Sermon Notes 3 22 20 Ephesians 5:8-20
What's the word for when your heart anybody want to share?
I got a scripture out of 1st Timothy 1:7. Can you can you hear me?
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
I think that's a good scripture because I think you look at our country right now. I think there is a lot of fear out there worldwide. But if we know Christ is our savior and says God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind, I think that's best good to hold onto and also John 14:27. Peace. I leave my peace. I give to you not as the world gives do I give it to you? Let not your hearts be troubled neither. Let them be afraid. I think a lot of the world as it is in fear and and Afraid and panic letter as Believers in Christ. He's given us a spirit of power and I think that's that's something to cling to and modest beer and then realize that in these days that we live. What do you think about going back to your previous verse on South having a sound mind and Boy how relevant that is isn't an interesting mix of the world to see how people respond.
Is your heart?
Panthers versus Lancer somebody else
I got a it's hard to be true.
Deer Park Theatre
right, so you can. If you everybody everybody if you have something but if you have something that you would like to share a passenger something just unmute yourself. Okay, so let's do that. Can you guys hear me better now? So if you have something that you want to share I'll just we'll just do a couple more years on mute yourself and go ahead and share that.
There's a little your little microphone on hear your screen there. I think I think it was Friday as listen to after the Bell. It's on the krvn. It's just sector radio talking about the markets and one of the guys I think his name is Doug Peterson been an intruder by what he says. Denny's, that's better. Anyway, he did ride out to a house what was going on in the great markets and all the end anxiety and everything, but it was kind of knee brace that I'd kinda gone over Susan the last couple weeks was looking for 60. If a Bennett that right into he is and what he was talking about with Marcus know the be anxious for nothing but in turn Rare editions of Lord make your request made known to God man in then one thing. You can't answer size. You didn't really elaborate on it. But, you know the peace of God which passes all understanding and you know will guard our hearts and minds and I like that part where he implemented the peace of God that passes all understanding start understanding of our own little just guide our hearts and Minds through all this so there's probably not really too much to be anxious about if we can really put her dress where it needs to be. Amen. Amen.
Anybody else?
and if somebody doesn't know how to unmute yourself raise your you can actually raise your hand on the computer, but but somebody asked
I recently did a bible study on Psalm 23 and when we know that we are the Shepherds cheap, we know that we can rest in him everyday and that he will protect us and guide us through anything and everything and he always wants our best and I think you know, we just have to realize he's in control. All we need to do is look to him. Amen. Yeah. Thanks Kate. Absolutely.
one of the things that and I have no idea how this would work and being able to actually sing together if we were all situation is worshiping and the singing praises one of the things that I
You guys to look up all kinds of songs of your own and and the joys of all of our technology less than outside of anything that I directed you on face life without a really a wonderful song that I'd encourage you guys all if you haven't listened to it yet. It's just wonderful and
be able to sing praises to the Lord sing praises to worship is is important and especially during this time.
I'm wondering if you would like to give us a little bit of an update on where things are like for you guys in Kansas and whatever else you wanted to share as we pray for you each week. So is anything that you are vicious moments for today? Yes, I would like to just share one of the beginning of coming here after we Canna dated and we accepted the people told her I could be Elders told us that if they hadn't gotten a pastor. They were going to sell the desperate and I remember one of our first Sundays we had nine people. Between 9 and 13 for quite a while. And today we're running between 17 and 24. Yeah a story about one of the man that I met at a coffee shop Rogers his name. and everybody house had gone and which is Rodger Nye setting there in Rodger looked at me and he said I want you to know I've been waiting for somebody to come or just touch my heart.
And so Rodger course he has to work a he has a job that he has to work on Sunday. And of course, we have a men's bible study. There's about four or five men come to that. I'm going to tell you also about mine. Mike worked at a hog confinement. And he was climbing over a hog fence with a power washer and it shot tourism.
And so anyway, Mike was the town called him one of their drums. Because that's where you can drink all the time. Well this experiment Drew him to God. And he comes every Sunday every Bible study and and he told us here a few weeks ago. He accepted the Lord. and as far and so we Rejoice just over those two families alone. And then one of the deals that's so crazy here is that we have men coming to church.
Their wives Commander unusual. So anyway, we just ask that you be praying for Chris in for Paula. Those are the two wives that wear my promise this time. I guess that's all I have to share from you. Appreciate that. Wish that things could be different having your service today, but it is a treasure.
Well, we will share some things from I've been wrestling with a different passages in scripture. Obviously that are so perfect for today. And as you know, we've been dealing with consider something different is realizing message for this moment is that we really need for the opportunity.
As the body of Christ able to interact. Thank you Lord for the technology to do what we're doing today today that maybe wouldn't be the case. And so were we thank you. Thank you for these Privileges. And for this Joy Lord, I do pray that you As a family is a church family in the coming days. We will be lording in the in the current situation of the world today. This is nothing of a surprise for us to respond. According to your will in the midst of this journey that she will give us courage and give us strength give us wisdom and give us a understanding in this time that we can have this time together. I hope you pray Lord that this will continue to be a tremendous blessing.
Being able to spend this time together and I pray we would spend more time in prayer. The Lord is a church family in the coming for tremendous Revival. I believe in the coming days. Your lord is people live without money in and wind strength and courage. Hope hours of Christ in the midst of this time Lord. I pray that you help those around us. Wisdom tooth. Do you understand how we can uniquely get connected with people and impact them with love of Jesus for your glory Lord. We're excited to see what you have in store. These are exciting and Lord. We just pray that you'll just step weaning from amen. I think what I'm going to do is have food probably switches to somebody at the bottom. Where can I probably give us some guidance through Ephesians Ephesians chapter 5 as you know, we've been nibbling our way through this and there's just such a wealth of challenges and encouragement and hope that we find in the book of Ephesians spiritual blessing all my friends when we think of that What is needed?
We've got to be able to live through this life and this time when the world has lost their mind so to speak we can be grounded and infirm in the truth of God in his word.
Verses 8 through 9 will start there.
For some reason we're well anyway, if you have your Bibles follow along here you were once darkness in the Lord. live as children of light for the fruit of the light consist in all dark goodness righteousness and truth and find out what pleases the Lord.
It's interesting when you see throughout scripture as we have as we have been studying here any fusions of this new life that we've been given Creation in Christ Jesus the oldest and probably more than ever my friends in these days. This should be there should be a stark contrast between us as Believers in the world are truly should be because the world which day is Darkness right living in in darkness is Is something that we should it should not be who we are living in is it would say sin or chaos Mischief. Try some other words that would put go along with Darkness.
A lack of Integrity living in fear of these would thing be things that would go along with living in darkness, but you and I have been brought into the water through a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We've been given we've been given life and Hope My prayer for us in the coming days here is that is that we who were once in darkness, but now in the light live as children of light what might that look like for us to go back go back to the people. That's funny that we all send fix that when we went when we think about live as children of light the light consists of all
there is a stark contrast between the two is there not light and the quality of moral Excellence, especially as a quality that is not stagnant, but actively working itself out walking in the light. That is what in Walking In goodness Walking In The Light, which is the scriptural that is blocking is a equality of moral Excellence, especially as a quality that is not stagnant. my friends we do have a choice in this time. Do we not allowing ourselves to become stagnant or to allow this time to throw us in our and understanding of what God has for us in this time. We can learn how to connect via internet while it is a blessing and I'm thankful that we're doing that. It's bigger than this. It's so much bigger than these moments of being able to have this privilege to to connect to the body in this way. But we cannot forget my friends have bigger than us. Right. If not just about us it is about how can we impact the world that is living in fighting you all consider in these days. How can we in these moments make an impact? Under the restrictions and the guy and I get it and I hope that the church family of why it doesn't seem to have the government tell us what to do and what not to do. But on the other hand is a heartbeat behind what they're doing in is I think his is probably very wise and we look at what is going on in other countries because of coronavirus held at arm's distance arms distance D mannose StoryBots.
To be able to find out. Asking the Lord. What is it that pleases you Lord in this? We know what it means for us personally that we growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and every day. You need to be in the word more than ever. We need to be more than ever. If we if we want to throw this out if we decide that we want to do something like this. I do a zoom meeting and we just have a meeting we can do that, How can we think Beyond? Yes, this is vital. It is so important that we do what we're doing here this morning remaining connected together. The body of Christ Hebrews clearly tells us that it's his man I need to ask is that we we spend time together do not forsake the assembling together and and so we're doing that today.
How can we minister to the world around us?
I think of I'm sure that we all are going to find ourselves on social media and indifferent to things that maybe more than we have before man what you're putting out there make sure that it's it's gone to his God is founded based upon truth. Make sure that our attitudes in the things that were saying to the world around us is is moving people down the path of a pleasing God as it tells us here and verse find out what pleases the Lord. That's where we got to be. What is it that pleases the Lord? What is it that pleases the Lord and this time we can look at the fact that Timothy Peters it tells us to submit to those in authority over us. If so, how does that look for us and the world around us? How can we be in the morning in this is a critical time for the church. This is truly. Let's not just look at this. And while this was at the moment in time. This is an unprecedented have an opportunity for us to be on our knees more than ever to be reaching out. However that looks to be a blessing.
One of the things that over overheard Shawna and her sisters if interacting with last night and they were saying them. I need I need help if we were talking about doing a service Easter Easter. We just postpone Easter celebrated every Sunday is Resurrection Sunday. Is it not. That's why we meet is that because I because of the Lord is risen everyday.
Really centered upon the heart of Easter and Christ is risen from the dead but be able to do something like that drive-in theater. So to speak what might that look like. Tran doesn't hurt trout ideas in and see if we can see if the Lord would have us to use our way whatever or would have us to do to make an impact and opportunity for the unsaved to say hey. This isn't maybe maybe we're going to have an opportunity at this time my friends to be able to connect with the world in a way. We've never been able to before. Because they're starting to ask questions and they're wondering this doesn't feel good. This is scary and if we can be a witness and a testimony through this could be really really awesome to see what the Lord does or not only in America as the body of Christ Across America is taking this to heart and exciting day is going to go back to that screen if you can do that but in Romans Well to tell us about the renewing of your mind right mind, then you will be able to Billy has his good pleasing and perfect will question being pleasing. God is not a man that we are to be motivated and pursuing pleasing God in every way that we possibly can and and so with our whole life loving the Lord tells us.
English in 6/8 whoever supposed to please their Flash from The Flash will reap destruction. Whoever supposed to please the spirit from the spirit will reap eternal life again a call to us to seek to please God in these days. It is easy to allow the flash to start taking over is it not it's easy to start letting ourselves become discouraged and frightened disheartened uncertain but these are days where we need to be seeking the Lord allowed in the Lord to renew our mind and keep our thoughts and our focus a fixed upon him through this time.
Colossians 3:23 20 another a great reminder of what he tells for you young people children. You want to please the Lord children. Obey your parents well for some of us are some of you at your office. You guys are geniuses. Are you are really the reality is we young people you have an opportunity and you're going to please him obedience to your parents. That's not just for this moment, but I think it's a good reminder for For you also in these times when we're in close quarters, and maybe we're embarking on some new things that were not used to for us non homeschoolers. This is a stretch but good for all of us. If we let the Lord use it today for his glory 1st. Timothy petitions prayers intersection of Thanksgiving be made for all people and all those in Authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lies and all godliness. This is good and pleases God our savior. What is it that pleases God our savior the petitions prayer of intercession Thanksgiving Kings and all those in authority over at my friends more than ever today you and I need to be in prayer for those in authority over us that we Is the Lord our prayers more than ever today? And that's the lips that do that pleasing God then just outward actions and it's it's an issue of the heart pleasing a God and 1st Chronicles 29:17 for trying to go see design. Oh my God that you test the heart and are pleased with Integrity all these things. I have given willingly and with honest Tintin and now I am who are given to you. Pleasing God and I know my God that you test the heart and how is it that our heart can be pleasing to him is when we live with integrity.
Will allow the Lord to change our attitude my friends we can go through all kinds of emotions. And and make it make something look good. But if our heart isn't right, it's rubbish. It's rubbish and so be mindful of that 51 16 and 17. It says you do not Delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
Yuri My Sacrifice of God is a broken Spirit of broken and come You God will not despise. Must remember that in these days that the Lord wants our hearts to be broken and contrite before him and when we are broken and contrite before him when we Minister Olympic when we interact with each other, it's going to make a difference for for God's glory and it's going to please you and then Romans 14:17. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receive human approval. Let's remember what God is longing for a he wants for us and we can do that through living. With a righteous a peaceful a joyful heart in the spirit of God through the spirit of the Living God and then 5 11 through 12 of the following and go a little further there and tells us have nothing to do with the fruitless Deeds of Darkness. Go to them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret have nothing to do with fruitless Deeds.
I have nothing to do with fruit fruitless Deeds of Darkness. It's interesting in Zephaniah. This is I like what it says about Darkness if you want to go forward on that and then it says that the day will be a day of Wrath and the picture of what darkness and Brokenness is a day of distress and anguish a day of trouble in a day of darkness in a Blackness. I just want to focus on what this is not necessary is not speaking of this moment in particular, but the reality is my friends were sitting right to distress anguish trouble in the days that we live and it kind of a good illustration of a picture of something that's supposed to come. We haven't seen nothing yet and praise the Lord for our world today be returning very soon. Be ready. Let's be ready for what the Lord has in store for us. Okay, these are precious days and let's not squander them light the night. I get the great illustration of the mayor of Toronto launched a light the night campaign. The idea was for residents to leave the lights burning overnight in order to discourage crime a similar campaign was carried out in Oakland California area and reports show that crime was greatly reduced. In fact reduced fantastically, the point is here.
The tell me Oscar in Ephesians. I got to get back to my first year.
It says to expose the white expose the darkness of here.
It says it's exposed them have nothing to do with fruitless Deeds of Darkness. But rather expose them. We expose the futility of Brokenness the fruitlessness of of darkness when we walk in faith, when we walk in peace with the Lord and it shows how what is laughing? Okay, and we have the opportunity and individuals as the body of Christ to be that light today and in this time, Exciting days. We live in I need to be. I hope and pray we can take these thoughts get in the word in the word. I love you seasons. As you know is we've been going through because it just keeps reminding us who we are what we have and it doesn't change what the coronavirus that we have. Let's live it and that's hers, please. Yeah, give a shout out her. Tell me what hour is it. Communicate with one of the elders with though with regards to ideas that we should consider in the coming days.
We could be on this journey for a little while. So let's use it to the fullest for God's glory be seeking out. What pleases the Lord. What pleases the Lord desire that asked the Lord to give us wisdom and direction in that and then live it?
Lance would you like to close us in prayer and maybe before we do the weather Sequim close in prayer? And then if there's anybody that has anything that you want to mention before we leave for the whole roof to hear as far as a thought or an idea with regards to how today is gone. And what like I say on the worship side of it and be something there. I don't have the solution my cell phone that I certainly welcome. Ideas, but anyway thankful for what you do each day in our lives were thankful for the truth of your word as we've seen here in Ephesians or let us walk in the light this week to see what pleases you Lord as we are in the middle of Uncertain times unprecedented times in our lives. And in the life of our country Lord lift up our leaders today pray for wisdom for them Lord. Give us wisdom. Each day. Lorden is deanza in / just let's not waste opportunities that we have to be Salt and Light in a world that desperately needs the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Word help us to be bold and courageous. I think of how you told Joshua to be to be bold and courageous and Lord help us to be courageous. Do not live in fear to realize that too. You home the whole world in your hands and that you have everything under control and as we've mentioned many times Lord, the Holy Trinity has not made an emergency session Lord. You are sovereign you are in control Lord. You still have a plan for a lot a plan to give us hope and a future and not to harm us Lord Lord help us take advantage of the times that we live in Lord to be a light your name, we pray. Amen. Amen. All right, cuz anybody have anything that you would like to talk to her ideas for the upcoming week or difference of something different that yeah. As of today is gone. We spent a fair amount of time at the beginning trying to get to trying to get everybody situated. I'm glad that Lance and crystals that they have some audio issues in that got solved and that's what everybody is saying that this worked well today. A nod your head or a pump? I don't care.
Katie might have something specific that you like to say. Please try this man and I'll see it or have the closing song.
anything else I can see that but
Sandy okay. There you go.
I just got a suggestion that maybe if you settle down closer to your camera, it wouldn't be quite as muffled or sound with an echo. Okay, if you guys are that shouldn't surprise you but is it more snow today?
What everybody was on meet with muted? I think it was pretty good.
Okay. Well, it's a will certainly you have. I saw you there. My wife wants me to pick up.
We're doing on Thursday afternoon for people just want to get out and about and see people going to cruise the Main Street and Calloway at 2 on the flu Township. Great turnout, so we can't socially get together and hang out. But at least you can see people and wave a great afternoon remind me to Montana and that I guess we're bringing it back and it's a great idea.
All right. Sounds good. Yes. Couple things wondering if it would make sense to do one of those sort of like a headphone microphone type that you can connect to your phone would probably clear up the the audio quite a bit. The second thing is I wonder if we shouldn't walk through maybe next week or even maybe perhaps this week on how to give online. I don't know The Specific Instructions. Yes.
Sorry, yes, I was able to do that.
But if anybody ask questions on them.
Safelite you're on the right side underneath of Callaway Community Church 2727. If you seen that you're on the right site and then it's going to stay tab give or invite you just type or tap on the give button on the top of our space Lights Callaway Community Church group page. And yes, if anybody else has questions on that and maybe next week I should have had that up today. That would have been valuable to just show it on the computer. Thank you for that reminder.
Anything else my friends?
Okay. Well the Lord bless you all. Have a great week and less the honor the Lord in all that we do great to see you all. Good to see you both kisses.
Alright. See you guys.