Increasing Our Faith - The Book of Peter

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Acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service. So in our decision a decision is that we are chosen we are important to God important to the world. There's work to be done through your body your soul and your spirit that only you can do and only as you fulfill that purpose will you realize true satisfaction and living but the choice is yours. Will not force your will if you so choose you can live without purpose you can choose softness and indolence you can escape reality with drugs or drink or riotous living you can go your own way. Do your own thing never find a reason for being placed on the planet Earth, but the world would suffer and you with it for your body or soul and your spirit were made for something more something within you should be saying conquer build create work with jhad discover the mysteries of the Earth the Sea and the sky communicate with the great creator of the heavens and earth link yourself with his great love and power and experience real. Since God has a plan for your life and the special work for you to do. I challenge you to accept this challenge now Place yourself in training now and seek to live in harmony with DOT physical spiritual and moral laws allowing him to shape your mind sharp in your faculties and strengthen your body Soul and Spirit so that you can talk a lot and defeat every enemy that threatens your purpose Bible study series from a virtual perspective, but we don't know the next time we're going to be in of the sanctuary and so we need to go ahead and stay with our planned teaching and preaching throughout this pandemic want to make sure that you all are in tune with what God is saying to me as relates to the body of Christ and then our position as a local assembly. We want to make sure that we are into What's happening around the world, you know several years ago. There was back 25 maybe 30-40 years ago. There was a transition into church huge transition in the Church of the faith the word of faith movement took off and down in the word of faith are there was a deeper examination of the word of God. There was a that was a more in-depth curriculum for pastors and teachers and evangelist and apostles were going to Seminary and I were in regular University psychology and philosophy that was added to the curriculum. There was a critical breakdown of theology where mines were getting sharper. I grew up under a generation of pastors and preachers where the Pastor had a 3 to a may be a 12th grade education and but you know what? I am so grateful for those guys because they did in the storm is job building a platform and laying the foundation for us as the modern church. I just wish that we had the faith and endurance and they had back then they may not have been able to articulate the word with all of the Hebrew and Greek breakdowns and in all of the nuances that we use today. We use all this work equipment that allows us to get to work to people with screaming when you come into sanctuaries. You don't need him anymore on the screen. Are you going to most of Flashing lights you got big balls, and I'm not talkin about it because we do the same thing at our church. I think you need to move with the times. We got a lot of ways of getting the word of God just like we getting it to you with some Facebook Facebook Facebook now and we've got a periscope over here and then we've got a group of people who are on zoo. We got all kinds of ways of getting you the word of God when I look at our community, sometimes I'm saddened because it seems like we are not achieving as much as my dad and and his generation and the generation before achieved. I mean they built churches and they built communities off chicken dinners, man are they would go and they would go to prayer meeting on Wednesdays and and they would set the church on fire we have devotion going on. And by the time the devotion was over in the choir kicked in man, and then we had Getting on fire right now thinking about it as we have been practicing going back and grabbing some of those old hymns and tradition making sure that I children don't forget where we come from what the church used to be on fire. And and for some reason we got a little bit intelligent and and we thought that the things that they did or someone absolutely, you know Out of Time Out Of Tune it wasn't necessarily A lot of that wasn't necessary anymore and somehow we lost our we're not moving social spiritually social economic coming up man. African American businesses that we came together on social issues and we didn't allow government or anyone else to tell us how we should or would live and so but then a new movement game the word of faith in and we did get more educated. We got into the word of God the charismatic set in laying hands and people started speaking in tongues play team got the became very popular high praise and worship in our churches and what have you and we would looking for miracles and signs and wonders and God did come and then we move into this space where we started a Prosperity kind of gospel that that kind of made its way through the church and and people then started Chase Chase. Stature everybody want to be rich everybody want to be wealthy. You have some preachers not all but some pastors and teachers were saying that everybody every believer is supposed to be rich and and God is coming on the Honda and he was bringing blessings all kind of ways seven ways a hundred ways a thousand ways and and a lot of people were with disappointed and because I let stuff just didn't come through and some people would say was only because the people didn't have the face. I do believe that you need and Anna Faith with application to move mountains need a faithful application to please God and you need a Faith with application to get the best of your salvation. I believe that with all of my heart. The thing is is that somehow we got away from them and that is to love him with all of my heart soul mind and strength and love our neighbors as he has loved us in the second. Go ye into all the world and make disciples baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and of the Holy Ghost and teaching them to observe everything his commanding and that he would be with you always even unto the end as a matter fact. He told us over there in the Book of Mark that that we shall be overcome with the Holy Spirit and we would be able to tread upon serpents. We would be able to lay hands on the sick and they would be made. Well, we were cast out demons and I seen it happen with my own eyes. Even in the modern church. I've seen it happening in my own eyes. I watch people get healed get delivered get set free. I watched people get filled with the Holy Spirit. I'm telling you and they went down one way and they came up another way. They came up full of the power of God. They came up full of honking fully hungering and thirsting and wanting to know more and more about God. Tell you again somehow as we look at statistics statistics show that churches are not growing at the rate that they ought to be growing and often times. We look at the huge Ministries like the Joel Osteen's in the TD Jakes and and and and the various intense Rick Rick Hawkes here in Fort Wayne and you have many many huge Ministries all across this country with literally thousands of members or members of One Church. You have some churches that have that have multiple locations than and the church is getting more into planting churches now, however, we are also seeing a lot of people shifting from one Church to the next. We have a consumerism kind of religion. It's a consumer religion and so it is if we can Actually coming to the church for what we can get not necessarily for God to use us and in return He blesses us for offer myself as living sacrifices. We want the blessing without the work is the most important thing that we could ever do is make the cycle the most important thing that we can do is share our story the most important thing that the circuit ever find itself doing is telling the world. This is what my life was like before I got into a relationship with Jesus Christ. And this and this is how he got my attention. Maybe you were in a bar or sitting on the Barstool. Maybe you were dancing. Maybe you were at church and you have been there for years and you just hadn't got a revelation. I know you could have been riding down the street you have met have been suffering some kind of tragedy. I don't know. I don't know what could have been your circumstance. But the one thing that we do know is that when God gets a hold of us things change when God gets a hold of us our lives changed when we get when we get filled with the Holy Spirit. We are no longer the same things that we used to love. We don't love anymore. We used to love doing we don't do any more God gets into our lives and she shifts that we are really born again and I tell you Find about my relationship with Jesus Christ because I have my life is really different than it once was as matter fact. My life has shifted even from being safe after having been in the church for a number of years in the last 10 years the intimacy between God and I has become something work me talkin about we talk about it all the time to me. Wonder if there's anybody who's watching who are willing to say see who's willing to tap the screen give us some thumbs up for some hard to something to testify that God changed you and you know that you are not the same. You know that you don't think the same you don't chase the same things you you have a desire and your desire for God is getting deeper and deeper and deeper. I don't know about you but you're everywhere I go I'm talkin about Jesus. I'm telling you in the boy. Rooms, I'm talkin about Jesus folks in Fort Wayne know what we do. We we we are heavily into community and we build houses. We have life development skills. We have all kinds of services that help people get themselves together and I have and I sit down with some of the wealthiest people I and some of the most influential people in our town and the thing about it is I don't have to be ashamed of my relationship with Jesus Christ as a matter fact, I get a chance to minister to them. I Mentor some of them I speak into the last prophetically the law allows me to share my story in a way and I talked about Jesus everywhere I go and make disciples. I have to tell people what Jesus did for me and those of you who know me man. God done some amazing things in my life. I wasn't supposed to make it. I wasn't supposed to be sitting here and you Anticipating what it is that I'm going to say to you. My reputation was shot but God he revived me He restored me. Thank God for Jesus and the Holy Spirit and so I live my life sharing my testimony and Sharing The Good The Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who are trying to find out from God how to become all they were meant to be and so our church has been in this discipleship mode. We have set of gold to have at least two hundred and twenty people in A discipleship relationship by December 20th, 2020 December 20th, 2020, 12 20, 20, 220 disciples any discipleship module when you have a a mentor or you have an accountability partner, we have a system of Battleship for you helping you that's design. We call it live to conquer life challenges that's learned significance investing in those things that help you be your best your faith your family fitness your finances. We value virtuous living because we expect to conquer life challenges and we build community around that live concept and and what we're doing the Lord bless me last year to take 26 people through an intense discipleship module and it was it was crazy for those who ICC Oggi's you remember we we didn't even have a meeting schedule at cuz I only want to deal with people who really wanted to have a relationship with Jesus Christ who wanted it bad. So there was no meeting scheduled at sound of text and I'll let people know we're meeting here at this certain time on this day. And usually there may be a 24 hour in advance notice. Most of the time it was even shorter than that and those who really wanted to get some of what they seem God had given me they showed up and we ended up bringing 26 know I was it 26 or 32. I'm sorry 3232 people came through ccog last year. And so now this year what we're doing we are now teaching each one of those how to make disciples. So everything that I put in them all of the reading all of the the new habits praying and studying the word of God holding each other accountable everything that I gave them they are now responsible for when new people coming to the church or people that they get into relationship with their families are concerned or on their job their responsibilities that as their goal as they go they are not to go to church talking about my pastor preached a good message or I'll praise team. Down. This is what I Church Is doing to go into the workplace into the marketplace into grocery stores and shopping malls in the community and talk about Jesus. This is what Jesus did for me in my life. Jesus Change Me. Jesus. Got me off drugs Jesus brought my family back together Jesus help me lose weight. Cheese's help me get my finances, right Jesus help me to forgive when I wouldn't forgive. Jesus gave me what was necessary to get over the anger. That was keeping me down the depression that kept me down and dumb and I I tell you I thought I wasn't going to make it but God she gave me this curriculum. And so now I've been putting it into people and I'm watching their lives. I'm watching their lives and watching their credit go above 700. I'm watching them by new houses and cars. I'm watching them getting married and build families. I watch the families that are blending watching people get killed from cancer. I'm watching people experiencing all kinds of Miracles around that they're getting the starting new businesses. They are being promoted on jobs. I hear people say they talk different. They they don't cuss like they used to come stay. I hear people say that they are whole lot more patient with people that get along with folk on their jobs and people actually want to be bothered with them. I'm watching as we are Cochrane Life and defeating the enemies that threaten our purpose and so now we're getting ready to go and we're going to get ready to walk through the Book of Joshua simple because if we walk to the book of Ephesians, there are six critical shifts that I believe is necessary for mobilising God's people and we have to mobile Resume God's way we got to get people out of the sanctuary. We got to get people we got to change coming to the church. No more the way they used to people used to come to the church to black people into the church most we could hardly go anywhere else as we are only don't forget. We're just a few days away from receiving our civil rights here in this country. And so most of our church great evangelism and discipleship. What is because it was our social Center it was because that's all our people who migrated from the south knew that was the only strengthen hair community worship and fellowship with one another and and and we had to go to I remember being a kid. I didn't go to church because only because my parents said I had to be there. Because we sang in the choirs together. We went to Cedar Point together. We went to the zoo together. We had Church picnic did all kind of stuff together and that happened that way because we as African-Americans we didn't have the Liberty to be able to go out and to be free like other people experiencing at freedom and and we're and we're testing it out and we're trying to find out what it's like to really be free in to go places. We've never gone and to buy where we never bought you fly into at the support and to do things that we've never done before and so I don't get mad at people. I used to get mad because people have to go to soccer games on Sundays with your children and they have to they have to support their children through all of their their Artistic Endeavors and you got them that I Not just my children are not chasing Sports Samurai children in high academic competitions. A lot of our children are are competing in in scientific fares. We got young scientist coming out of our communities with a lot of our children. Are are are are in nature it more African American children are moving into the space of it and coding and programming and we're pushing them there. And so we know that I people can do more and sing at all the we love to run jump and sing We love it and we going to do it that you we are we were built that way. We don't say it. We going to preach it but we also have brains and we have the spirit to temper us and we also have And talents that expand beyond what people expect from us and I expect God to do some amazing things and so here at Joshua's Temple what we're doing right now. We are moving into the discipleship where we're showing people how to be and go I believe more than anything else that would God meant for us to do is just be if you if you learn how to beat who it is that you're supposed to be you go to automatically do what it is that who you are. It supposed to be doing a car takes you from one place to another that is job to be a car. Your home is to give you shelter from outside. That's it job of believer is to be a witness for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for all of the wonderful things that he has done in our lives. We need to be able to share that with other people and so I watch him Live those who are members of Joshua's Temple and members of our community. They have they have watched how the Lord has used me in the mazing way in our community as we are doing Community Development Workforce Development life the development and how God has just literally transformed my life and after results, he's transforming the lives of the people around me and then as a result, he's transforming the end of the end of the image of our church and we have this thing at that church, I grow by and I helped you grow by the grace of God to become are you meant to be by the grace of God and our church will help our community growth by the grace of God to become all it was meant to be because we live significantly we invest in those things that help us be our best. We value vs living because we expect to conquer life challenges. That's what we believe that's and we live it and I believe that Community Development is an extension of an individual who gotten himself together or herself together that when individual people in our community get themselves together according to Isaiah 61 to become Trees of Righteousness. And so on this journey, I ask you all to stay with us. If you will I'm taking us on a journey through the book of Ephesians and we going to teach you how to be so you can do and as you do you go this is the framework for the calling that's on your life. God has a calling on your life. God has a calling on my life. God has a calling on all of our lives and we going to teach you how to hit your sweet spot. That's what we're going to do. I mean, we do it all at JT. I mean, we do personality assessment spiritual assessment. We then and then and then we help people to get to know themselves. So They can so that they can still get the people who are in relationships with them. They can express to those folks. This is who it is that you're dealing with. Let me tell you about me and then they don't have to worry about becoming somebody else because they know themselves we get deep into the word of God and we're not afraid of what God shows us about ourselves when we get into it cuz it's all about being so we can do we be so we can do if you're in the house with somebody if there's anybody there just listening to me with you you need to touch and agree with them and you need to tell them be so you can do just tell him so you can do somebody from Joshua's pimple put that on the screen so you can do so you can do and as you do you going to automatically go as you do you go to automatically go you going to be propelled and you going to be propelled into circles into you go in and into Community you going to be Propelled into situations and circumstances when you'll be able to so that others may see your good work and then and they will want to buy your God and so we're going to be looking at if we go through Ephesians. We going to look at your position in Christ. And then we going to let that left at your position in Christ is is is you been position to go and then we're going to look at how he designed you to be and we work work work through the book of Ephesians and then we going to show you how being is automatically doing and you can fulfill your purpose in the Earth Map not you know, I'm at your door. I got this thing. I believe that I'm with Rick Warren on this and The Purpose Driven Life and and everybody don't believe it. But I believe that every Christian has the same purpose and that is to love God with all your heart mind. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Well we go with John 13:34. Love your neighbor as Christ has loved you and then put yourself in discipleship to become more like Christ and then release your gifts to the body so that the body can be healthy and then you go forth into all the world telling your story about these but I believe that's all about purpose. I believe we need to learn the difference between purpose and assignment purpose and assignment I cannot allow the job that I do to become my purpose. I cannot allow the job that I do to become my purpose. My purpose is to glorify God in the earth Destin menu going to see that in the word of God testing us for his glory and we are so multifaceted and skill set in us that when X Change example as we deal with this life. Change a whole lot of people life is going to change in an amazing way. Some people will not be able to go back to the jobs that they had. Some people are going to have to look at starting their own business and some people have already made up their mind that they're getting ready to get their their side hustle together. You got people who are going to be dealing with folks who have been sick from the pandemic and didn't recover all the way. They're going to have to change your lifestyle to accommodate those folks. You got some people who would have been sick and they've got to change their lifestyle and what they used to do that anymore. They so if what they used to do they thought was their purpose what happens now that you have to do something else that means that your assignment changes and so if your job shift to another a different state if you if it's all up if you if you like Elijah and the brook has dried up and and you got to go to another place where wherever you go. You can love God with all your heart mind soul and strength wherever you go. You can love your neighbor as Christ has loved you wherever you go. You can remain in A discipleship mold becoming more and more like Christ. Wherever you go. You can release your gifts into the body of Christ making sure that it's healthy. Wherever you go. You can tell people about Jesus Christ anywhere you go so your assignment changes the things that you could do when you were Twenty-One that you can't do it no more now that you 35 or 40 or 50 or 60 and that's the reason why so many people are depressed because they were locked into something and they thought it was their purpose. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, we got to understand and I'll try to teach me where Joshua is Temple and you got people running around trying to find out

Determine what your purpose is to keep telling you over and over and over and over and over again. You can't determine your purpose if you didn't make you how are you going to be busy? If you did not make use the word of God says to us all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose and I are the called according to his purpose. I need to find out what God's purpose is for me and then living that and walking that for those he foreknew also predestined to be conformed into the image of his son Jesus Christ, and those he predestined he also called and those he called he also Justified Justified glorified.

Before the foundations of the Earth has positioned us to be able to go do and be we can go and do do go and be and go and I'm telling you man. I almost gave up almost allowed what people thought about me what I thought about myself. I almost gave up and then I fooled around and got into the word of God when I started looking for his purpose for my life and after I discovered his purpose for my life and stop trying to create one for myself able to learn how to walk by faith and not by sight but I don't have to worry about tomorrow. When Jesus says in Matthew chapter 6 verse 33 and 34 you said seek ye first the kingdom of God is righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you and he said take no thought for tomorrow for tomorrow for tomorrow has enough problems of its own. So I wake up in the morning to tell you something. Yes. I've got a plan. I've got a 5 Flanagan 10-year plan the word of God tells us commit your ways and in Psalm chapter 37 verse 6 through Mitchell way to the Lord and he shall bring it to pass but you got to trust in him. So that means that you can have a plan but Proverbs then comes around and says many are the plans in the heart of man with the Lord's purpose always Prevail it so you got to be agile. You have to be malleable. You have to be able to adjust I pity the person who cannot deal with change. You cannot shift when she not viable enough. Malleable enough for God to say, I know you wanted to go left, but I need you to go right this was salvation does for you if purified that sanctifies you and it gets you through a place where you can trust God and so as we walk to the book of Ephesians, I'm telling you. I'm so excited. About what the Lord is going to share as I give you the framework for your calling through the book of Ephesians you going to see that you were predestined before the foundation of everlane your way was already paid for you better learn how to because faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of Things Not Seen. We are Justified Romans. Come on. We are justified by faith having been justified by faith. We have peace with God and because we have peace with God we have access Now by faith in and we stand and and therefore we rejoice in the in the hope of glory but not on that we glory in Tribulation. So we good stuff we glory in Tribulation as well because we know tribulation work and perseverance perseverance character and character hope and hope will not be made a shame because the love of God is shed abroad in our I never will forget what we had a ground-breaking ceremony. One of the one of the councilmen Refaeli don't mind me telling you. He was very skeptical very skeptical of what it was that we were going to do and and and and when we were having the ceremony he saw that we were breaking ground things were happening. He came to me and he says he says Prophet Walker I tribute Aroma have persevered and an end and it is obvious that has made you persevered and you endured tribulation. He said I'm willing to work with you. I'm willing to walk with you. I'm willing to support you and what it is that you do. So now we've gone from building a scholar house to just deal 25 new housing community. Now, we're getting ready to send out on a work the Workforce Development plan with the electric Works project and we are now bringing we're bringing Minorities into a huge workspace a 260 million dollar project in the city of Fort Wayne and we have the privilege of being able to bring African American and other minority contractors to that space But in the space of project management it architectural all of the technical back to the science of how you run the back room for for a construction company building a community that we're coming home too. And so the Lord let me tell you something in me and I was able to communicate the people only on all levels every level. I talked to billionaires and I talked to those who And I love them and I don't see who I sleeping under bridges. I love with love on them. And I have great conversations and even learn from them middle-class people working class. I'm able to get on all of their level because God has something for everyone of us. My job is to help people understand that God has his purpose for you and when real stuff from your stuff and then you open yourself up so that God can have his way with your like you'd be amazed with God will take you and not just doing it for me. He's doing it for people all around me people who will trust God people who would dare to walk in their predetermined place and we don't talk about that predestination we get down to it. And so we're going to be dealing with your position your design your purpose want to get you to your sweet spot. And what we going to do is help you to understand how to discover your Primary or your common calling? Because every Christian is called to be a disciple. That's what you called to do is be a disciple and that means that you are one who makes disciple. That's your doing make disciples. Wherever you go, you make disciples wherever you go you make disciples. Like I just told you about 10 minutes ago. I'm going to talk about Jesus Jesus Save Me Jesus Turn Me Around Jesus pick me up to Higher Ground And even in this pandemic abeka saying in chapter 3 verses 17 through 19 Hughes what he says though, the Fig Tree May Blossom and there be no fruit on the vine though the strength of the olive May Fail and there be no food in the field of the flock be separated from the fold and there be no cattle in the stall. He says I will Joy In the Lord, I will rejoice in the god of my salvation whom shall make my feet as deer. See he shall make me to walk on my high. He ain't talkin about stilettos and red bottom. I'm talking about the high heels of your life. He's going to make you walk on the high heels getting on your high heels emotional. We're going to teach you emotional intelligence help you walk on the eye heal the high heels of your infant intelligent. We're going to help you walk on your high heels of gifts and talents. We going to help you walk on your high heels of Dreams. How do I dream? How does my dreams get manifested? We going to help your family walk on its high-heeled so that you and your husband or your wife or your boo or whoever it is. Y'all can get yourself together so you can start touching and agreeing and as you start touching and agreeing y'all can get yourself. Together and start a life and defeating all the enemies that threatens your purpose somebody help me in this place. So we're going to talk about your primary calling and how you go and you share Jesus and then your secondary or your unique calling. That's what I was just talkin about because every Christian is a masterpiece. Every Christian is a masterpiece. You are a masterpiece that God made and you are to be that Masterpiece and every day we're going to teach you how to make your days a masterpiece and and and and help you discover with the specific good that the work that you do how that fits into the into your workspace. How does that fit into your family? What does that fit into the community? And where can you be most effective we each have a sweet spot. Calling where we are positioned correctly doing what we are designed to do and producing the fruit intended by God, you know, one of my favorite passages of scripture Colossians chapter chapter 1 verses for you to pray for you that you be filled with wisdom and the knowledge of God that you may walk worthy of your calling bearing fruit in every good work in every good work being strengthened with might power unto all patient and long-suffering with joy. Don't forget that part with joy giving thanks to the father who has made us need to be partakers of the inheritance of the saint in life who has translated us out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son through the Forgiveness of sins and Bloods I'm going to help you get free of the guilt and the shame that you have been living up under those of you who have who have given up on life whether not got work to do something unique with you. I don't care if you 40 50 60 70 or even 80. My mother will be 88 years old. My mother came to my church about 8 to 10 years ago and my mother shared with me in her seventies that right at the late 70s early 80s, she shared with me and it just open my heart of my mother said to me boy. You teaching me stuff ain't never known. I've been in church all my life and I'm discovering things about me and about God that I just did not know and let me tell you something everybody that's on my eyes. I don't care. If you a preacher Pastor Bishop Apostle, I don't care what you call yourself need to grow. Every last one of us needs to continue growing if the body of Christ if we are going to go into the marketplace and if we're going to build the kingdom of God the way it supposed to be built then you my brother and my sister are going to have to learn how to be due and go do I have to get out of your comfort zone and you're going to have to position yourself so that the Lord can you can use you in the uniqueness that you are you are very unique pursuing your unique calling with separate. You would separate you from your primary, so that as you make disciples in a simple way you thought you're going to help people to move into that space of comfort in the Lord where they trust in God because not only are they watching God do it in your life, but you are teaching them how to do it. And so in Ephesians this six critical ship their six critical shih Immobilizing God's people write these down. So when I come back we going to start going through chapters 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 then chapter 5 and then chapter 6, you know chapter, you know, if the New Testament version of the Book of Joshua you see coming through Deuteronomy nnnn. We saw that though. There are those who came out of Egypt wasn't able to access the land even roamed around in the wilderness in this is what got me the last 2 weeks that I've been reading the last week that I've been reading even though they have their own planets by their plan to go check out the van and they came back with a bad report after they return with that bad report and they scared the living Living Faith out of everybody and they decide they wasn't going to go and drive then. Dim them to be in the wilderness for 40 years even while they were in the wilderness. Good God Almighty is taking care of them when the moabites came against them when they're malachite's came against them everybody that came against them even though access into the promised land. I'm getting ready to help somebody here. God made it so that he made himself available to protect their body for them and they still lived abundantly but not let me tell you about you who are in this new testament, you are not condemned to to to the rest of your life being in a Wilderness you get to step out of your will do this no matter what you've done no matter where you going no matter what no matter what your past is you get the step. Make a decision. And so we going to show you how to make those critical shifts so that you can be mobilized for God's glory and here are the six years want you to write these down number one. You going to move going to teach you how to we going to have to learn how and our church and in our church has to move from more effort to More Jesus. We just we doing too much as young people say we just doing too much and we got to let Jesus do it. That's the first thing you going to move from more effort to More Jesus number to you go to move from seeing people as volunteers. For those of you who are church leaders pastors and overseers. We got to stop seeing people as volunteers and start seeing them as unique masterpieces with a mission. They are unique masterpieces with a mission and then the next thing we're going to talk about when we get to chapter 3 from from guilt. To love you going to move out of that guilt and into that love, you know 3rd, John chapter 3 verses 20 through 21 says that this is the confidence we have in God that if our heart condemns us not whatsoever. We ask we shall receive because we keep his command to do that, which is pleasing in his sight. And so we going to teach you how to get out of that guilt and out of that shame teach you how to move in love and from professional clergy and equipping and deploying people into Michigan and sending out missionaries on Mission and they're on their job and then we going to move from a program based come and see search to a mission field goal and approach and then finally chapter 6, we going to celebrate when you get Chapstick from more strategy to more prayer and fasting and surrendering and sold as I get ready to move to a close here. I'm going to just read through right quick infusion chapter one. I'm not going to Text Jean I'm not going to comment on it. I just want you two to listen to chapter one as I read through it and I want you to start reading through it this week and meditating on it read through it with different translations New Living Translation. New King James new King James version to King James version Amplified Bible Christian English version of the American Standard Version, whenever version that you can get your hands on just read through it so that you can get this message. So I want you to listen to this passage of scripture. And then we're going to close with prayer Ephesians chapter one. Here's what it says. This letter is from Paul chosen by the will of God damn reason for reading from the New Living Translation chosen by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus. I am riding to God's holy people in Ephesus are faithful followers of Christ Jesus. May God our Father and the What Jesus Christ give you Grace and peace? He says all praise to God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing and heavily because we are united with Christ. Even before he made the world God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault and his eyes God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do and it gave him great pleasure. So we praise God for the Glorious Grace. He has poured out on us who belong to his dear son. He is so rich in kindness and Grace that he purchased out Freedom with the blood of his son and forgave our sins. Has showered his kindness on us along with all wisdom and understanding God is Not revealed to us his mysterious will regarding Christ which is due for his own good plan. And this is the plan at the right time. He will bring everything together under the authority of Christ everything in heaven and earth. I wish I could say I can I can expose this text. But I promise you I'll just going to read through it further more because we are united with Christ. We have received an inheritance from God for he chose us in advance and makes everything work out according to his plan cooking God's purpose was that we were the first to trust in price would bring praise and glory to God and now God Saves you And When You Believe In Christ, he identified you as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit whom he promised long ago. The spirit is God's guarantee that he will give us the inheritance he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people. He did this so we would praise and glorify him ever since I first heard of your strong faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for God people everywhere. I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly asking God the glory father of our Lord Jesus Christ and inside so that you might grow in your knowledge of God my God, I pray that your hearts will be flooded with life so that you can understand the confident. Hope he has given to those he called. His holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance. I also pray that you will understand incredible greatness of God's power for us who believe him. This is the same Mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right in Heavenly Realms. Somebody going to be blessed from this now. He is far above any ruler or authority or power on leader or anyting else not only in this world, but also in the world to come God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him hand over all thing for the benefit of the church and the church is his body. It is made full and complete by Christ who fills all things everywhere with himself. My my my my my my I'm excited about picking this up on Sunday morning. We going to do some preaching on this thing on Sunday that we going to teach throughout the week. We're going to be having some pop up sessions. It doesn't Holy Spirit give me Revelation. I'm just going to have pop-up session. I'm just going to talk about it as God give it to me and I want you to be blessed by the expat to the word of God because God predestined you for great things and you need to understand that if you're going to be safe and get every benefit of being saved. You better learn how to renew your mind. So you can regulate your emotions so that you can reset your attitude to release your will into God's hands. That way you can live significantly invest in the things that help you be your best value virtuous living and have My expectations of Cochrane Life and defeating every enemy that threatens your purpose. This is our prayers differential purpose because you decided to live live have a great and awesome day. I'm signing off. God bless you. Thank you. All those of you who are not apart of JT. Thank you for joining and I hope he said something that blessed you hit me in my inbox. If you got some questions about Ephesians chapter one or this introduction that I've given to you. I'm just hit me in my inbox and I can get back with you and we can talk about this thing. But I know one thing you've been predestined for great things. God Made You for his plan. God has a plan for your life and his plan is that you become more than conquerors. You can conquer that thing. You can win. God bless you and keep you this is us. We love you be blessed.

God bless you. Thank you all for joining us and being there with us and for us be blessed.

Those of you who are lined up with us on our new line Thank you. Can y'all can y'all hear me? All right. I will y'all bless tonight? Look, I forgot to pick up the off and on. I got so full of the Holy Ghost. I forgot to take up the office. I forgot to tell that you can give at 7325 take Joshua to 73256 will catch it the next time.

Hey. digital mama mama, my God is doing some amazing things around here and he doing some amazing things y'all.

Amex Amex guide you got to unmute baby. You need it. I just come eat it.

How you get back to see the people get the square?

You need what?

I need four five and six what?

You all need for five and six what?

Hold on, let me let me let me let me let me get you off.

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