We the Church • Sermon • Submitted
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· 7 viewsChrist is over all creation, over the church, and
Hello Church! First let me say, our campuses are blessed with some talented worship pastors aren’t we? Will and his team do such a good job at North. Dwaine and his crew are incredible at Main. And Patrick and his team lead us to God’s throne each week at East. I’m so thankful for each of these guys and their heart for worship music and their friendship.
Today, I get the privilege of beginning this message series from your teaching pastors here at Lindsay Lane through the book of Colossians we are calling WE THE CHURCH.
I have the best wife in the world! She is such a solid, Godly woman who pushes me to grow in my faith and is right by my side as we lead our children together. I have two kids. Elsie Jo is 6 and Daniel is 4. Their favorite thing to do right now is fight with and scream at one another. But we survive, AMEN?
Enough with the introduction...
Let’s address the elephant in the room… Church is looking a little different these days! Amen? We are having to rethink a lot of what we do as pastors during this time. That forced us to ask the question, “What are the essentials for the church that have to exist NO MATTER WHAT?
get the privilege of beginning this sermon series through the book of Colossians called WE THE CHURCH.
I get the privilege of beginning this sermon series through the book of Colossians called WE THE CHURCH.
During a season like this, our experience of “church” is drastically different than what we are used to. All of our programs, plans, and events have been tossed out the window! It can feel like our churches don’t exist anymore. But that’s simply not the case!
What we are experiencing is a change in our circumstance. And that change demands a response from the church. You see, the church throughout its history has been recognizing changes in their circumstances and responding. With each change, they would ask the same question your pastors have been asking this week, “How can we effectively make disciples given this change in circumstance?”
For us: how can we effectively make disciples given that our people can’t gather together here at church for worship or in groups?
And we are still figuring this out, OK? We are not telling you that we have the clear God-given answer yet. But we do know there are some things about the church that never change, never give an inch no matter the circumstance. That’s what this series is about!
What are the things that WE THE CHURCH must always be about? What are the non-negotiables for us in Scripture.
Sidenote: we have got to begin asking this question as churches far more often than we are. But that’s not what this series is about.
When we are faced with big drastic changes like what we are experiencing with this quarantine, a lot of things we hung our hat on are impossible. The programs
For us to ask this question,
For us to ask th
The problem has been for us that we don’t ask that question often enough in the church! As the world around us has changed, we have often continued to do the same things we have always done but expecting different results.
We get stuck in our routine and plan, until we are forced to change and then it hurts SOOOOOO bad, doesn’t it? We are guilty of it as pastors too, OK? We are all in this boat.
The problem has been for us that we don’t ask that question often enough! We get stuck in our routine and plan, until we are forced to change.
has been changing, we have been a little too connected to our ideas and plans
That’s what we do
We get stuck in our routine and plan, until we are forced to change and then it hurts SOOOOOO bad, doesn’t it?
But how do we handle times like these when we know change is needed to adapt to our circumstances? What is
Answering that question wasn’t a scary one for us. It was a
When our circumstances change, and we do ask the question
And then we get hung up when
sat in a room on Monday morning with 10 or so folksmost of the pastoral staff from all three
We have had all kinds of meetings here this past week as pastors. Because all of the systems, programs, and plans that we have made flew out the window. The running joke has been that we have had all these meetings and not once looked at our calendars, because our decisions have had to be in the moment and week to week. That could lead some pastors and church staffs to panic or give up. But I can tell you, that I walked into a room full of folks here at Main first thing Monday morning, 10 or so folks that make up most of the pastoral staff from all three campuses and there was no panic in their eyes. There was no fear. There was no defeat. They all had a blank sheet of paper (or a computer) in front of them ready to answer the question “How can we effectively make disciples during this season?”
We as pastors are guilty of putting all of our eggs into one program or system and turning our back on it, instead of asking regularly, “Is this still the most effective way of making disciples?”
But it’s not just us! You guys be guilty too! You can get stuck in the routine of worship service and small group, over and over again until you eventually are just checking a box instead of experiencing ongoing life change.
And honestly, I think all of us would say, this week has been a lot of hard work, but it has been a whole lot of fun! Because the staffs at all three campuses have been forced to think more creatively than we have been! We truly feel that God is using this time to PUSH us as pastors and staff to be better and to grow and think in new ways!
And we believe God wants to do that in YOU too! Honestly, for most of us, we have a good routine for Sundays and Wednesdays. We know what time to leave home, where to go in the building, which chair we sit in every week, who sits around us, and about how long the preacher will preach. And if you go to a small group, you have a routine and plan for that too!
As we were studying and talking about this series as Teaching Pastors, we threw around a lot of ideas. But we really wanted to focus on the idea that church is looking very different right now. All the programs and plans we have become accustomed to don’t work when we are on quarantine, right? If we can’t get together for worship and groups, we can really begin to panic!
And honestly, I think all of us would say, this week has been a lot of hard work, but it has been a whole lot of fun! Because the staffs at all three campuses have been forced to think more creatively than we have been! We truly feel that God is using this time to PUSH us as pastors and staff to be better and to grow and think in new ways!
And we believe God wants to do that in YOU too! Honestly, for most of us, we have a good routine for Sundays and Wednesdays. We know what time to leave home, where to go in the building, which chair we sit in every week, who sits around us, and about how long the preacher will preach. And if you go to a small group, you have a routine and plan for that too!
At East, we pray every Sunday for two things “God teach us to know you. And God be with us.” We pray those things because it is actually pretty easy to be involved in a church and not experience them regularly!
And in this season of quarantine, your whole life has been disrupted! Your church experience has been disrupted! Our prayer is that God uses this as a time to shake us UP and WAKE US UP! Because we are having to rethink the way we minister to one another and make disciples, right?
But I am so proud to be a part of this team of folks. Not for one minute in our senior staff meetings have I seen panic or defeat in their eyes. From the first meeting Monday morning, we went right to work figuring out how we could continue to lead our campuses well and make disciples during this time. And every idea that has been thrown out has been considered. Nothing is off the table! The staffs at all three campuses have been thinking more creatively than we have in a long time! God is using this time to PUSH us as pastors and staff to be better and to grow and think in new ways!
The staffs at all three campuses have been thinking more creatively than we have in a long time! God is using this time to PUSH us as pastors and staff to be better and to grow and think in new ways!
That’s the driving force behind this series… What are the things that WE THE CHURCH must always be about? What are the non-negotiables for us in Scripture.
But, we as a church are going to have to ReThink for season the way we minister to one another and make disciples. That led to the three of us Teaching Pastors to ask, “What must we as the church do no matter what our circumstance? What are the non-negotiables for us as we see them in Scripture.”
This led us to the Prison Letters of Paul.
Think for a moment… For years after his conversion, Paul travelled the known world preaching the Gospel and helping to establish churches in cities all over. He had developed a system for the routes he took and the cities he would check on. He had plans and processes just like any good leader would!
Then he was put in prison… The great traveling church planter was put into prison and chained up...
Now, any logical thinking person hearing that story and knowing that Paul would not have access to modern technology like we do today, you would think that this would have been the last of Paul. This was the end of his ministry, right? WRONG! Paul continued in the ministry, but he had to rethink everything about how he was making disciples.
We are not trying to equate our COVID-19 quarantine to Paul being arrested for preaching the Gospel. Those are two very different situations. We are simply saying that even though our circumstances may change, the Gospel must continue to go forward!
Actually, IT WILL GO FORWARD whether we see it happen here at Lindsay Lane or not! During this time, God will continue press the Gospel towards the lost through the churches that adapt to the times. The choice before us is to adapt and take part in the life-changing experiences of grace that will occur during this quarantine, or settle and shut her down. We as your pastors are unwilling to settle! We are following the example of Paul and rethinking everything so that we might partner with God in his mission though our circumstances have changed.
Paul wrote at least three letters from prison. The one we settled on in our study was want to read to you the introductory statements from Paul, then we will come back and start diving into the text here.
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by God’s will, and Timothy our brother:
To the saints in Christ at Colossae, who are faithful brothers and sisters. Grace to you and peace from God our Father.
Colossians 1:1-
As you can see in those two verses, this letter is just like the letters we write today: it was FROM someone TO someone. In this case from Paul and his disciple Timothy TO the believers in Colossae.
ell what has to be in what we do.”
So, when Andy John, Alan, and I finally got to sit down together and brainstorm sermon ideas, we knew the direction. We wanted to address the elephant in the room which is, everything is very different, right?
in a room with Andy John
So, as pastors, we’ve had to start with a blank sheet.
If you aren’t familiar, with those, let me give you some context.
were driven to the Prison Letters. If you aren’t familiar, with those, let me give you some context.
The Apostle Paul wrote 13 of the 27 books of the New Testament. But they weren’t books. They were letters or what’s traditionally known as Epistles. The Prison Letters are the three letters that Paul wrote while he was in prison for preaching the Gospel. He is literally writing from a jail cell.
Throughout his letter, Paul covers lots of topics. We, of course, in a three week series cannot cover each one in these four chapters, but we want to help you see three themes that are present. We believe in this letter, Paul is summing up for the church at Colossae what is really important about what they were doing. He is answering for them and we believe for us what should be the three fundamental focuses of the church: Christ, Commitment, and Community. I’m going to take the first one today. We will look at the other two in the coming weeks. The first thing Paul wanted them to see is that...
Letters then weren’t much different than letters in our day. They are written FROM someone TO someone. In the case of Colossians, from Paul to the church at Colossae.
We don’t know a ton about this city. I did a little research outside the Bible and found out that Colossae was at one time was a big deal! They were big in WOOL. But over the years, their influence had dwindled. By the time Paul is writing this to them, their city was not nearly what it had once been.
We don’t know a ton about this city. I did a little research outside the Bible and found out that Colossae was at one time was a big deal! They were big in WOOL. But over the years, their influence had dwindled. Paul would have written this
When you start studying a book of the Bible for yourself or with a church series, we have to begin with some context. You want to look for historical context.
Paul makes it a point on the front end of this letter to drive home that Jesus Christ wasn’t just a man who was crucified, he was a supreme being the son of God that was worthy of worship! He does this through what has been called by many scholars through the years “The Christ Hymn of Colossians.” Chapter 1 verses 15-20 should not be read as a rigid theological statement. We should read it more poetically and really musically. I’m not going to try to sing it, but I will read it to you…
so that no one can say you were baptized in my name.
I did, in fact, baptize the household of Stephanas; beyond that, I don’t recall if I baptized anyone else.
For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel—not with eloquent wisdom, so that the cross of Christ will not be emptied of its effect.
For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but it is the power of God to us who are being saved.
For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will set aside the intelligence of the intelligent.
Where is the one who is wise? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the debater of this age? Hasn’t God made the world’s wisdom foolish?
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
For everything was created by him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities— all things have been created through him and for him.
He is before all things, and by him all things hold together.
He is also the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything.
For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him,
and through him to reconcile everything to himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
There are somewhere between three and 8 full length sermons to be preached on these passages, but I wouldn’t do that to you here. I just want to focus on three specific ways that Christ is seen as “SUPREME” in this hymn.
He talks about three things in particular that he is supreme over.
The first he says...
1. Christ is over all creation
1. Christ is over all creation
Look at verse 16...
For everything was created by him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities— all things have been created through him and for him.
Everything was created by him… And just in case you thought Paul was just talking about trees and animals and stars and stuff, he goes on to say everything in heaven and earth, visible and invisible, thrones, dominions, rulers or authorities. That’s every category of creation you can think of and then he reassures you ALL THINGS have been created THROUGH HIM. That’s a different word.
Paul has said BY him. Now he says THROUGH him. And what does he end with… FOR him.
Jesus wasn’t just involved in creation, all of creation is FOR Him. Creation wasn’t a blessing for mankind. Creation exists for the glory of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
Now, when I say that Christ is OVER all creation, I don’t just mean that he is more important or more powerful than anything in creation. What we see in Scripture is that Christ has all AUTHORITY. He is not only the author of creation, he has all authority!
That’s what Paul is getting at in Colossians 1:17.
2. Christ is over all powers
2. Christ is over all powers
Christ is over Cr
Christ is over Cr
He is before all things, and by him all things hold together.
He existed before all things and BY HIM ALL THINGS HOLD TOGETHER. Guys, that’s a crazy idea. Not only did our Savior create, but he sustains! The only reason why the universe continues to exist as it does is because of him! All the scientific facts and formulas and consistencies we can point to are only facts, formulas and consistent because the Son of God is active in keeping them that way! He did not speak things into existence and then back away. He continues to have all authority over every molecule of the universe....
Does that blow your mind like it does mine?
In seasons like we are in currently, we need to be reminded that Christ is over all creation! A good father and a gracious Savior are at the helm of the universe and they can be fully trusted! You may have some WHY questions in times like these (We all do!), but you may not necessarily find the exact answer you’re looking for! And you need to be OK with that. Because we find our hope in the WHO question! Who is in control? We know that answer, and it should bring a comfort and peace.
That’s what Jesus was getting at in the Great Commission . Many people memorize 19-20… “GO therefore and make disciples of all nations.” But what Jesus says in verse 18 gives this verse it’s power...
Jesus says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me… Now, go and make disciples of all nations!”
Do you see how Christ having all authority should empower us to be bold but also comfort us during difficulty.
If you are scared or fearful during this time, find your peace and rest in the fact that Christ is OVER ALL Creation.
Back to the text...
Paul doesn’t stop here though. He is zoomed all the way out...
Christ is OVER all creation.
Then he begins zooming in here.
2. Christ is over the church
2. Christ is over the church
He is also the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything.
OK. This is supposed to grab our attention here. We have just seen this massively cosmic view of the power of God’s Son as he creates and sustains the entire universe with his power and authority, and now Paul jumps to say that he is ALSO head of the church.
OK. This is supposed to grab our attention here. We have just seen this massively cosmic view of the power of God’s Son as he creates and sustains the entire universe with his power and authority, and now Paul jumps to say that he is ALSO head of the church.
This is a strategic move by Paul! He wanted our minds blown so that then he could zoom in a little. When most people think about the expanse of the universe, they recognize they have no control over it. But many of them would look at the church and think they have some control over what goes on there, right? “I may not can control the planets staying in orbit, but I tell you what, I ain’t gonna let my church change too much! God, you keep everything working right in the universe, and you let us handle the church! We got this.”
This is the very idea that Paul wants to push against! You see, if we truly believe that Christ is over all of creation and HAS all authority in it, what makes you and me think we have authority in the church? That’s not ours, even as pastors! Christ is the ultimate Pastor of Lindsay Lane. This is HIS church not mine or ours as a pastoral staff. If he wants to shake things up, he can! He has all authority!
If we truly believe that Christ is over all of creation, then we should give him all authority in the church! Even if he wants to shake things up, right?
We have got to be open to the move of Christ in our churches! There is no detailed church blueprint in the Bible. No Scripture that says, “Do things this way.” The call on us is to make disciples. And the ways we accomplish that will change over time, and we have to listen to Christ more than we listen to our preferences and experiences. Cause this is his church, not ours.
So, Christ is over creation and he is over the church.
If we stopped here, we would have two well worded facts that you could memorize and impress your small group with sometime after Corona’s dead. But Paul’s not done yet.
There’s a purpose behind Paul giving us these statements and it’s found right there in verse 18...
There’s a challenge...
Why does Paul make these two distinctions
So, why did Paul say these things?
That’s Paul’s line of thought...
“so that he might come to have first place in everything.”
Acknowledging and believing the supremacy of Christ in all of creation and the church is essential for us if we are to allow this to zoom in a little further on us. Recognize that Christ is over the creation and the church SO THAT we can then acknowledge him as supreme in our families and supreme in our own lives! He wants first place in everything. And we need to give it to him, because it’s his to lead anyway! But, listen, it begins with acknowledging who he is!
We need to give over and acknowledge the supremacy of Christ in creation and in the church, SO THAT we can then acknowledge him as supreme in our families and supreme in our own lives! He wants first place in everything. And we need to give it to him. But, listen, it begins with acknowledging who he is!
To everyone listening to me, Christ wants first place in everything in your life. He is more important than your job. He’s more important than your friends. He is more important than your wife and kids! I know that may be tough to even think about, but Christ is SUPREME over all things. And because he is supreme, he has AUTHORITY. He deserves our worship and deserves our lives lived in full devotion to him.
This is what it means to call Jesus LORD!
If you are listening and would say that you are a Christian, let me ask you: Are you living your life in full submission to Christ? If not, you need to know that you can’t fix that problem by yourself. So many of us have tried to fix ourselves, when it’s Jesus only Jesus who can fix our wretched lives. If you are in this place with a lack of submission, you need to dwell on the bigness of the God you serve and the Savior who died for you! He is over creation and over the church. And he is therefore over YOU! Submission begins in our heart and mind long before it makes its way into our actions. Dwell on these two things.
And if you are listening today, and you would say you are not a follower of Jesus, Let me read the last two verses of the hymn to you...
Colossians 1:
For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him,
and through him to reconcile everything to himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
Your sin has separated you from a holy God. And there is nothing you can do to get back into a relationship with him. HOWEVER, It pleased God to make a way for you to be reconciled to him. The way? Jesus’ shed blood and death on the cross. Jesus died so that we might live forever with God in spite of the sins we have committed. If you would trust in Jesus Christ as the only one who can fix that relationship, believing he died for you and was raised again to life FOR YOUR reconciliation, you can be saved for a life lived for God.
You can pray a prayer in your heart now turning from the sin in your life and asking God to forgive you, and trusting in Jesus’ name as Savior. Jesus Christ will in that moment begin in you what was began in me at a young age, a life long process of making me look more like Jesus.
If you are a Christian who needs to refocus your heart and mind on the supremacy of Christ or if you are not a believer but have prayed a prayer like the one I just defined, let us know. Email us at and let us know about any next step God has called you to take here today.
Content Complacent Comfortable
Christ, Commitment, Community