Stillness & Rest in the Knowledge of God
Stand Alone • Sermon • Submitted
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This is a unique time in history as we pull together to curb the impact of the coronavirus.
We did receive word from the Orange County school system that our ability to use South Creek Middle School as our place of worship has been temporarily suspended by the district. We will keep you posted as we continue to receive updates. But as expected, we will be meeting online today and next Sunday.
I encourage you to join us at 10:00 AM on Sunday morning
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Here’s our reality this morning:
We are in unprecedented times - in our world there is concern and questions and uncertainty. This is true.
But there is also (2) TWO truths that swallows up our current reality and establishes a firm foundation beneath our feet:
God is Sovereign - he is in control, he maintains full authority over the world and all the fills it. From our highest mountains to the microscopic viruses. Our God is in control
God is Love - he draws near in our victories, in our fears, and in our longings. God demonstrate his love for us that while we were sinners, Jesus dies for us” ().
It is because of God’s holiness and love that we gather this morning - to remind our hearts of these great truths
This morning we are pausing our series in the book of 2 Corinthians but will return to it next week.
As I was praying for you and our community during this time, I was reminded of a message I once heard from Dr. Randall Smith, entitled, the 3 Fires of Elijah. I have personally found comfort in Elijah’s story and want to share with you that same comfort I have received.
Turn with me to 7
If you have your Bible
I typically read from the English Standard Version (ESV), if you are a second-language English speaker I often encourage you use the New Living Translation (NLT).
I encourage you to follow through the passage as I retell the story for you in my own words:
Ahab was King in Israel and was more evil than any king who came before him. He immediately built altars and shrines to the false gods of Baal and Asherah. Ahab married a woman named Jeezebel, who killed almost all of God’s prophets in Israel.
Through the word of one remaining prophet, Elijah, God spoke judgement that it would not rain for 3 years.In pride, King Ahab rejected such a foolish threat from God.
That was, until 3 long years passed without a drop of rain falling from the sky. Then one day, God told Elijah to go confront the King. Now was the time but the king needed to know that God was one in control.
King Ahab was furious with Elijah - thinking he somehow was personally troubling the nation.
Elijah told the King to gather 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah
The King sends word to all the people in the nation AND gathers his nearly 1,000 false-prophets.
One man of God stood before everyone and asked a simple question, “How long will you continue limping between two different opinions? Either worship God or worship Baal.
The Two Altars - a bull for each, cut into pieces and laid upon wood. Then they would each pray to their own God and the God who answers their prayer with fire from heaven - he is the true God.
The prophets of Baal and Asherah started praying at sun up and for six hours they cried out for God to answer them.
This is when Elijah started mocking them:
Try praying louder - maybe he’s in the bathroom and can’t hear you, or maybe he has the TV too loud.
They cried louder and cut themselves - trying to manipulate Baal into answering them.
Incredibly - outside of Scripture we have an Egyptian traveler, Wen-Amon, who wrote about a violent prophetic frenzy near Jezebel’s hometown.
They continued the frenzy until sunset was approaching.
This is when Elijah took 12 stones and rebuilt the altar of God. Then he dug a trench around they altar and filled it with water. An additional 4 jars of water was used to soak the wood, then another 4 jars of water, and then another 4 jars of water.
Water has now soaked the altar and the ground. Now Elijah prays a simple prayer and fire comes crashing down from heaven
The bull was consumed, along with the wood, and bit of ash and not a single drop of water remained.
God showed his sovereign power and victory over all other gods. - Sometimes we experience God through miraculous presence in our lives. His hand in our life is clearly evident and powerful and we stand in awe.
This leads us to the 2nd fire in Elijah’s life.
King Ahab tells his wife everything that happened and she is furious and sends word to Elijah that she was going to kill him.
Remember, one man standing before a nation of people and nearly 1,000 false-prophets of Baal. Mocking them and jeering as their prayers went unanswered before he himself prayed and saw fire fall from heaven. What will such a man do against the threat of one woman?
Elijah ran for a day before collapsing beneath a tree. His only prayer was that God would take his life.
See Elijah saw the victorious presence of God in the fire.
Now guilt and condemnation overwhelmed his heart because he gave into the fear. Maybe it was just better if God took his life. Surely God wouldn’t draw near to someone so overwhelmed with fear, and guilt, and shame - right?
Exhausted, Elijah feel asleep beneath the tree, I imagine the ground damp with his own tears. His on life, laid on the altar of defeat.
Elijah awoke at a gentle nudge and felt the warmth of a fire against his skin. The Bible says the “Angel of the LORD” was the one to nudge him awake. He had made him some pancakes on the hot stone. Many scholars believe this is a reference to Jesus before he took on human flesh.
Elijah ate what was prepared for him, drank some water and went back to sleep. Sometimes depression and fear can drain all the energy from our bodies. But Jesus remained near.
Again, Jesus came and told him to arise and eat to regain his strength.
The second fire in Elijah’s life was one of comfort when Elijah lay in defeat - overwhelmed and filled with shame.
Elijah then then journeyed to the mountain where God had met with Moses.
It was here that Elijah found a cave and made himself at home.
God did meet him on the mountain with a simple question, “What are you doing here?” and told Elijah to “go outside and stand before God.”
Standing at the entrance of the mountain he waited for God...
The WIND began to blow and the rocks around him began to break away from their foundation - but God was not in the wind.
Then an EARTHQUAKE shook the ground beneath Elijah’s feet - afraid and grasping for something to stabilize himself Elijah listened for God but God was not in the earthquake.
Then Elijah saw the FIRE - flashbacks of the altar being consumed came to mind and surely God will be in the fire. God met Moses in the fire here on this mountain - but God was not in the fire.
This third fire in the life of Elijah - a fire of longing - fire of waiting - of needing to hear the voice of God.
A soft breeze like a low whisper passed by the entrance of the cave and Elijah heart began to race - this was it.
He took his cloak and covered his face so he would not accidently look upon God‘s presence and be destroyed.
He stepped outside the entrance of the cave he was hiding and stepped into the presence of God.
It was here that God spoke with Elijah.
Why did I tell you this story?
ELIJAH was a man like you and me. He experienced:
victory and defeat,
hope and shame, he felt both
courage and condemnation,
he desperately needed God’s presence.
I can relate to this:
At times I feel courage and victory, faith and fearlessness as I look ahead into the uncertainty that lay ahead of us.
At other times - the news feels overwhelming. How bad will it get. When will life be normal. What is the new normal?
In the end, I need Jesus. I need his presence, to hear his voice - to be comforted and led by his power and love.
GOD met Elijah in all these emotions:
In Elijah’s courageous obedience God was in the fire that fell from heaven
In Elijah’s fear and shame God drew near and made him a hot breakfast against the camp fire.
In Elijah’s longing, God did not come with fire but a gentle whisper. Like a gentle breeze against fresh wounds. He comforts, he draws near, he encourages
So that we continue on in faithful obedience.
God raised up others to walk the journey of faithful obedience together.
Where are you this morning:
defeated and fearful,
alone and longing
Jesus is near
He drew near to Elijah and he will draw near to you
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God is our refuge and strength,
always ready to help in times of trouble.
So we will not fear when earthquakes come
and the mountains crumble into the seas.
Let the oceans roar and foam.
Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!
The nations are in chaos
and the kingdoms crumble!
God’s voice thunders and the earth melts!
The Lord of Heaven’s armies is here among us;
the God is Israel is our fortress.
Be still and know that I am God!
In this moment of history - as the world we once knew is quarantined - can we quiet our hearts and minds before the winds and quaking of news outlets to listen for the voice of God, and step into his presence.
This is my prayer for us in the coming week.