POTB - Prayers of Nehemiah 3
Nehemiah is a record of Nehemiah and covers the third wave of the Jews returning from exile.
IN the Hebrew canon, or version of the Bible, Ezra and Nehemiah are treated as one book.
Ezra’s job was to repair the Temple and to teach the people the Law. Nehemiah’s task was to repair the walls and the gates.
Nehemiah was the cupbearer of the Persian king, Artaxerxes. Whose wife was probably Esther
A brief summary of the background of the book of Nehemiah up to Chapter 6 is:
The New Bible Dictionary, Third Edition a. Nehemiah’s Mission (1:1–7:73a)
i. Nehemiah hears news from Jerusalem (1:1–11).
ii. He receives permission to visit Jerusalem (2:1–8).
iii. He arrives in Jerusalem, and makes plans to rebuild the walls (2:9–20).
iv. The list of wall-builders, with their allotted sections of wall (3:1–22).
v. Opposition from the Samaritans (4:1–23).
vi. Economic difficulties and Nehemiah’s solution (5:1–13).
vii. Nehemiah’s behaviour as governor (5:14–19).
viii. The wall is completed, in spite of plots against Nehemiah (6:1–19).
be sure to correct v. above - it should say Sanballat and Tobias and others don’t just use the term Samaritans.!!!
Nehemiah was also a great man of prayer. We have seven recorded prayers by him in the book that bears his name.
We have looked at several of them previously
Previous prayers of Nehemiah
Previous prayers of Nehemiah
Prayer in times of distress
Prayer: quick, urgent & silent
Prayer with action.
Tonight I want to deal with a little prayer that is tucked away in this passage that is often overlooked.
In fact — its more of an interjection than a prayer.
Prayer for a strengthened hand
Prayer for a strengthened hand
The opposition has heard that the building project of Nehemiah was nearing completion.
Sanballat and Tobiah and Geshem see a closing window of opportunity. Once the walls are rebuilt and the gates are put in place, the only way to regain control of the city might be through a siege or a direct attack. As long as the walls are broken down, they don’t have to engage in open combat against other people under Persian protection. Those are Jews in that city, but they have the blessing and protection of the king of Persia, so this is a final crucial opportunity before the gates are reestablished. We all need what Nehemiah has: he has eyes to see both the good progress and the necessary work that remains to be done. It’s not yet time to rejoice that the breaches are closed. The gates still have to be installed.
James M. Hamilton, Exalting Jesus in Ezra-Nehemiah, ed. David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, Tony Merida, (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 2014), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, 136.
Their solution they thought according to was as some have thought to assassinate him.
So they tried to get him to meet. (There were at least four attempts to meet with Nehemiah) Nehemiah refused to go— the work was too important ()
Then follows the fifth interaction between Sanballat and Nehemiah.
It is an unsealed letter with all kinds of accusations and slanderous charges.
Statements like "it's been reported" and "they say" have caused trouble in many local churches and other ministries. In every organization, there are gossip-mongers, hovering like vultures, just waiting for tidbits of slander that they can chew, swallow, and then regurgitate. An anonymous wit has
One defined gossip as news you have to hurry and tell somebody else before you find out it isn't true!
"I would rather play with forked lightning, or take in my hands living wires with their fiery current," said A.B. Simpson, founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, "than speak a reckless word against any servant of Christ, or idly repeat the slanderous darts which thousands of Christians are hurling on others, to the hurt of their own souls and bodies."
Warren W. Wiersbe, History, (Colorado Springs, CO: Victor, 2003), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, 662.
Nehemiah responds with a message of rebuttle
These are false charges
You are making these up
Then Nehemiah gets to the real issue - they were trying to make them afraid so the work would not be done or completed.
It was here Nehemiah just puts in this little prayer mid conversation “Now therefore, O God, strengthen my hands.” ()
This is what I want to talk about tonight - What was Nehemiah praying, did God answer, and how does that apply to us and our prayers today?
What is a strengthened hand?
What is a strengthened hand?
This interjection prayer simply prayed “O God, strengthen my hands”
That is all we have of Nehemiah’s prayer. Short, Simple, Sweet but to the point.
He is using a Hebrew Idiom - this is sometimes what we call a “figure of speech”
We might say, “I need to catch the bus” it isn’t literally us running down the street after the bus, unless of course you missed the buss”
It means we wait at the bus stop until the bus comes to pick us up.
SO when Nehemiah prays this prayer he is asking God to empower him to finish his task.
Nehemiah, however, offered a quick prayer to the Lord, requesting that his hands would be strengthened, a Hebrew idiom denoting empowerment (cf. Jer 23:14; see also Heb 12:12)
Does God Strengthen Nehemiah’s hand? YES!!!
Does God Strengthen Nehemiah’s hand? YES!!!
We will get to the yes part in a moment - but first I want to notice why it was strengthen.
His hand was strengthened because Nehemiah was:
Keeping His Prayer Life Active (Prayer)
When opposition builds up against you or God's work, it is tempting to pray, "God, get me out of this situation." But Nehemiah prayed for strength. He showed tremendous determination and character to remain steadfast in his responsibility. When we pray for strength, God always answers. ~ Life Application Study Bible,
, Life Application Study Bible,
Keeping His Faith in God (Faith)
Notice who Nehemiah turns to- Not to the King, Ezra or anyone but GOD!!!
Keeping on Keeping On (Perseverance)
“Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees;” (, KJV 1900)
So what happened when Nehemiah’s prayer was answered? Progress!!! KINGDOM ADVANCEMENT!!!
“Now it came to pass, when the wall was built, and I had set up the doors, and the porters and the singers and the Levites were appointed,” (, KJV 1900)
It sounds like I’m repeating myself alot lately - but this is my prayer -
Lord strengthen my hands - the churches hands -
don’t let us go on without putting on the doors and the gates - empower us.
Will you pray that with me tonight.