our
lives. We cannot avoid the hardships we hate nor sustain the blessings we
love. This passage presents a powerful alternative to directing our own lives.
It presents us to a God who powerfully and personally directs the lives of
his people. The word play, irony, and foreshadowing of this passage
reminds us that God powerfully directs the lives of his believes.
b) Explain how this passage teaches us that God directs the path of his
people? Why is a relationship with Christ necessary?
Exodus 2:1-10 – The Compass of Our Lives
God powerfully directs our lives: And Exodus 2:1-10 shows us how God
powerfully directs our lives.
1) God’s blessing of a Hebrew mother.
c) Why should God directing our lives comfort us? How should it calm our
a) A mother’s desperate attempt to save her baby. (Ex 2:1-3)
b) God’s perfect timing. (Ex 2:5-9)
(1) Pharaoh's daughter discovered the baby, and not some
other officer of the court.
(2) Right time and place of a worried sister.
(3) The blessed mother: Legal protection and financial
provision for her banned baby.
2) God’s love for an undeserving nation. (1, 10)
a) A child of Levite heritage.
b) A child named and destined to deliver his people:
Moses means one who draw out.
d) In what ways do you need to surrender control of your life to the wisdom
and power of God?