Prodigals: The Younger Son
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Big Idea
Big Idea
Tension: How does the younger son find salvation after leaving his father?
Resolution: By his father coming to him, embracing him, forgiving him, and celebrating him.
Exegetical Idea: The younger son finds salvation after leaving his father by his father coming to him, embracing him, forgiving him, and celebrating him.
Theological Idea: The Father makes sinners into sons through Christ.
Homiletical Idea: The Father makes sinners into sons through Christ.
Exposition: A father has two sons (vs. 11)
Rising Action:
Younger son requests his inheritance, essentially believing the father was dead (wants the father’s possessions without the father) (vs. 12)
He divided his “life”
The younger son wandered away
reckless living/prostitution
was joined to
“came to himself”
Younger son’s plan
The son recognizes his condition: in need and a sinner
The son proposes a solution: he will rise and pay his father back
“Father I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son”
Treat me as one of your hired servants
Climactic Scene: The Father’s Response
The Father sees
The Father sees us while we were lost
The Father “felt compassion”
The Father runs to the son (rather than waiting for the son to get to him
The Father embraces him
The Father accepts the son’s confession, but rejects his solution
The Father’s solution
The Father accepts the son’s confession, but rejects his solution
Receives him as a son without allowing him to pay him back
The Father celebrates the return of the sinner
The Father makes the sinner new
No longer dead, but alive
No longer lost, but found
No longer rejected, but received
No longer sick, but whole
Who is God? God is a good and generous Father.
What is sin? Sin is more than anything desiring the gift more than the Giver.
What is salvation? Reception into the family of God, being able to have God as father. No longer dead, but alive. No longer hated but loved. No longer lost but found. No longer
How can God save us? Through Christ alone. There is only one way to make someone who is unworthy, if a worthy person takes the unworthy person’s punishment, and gives him his reward.
How can we receive salvation? Not through restitution, not through paying God back, not through finding God. But through confession. Through faith alone. Turning to Christ.
Am I too lost for God? No.