The Great Coverup: The Roadblock to Holiness
I don't always feel that way. Sometimes. I feel like I'm having her to like turmoil going on but
With what's been happening in the world. I feel like having some encouraging challenging message, but it's encouraging and it's kind of fun and interactive so I don't know that I would have done it this way if we were standing normal Style. At 10:10, but we're doing it this way tonight.
So when you when you do your Message in your doing we've been we've been in this series called The Great Cover-Up, and we're going to continue in that this evening.
Because you haven't been with us here more recently. We started the series about 5 weeks ago and the premise of the series was the fact that there is this this this underlying hypocrisy this this mask that Satan is constantly trying to come to throw over our eyes and it started in the Garden of Eden. I started with Adam and Eve in and it started with them eating the forbidden fruit and tell if we've gone along we talked about kind of the ways in which chain tries to throw the mask over eyes and we just kind of work through some of the different things he tries to do to come and knock us off of our game out of the way. So he tries to make half-truth sound like full truth and last week we kind of we went through and we just we had a kind of a stand-alone but it was a part of this called confronting Corona and we talked about how in the midst of of the coronavirus of not really knowing what might be happening. We have hope in the word of God and we don't have to worry because of God is going to close the Lilies of the Field with such beauty. Will he not take care of every one of our needs and so we don't have a reason to worry during this time. We have a time to have great. Hope I don't know about y'all but like right outside my window here. There is a beautiful tree and I see little but little flowers that are getting ready to bloom and it's almost like a constant reminder for me even while I'm up here working on different things that my God is in control. This tree is going to bloom in God's going to close it in and beauty and and he and everything that that tree needs. He's taking care of yourself. You will do that for a tree. What would he do for me? And it's just so much greater for us and Today, we're a kind of moving into the last like the home stretch of this series this this this message today is part of the Great Cover-Up series with the the message is the roadblock the roadblock to Holiness. And so one of the things that the Lord has really laid on my heart has been this the start of Holiness. I know that we talk about this in church in my church experience. I've heard Holiness several times and sometimes it can seem a little bit boring almost like an unreachable thing and it is something that the Bible clearly states that were supposed to do in an actually is of great importance to God and so we're going to talk about it. We're going to start this week. We're going to finish the series The Great Cover-Up next week and then Believe It or Not guys were into like Easter and and and we're going to move into that so I guess the number one thing I want to start out with saying tonight is the main point of all this if you get nothing else out of this tonight write this down, you know, whatever you're going to do put it in your car remember this that God has set you apart for a purpose to everything else that is said this evening. Remember that God has set you apart for a purpose and that is going to be the premise for what we talked about this week and next week. Okay this week we're going to talk about the roadblock that kind of keeps us from really pushing into Holiness and next week. We're going to talk about how we can do that better. And so Just kind of want to start off with my own personal experience with Holiness for me.
for me the best way I can explain it actually true story.
I can see myself not really like going after Holiness and several different instances in my life. And some of the more specific instances is when I get stressed and so for me, it's in times when when typically there's like a financial thing that happened so I can find myself having a roadblock to Holiness when I'm Desiring to kind of be my own God is the best example that I can come up with that actually has probably got a year ago. Somebody has my know about this bill Lauren. I had two to three car repairs car maintenance bills that came in and so when it was new tires for a Suburban, it was like $800 the second one was we had to get our car inspected and then we got it inspected they were like, hey, you got a shock that's completely broken. You need new shocks new Springs bam $1,500. about a month later We were driving down the road and we started hearing this really weird grinding noise in the back of our vehicle and we took it to a dealership and he said you're not going to believe this but your rear end has gone out on your suburban. It's all within a month. We had like $4,500 worth of car repair bill for a vehicle that we're still paying on a vehicle that you know is under a hundred thousand miles in good shape certified by the dealership and it really it really sent me kind of into what I would call trying to be my own God and so after you know blow after blow, I kind of fell it begin to rise up in me and I just can't begin to think about like, okay. So this is how I'm going to get through this. I'm going to work as much overtime as I can. I'm going to take more call. I'm going to pretend you don't know I have a web design business that I do that I started up I said, okay, I'm going to start pushing any more clients making sure that if I get more clients, I'll make more money. I'll be on a cover all of this. And every step of the way, it was about me being my own God. And at no point during that was I really going before my God saying I need your help.
And that's a problem. That's a problem that I think that most men probably deal with and I think I think in all reality everybody deals with it, but I know for men they can really relate to that story because we feel like we're the provider we feel like we should be you know, We should be able to kind of take care of that stuff. And so it was a really big hit on my EVO even but that was a problem because I became dependent on My Own Strength. I became dependent on my own understanding and I became dependent on my own well. So as I was thinking about this thing about it, you know from from up from a from a Christian standpoint. I think we can all relate to that in some way or another maybe it's not the car repair bills. It was not being the provider for the family, but maybe it's other things. In fact, I think one of the things that we can all probably relate to is kind of how we see American advertising tell us that we could we should depend on different things to help us through so whatever she done as I have a couple different things here and I just want to kind of walk through them and I want to show you how when somebody is advertising something to you how they're actually playing on the fact that we try to be our own God and so I just want to go through these real quick. Here's the first one. All right, and I know all y'all are probably going to relate to this and I know right now we can't go anywhere. We're stuck in our homes. We had this mandate but here it is. So the first thing Is from Burger King?
And their slogan is have it your way. You have the right to have what you want exactly when you want it because on the menu of life, you are today's special and tomorrow's in so as I look at that first of all, I'm sure most of us are probably hungry for a Whopper right now or some french fries, but it's amazing how they play off on the fact that you deserve this who they say they are trying to come to you and say we want to partner with you. We want to give you the tools you need because you have the right to anything that you would ever want. And so this is talking about food and I think if we're really honest and were talking about some of the you know, when we talked about saying that we want to be our own God it had to do with idolatry is on this case. It's the same make food one of your Idols you deserve to have exactly what you want food wants to partner with you. Dude wants to wants to partner with you and you being your own God because you deserve it. So I thought that was really fun to have it your way. And I'm sure a lot of us. There's different areas of our life when we say I want it my way. So I deserve it. I want it my own way. And so Burger King is playing off of that next one. Is Disneyland right? We just we went there last year. I know some people have gone there more recently, but their slogan is it's the happiest place on earth.
And so what they're doing here. Is there promising happiness now when we went down to Disneyland?
I think it was a year ago now a year and a half ago. Let me tell you something that day was spectacular. I watched my kids have a blast I watch a movie princesses. I watch them take pictures with people that they saw movies and let me tell you they were full of joy in that day and vacuum at the very end when when they have the fireworks and everything as a father as somebody watching my kids and all it it touch me like d-boy. But you know what? You can experience Disneyland every single day of your life. And in this moment, they're saying we can bring you happiness, but the problem is is only temporary happiness. So maybe it's the happiest place on Earth for a day, but it's not the Eternal happiness that you're really looking for. And so in this case with Disney World Disneyland Walt Disney and Generals playing off of is entertainment the idol of entertainment and the idol of Happiness, right? We live in a world where we deserve to be happy. We deserve to be happy and we have the right to have it our way which is happiness. And so we can see if we're working through this holiday market to actually these things that we naturally crave and they're saying we can give it to you, but they can only give you the temporary version. Let's go to another one here. You know, it's a good day when you get Samuel L Jackson up in your service at church Capital One. What is in your wallet? Right? And so I think we all know about money. But in case we don't Capital one's asking you a question. Do you have the security that you need by what's in your wallet? You know Samuel Jackson is actually making the face. He's looking deep into your soul asking you are you secure and yet and yet. What we really know where are securities at is in Christ. But in this they're playing off the fact that you know in this world, especially right now if we talk about the coronavirus in the stimulus and all that stuff. We are we are we are kind of talking about and they're they're pointing out. What's in your wallet. Do you have enough money? Are you going to make it all your needs met? If not, come hang out with Capital One will give you a credit card and put you even more debt and will help you become even more of a slave to the lender. So again, they're always trying to get you to partner up with the fact that with their help. You can be your own God. There's another one. Gatorade is it in you? Does Gatorade is not in you then? You can't perform. Write this is a performance ad is it in you because if you could get the off-brand version of Gatorade and you may not be able to perform the important thing here is again, they're just trying to say come by our product. We buy our product you can perform at your highest level. And the last one and this one is definitely these these guys are definitely well-known. Nike just do it Nike is the most dangerous out of all the ads that are out there and the reason is because it was every single add they put out has to do it with you with hold within you all the power that you need to accomplish everything that you need to accomplish in the world. So when you think about this and you look at all the Nike ads just do it. It's great. It's motivational. Right? Like if you got a dream just do it, but at the very same time with the rest of their ads are really saying is you with all you have all the power within you to do all that you ever you are your own God and so this mentality this mentality. Goes against God's desire for us to be holy as they're going to take a look at this Roblox this idolatry that we live in. It's so again title of this is the roadblock to holiness.
We're just going to take out a little bit of time here. We're going out. We're going to be in Exodus chapter 19. You have a Bible feel free ever going to put it up on the screen, but we're just going to we're just going to kind of work through this a little bit. We're going to look at the Israelites who God made a promise to the same way. He's made promises to us. We're going to look at their response and we're going to come to leave tonight feeling a little bit challenged and and and I'm going to leave you with a challenge again. It's up to you whether or not you take it or not. But to kind of look at your own life this week and come back next week ready to put into place maybe the solution to 2 to walking and greater Holiness. So let's get rolling here Exodus chapter 19.
We're going to pop it up here for you guys.
This is what I said. Are this is why it says on the 3rd new moon. After the people of Israel had gone out of the land of Egypt on that day. They came into the Wilderness of sin died.
They set out from Rafi team in came into the Wilderness of Sinai and encamped in the wilderness there Israel and camped before the mountain.
Well Moses went up to God the Lord called to him out of the mountain saying thus you shall say to the house of Jacob and tell the people of Israel. You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I bore You On Eagle's Wings and brought you to yourself to myself. Now therefore if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my Covenant you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples for all the Earth is mine. And you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words that you shall speak to the people of Israel. So Moses came and called the Elders of the people and set before them all these words that the Lord had commanded him. All the people answered together and said all that the Lord has spoken. We will do and Moses reported the words of the people. to the Lord I just want to pray real quick. Father thank you for your word. We pray that it would just impress Upon Our Hearts what you want us to to to see?
Let your Holy Spirit just kind of illuminate our souls and and father help us to find how this relates to the way that we are walking in our life in these times in this culture. By the way. I pray that you would increase father and that and that I would decrease I would communicate well even through this format in this in Jesus name. I pray amen and so Point number one here that I want to make for everybody.
And what what is being said here is that we are God's treasured possession.
God says this in verse 5 in Exodus 19, he says you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples. And so the first thing I should be encouraging you is that you are you are a treasure to God and because you are a treasure to God he actually says that you are separate you have been separated and you are now you are now to be holy you are a holy nation. And the people will know that you are Gods because you are holy. Is that it's important for us to understand what Holiness means what would holy means and and so I think I did a good job there. But just to kind of give you like a dictionary a dictionary definition for that is it's just to be set apart for a purpose or to be consecrated. So obviously when we give our lives to Christ and and we asked him to to forgive our sins we confess he is Lord we get to we get the seal we get the deposit of the Holy Spirit. We become a treasured possession would become a become we become citizens of Heaven that is what this is and we become a treasured possession. To God and so what this means to us, you know, we know that intellectually we know intellectually that we that God loves us that were treasured that were set apart, but I think the thing that we struggle with is what does that look like for us in our culture? What does that look with look like to us on our day today? And in some of the things that I just wrote down here is that in the midst of all the noise so, you know take the current coronavirus situation. If you want to we're supposed to stand out above all the noise in the world and look different. Till I can think about if you were in a crowd of people. Right, there should be something about you. That's different because you're God's treasured possession. If somebody spent just a small amount of time in the midst of a crowd they should be like there's something different about him. I can tell there is something different. And an interesting thing about this is that every music that we mimic God in a sense know that that's discipleship and it's in its purest form. We mimic God. I remember that the actions of God in the things he tells us to do and the reason that the world can tell that we're different is because the way that God is the things that God does is counterculture to the rest of the world.
And so
one of the things that I was thinking about obviously, like I said is the coronavirus pandemic and so when people are talking about what's going on in the world very simply this is such an easy way that that we can show ourselves is being men and women of God of of pursuing Holiness is what people are talking about that. How are you responding? Are you responding with encouragement? Are you responding with hope Are you responding with with with with a steadfast trust in the Lord? Are you trying to find ways to lay down your life for others just like Christ did for us.
the Israelites heard this is from God. You are my holy nation. You are a treasured possession. I have separated you.
That's a lot like the gospel message that we hear from the very first time we hear that, you know for most of us women who have accepted Christ as our savior. We felt the love of God, we felt like we matter he loved us he treasured us and we had the same responses Israelites. Yes. Yes, of course Lord, we will be that people for you.
but something happens
something happened along the way
discipleship fall short sometimes what I mean by that historically discipleship has fallen short along the lines where people come they get saved and then we tell them if they try really hard. They can be better. Or sometimes when we're discipling people are or even we've been discipled we discount the importance of the process of sanctification. And sometimes we tell them like hey your saved but you still have freedom in Christ and you're allowed to still do some of the things that you were doing before you came in to a relationship with Christ. And we and we tell them that they can do those things that they have freedom in them, but we act like it sometimes it doesn't have a cost to their soul and it does sometimes they need to stop doing some of the things. Yes, we're allowed to do but they're actually stumbling blocks for people. Yes, we have freedom in Christ, but there's a there's a sanctification that has to occur before we start walking in that full freedom in Christ.
There's an author Jerry Bridges who wrote a book if you want to check it out called the pursuit of Holiness and he wrote in there one day as I was reading the second chapter of 1st, John. I realize that my personal life subjective regarding Holiness was less than that of John's he was saying in effect make it your aim not to send another I thought about this. I realized the deepest in my heart. My real name was not to send very much. Can you imagine a soldier going into battle with the aim of not getting hit very much?
I read that quote this week. And that kind of hit me in a different way, right? I got no, there's grease out there. And I know that we're a lot we walking Grace we walking the freedom of Christ. What is my aim every single day?
To not send as much as I cannot send. When you put it in in context of whatever context you're in take your job, for example, I work in the medical facility. Whatever my aim was the only be 20% good at the Ivy's that I that I put in every single day. Do you think that I would be a good representative of where I work?
probably not and so when we think about this holiness Let me think about you know, as as Jerry Bridges said here in first John where we make it our aim not to sin because that shows that were holy. Are we doing a good job of striving? After 100% are we doing a good job was driving at not sending? Not that we expect that God expects Perfection, but he expect he does expect the effort. And so that was a that was a really impactful quote for me this week. I hope that you all can take it with you as you go through out. Kind of like thinking about this in the next week. Am I aiming for 100% 0 sin every day?
We know the end result that is that we are just simple people in that we probably will fall short of that goal, but we should have that as the goal and I think that's what matters here is that God knows our heart and God knows that that's what we're striving towards. That's what he wants us to strive for because we are representatives of God.
So one of the things much like the Israelites they said yes. Yes Lord. We want to do this. We're going to we're going to we're going to rock this being a holy nation for you. You know, it's it's like us when we get when we got saved. Yeah. I'm on fire for you Christ. I can't wait to go tell people about Jesus. I'm going to I'm going to go serve I'm going to go do all these different things that I can do. Right, and if you're looking through the book of Exodus read chapters 20 through 31, it's literally Moses going up talking to God God coming back giving him law Moses going back up and got just telling them back and forth. This is how you can be a holy nation. This is how you do it back and forth boom boom. Boom. And they're excited and they're doing good. And then we get to Exodus 32. And so if you have your Bible Turn The Exodus 32
in the Lord's talking to Moses and he says Go down for your people who you brought up out of the land of Egypt have corrupted themselves. They have turned aside quickly out of the way that I commanded them. They have made for themselves the golden calf and have worshiped it and sacrifice to it and said these are our gods. Oh Israel who brought you up out of the land of Egypt and the Lord said to Moses. I have seen this people and behold it is a stiff-necked people now therefore, let me alone. My wrath may burn hot against them and I may consume them in order that I may make a great nation. I love you.
And so
for lack of a better term God's mad here. Has seen that this nation these these people that he said, you're holy you're a priesthood. The whole world is going to know about me through you. Moses is going up and down up and down having conversation. We got in one time Moses takes too long and his conversation with god and they start getting worried and they start getting panicked and they start experiencing all these different emotions that we experience on a day-to-day basis, right? They start experiencing. I don't know how I'm going to pay for all the car repairs. And the panic and her like we got to make idle. We got to find a way to be our own God. We need to partner up with an idol. We're going to make a golden calf and they do it and they send against God so I can still relate to the story because in that moment, I became my own God. And I made a decision that I was going to partner up with money these things this thing this thing. I never once went to the Lord in prayer until later and I think that we can all relate to a story like that because I think we've all been there before. Much like the Israelites here. They got worried because scared they thought they were being left out in the wilderness to this point. What's super important understand at this point because sometimes we say things like oh God If You Give Me A Sign O God if you just show yourself to me to this point, these people have seen God part the Red Sea they've seen every single plague that was put on Egypt. They seen God take bitter water and make it sweet so they can drink they've seen God have water come out of a rock in the middle of the desert. They saw God have bread rain down from the sky.
And yet they still made a decision. To make a golden calf. It doesn't matter how many times God gives us the sign. We are people. That naturally because of the Fall. Will Resort back to trying to do things out of our own power and out of our own strength? And we need to recognize that as our greatest one of our greatest enemies so many things I wanted to make very clear tonight. We talked about Satan we talked about all his schemes all the ways that he tries to talk with us, but one of the things that we have to also understand it because of the Fall our flesh naturally. It has a natural inclination to try to partner with Satan. And in these moments, this is where we have to put on that Armor of God. This is where we have to battle back. We're going to talk more about this next week. But this is what one of the greatest roadblocks to Holiness is is that because of the Fall because everything in creation is slowly eroding. Because we rebelled against God from the very beginning our natural inclination is to turn away from God and to do it our own way.
This is our greatest roadblock to Holiness is truly ourselves. The problem is sin and it's the problem for everything and it's really easy to just come out and say hey Sims the problem we know that but we have to understand where it came from. We have to understand how Satan tries to use it against us because then we can know how we can battle back. The second thing is idolatry. So obviously idolatry is a sin but it's it's a partner with the flesh that we try to partner up with you different Idols in our life money. Think about the next time that you get depressed. You get upset. Something wasn't going right. Do you go for the tub of ice cream? You got for the bag of chips?
Think about when when when you start thinking about like the coronavirus are we going to you know, are we looking at our bank account so much to make sure that we have enough money that we're going to be safe and secure. Are we going into prayer in the end times preaching to myself as much as they are we going into prayer getting on her hands and knees and going before our Ultimate Security God in Christ through Christ and being able to go to him and ask him for anything that we would ever need. He wants to know cuz we are a treasured possession. We are a holy nation.
He loves us.
At the end of the day one of the things that we have to recognize that the call to holiness.
Is very simple. Let me think about Holiness. It can be super complex. So I don't want to do an injustice. But at the same time we have to be able to understand Holiness in a way that we can grab a hold of it and that we can take it with us every single day of Our Lives.
So for those of you who have purchased the the the gospel of Satan 8 lies the same tries to tell you he kind of says this in the book, but it's throughout scripture everywhere. And this is what the call to Holiness is. It's a call for us to return to the original state that we were in before the fall. It's a call for those who got his chase down and reveal himself to do not just stop at Dean happy about the fact that you have been saved through Christ by the blood of Christ that you're now a part of the family, but that you are going to press in and put in the hard work of sanctification.
That's Holiness. And if you want to know what the hard work of sanctification is, it's completely opposite of what the world will tell you, right? The world tells you that you're either going to do it out of your own willpower, or if you can't you need to see you're going to sit and you're going to kind of wattle and your frustration that you can't do it.
To think the two things the world will tell you is you either have to achieve sanctification through being self-righteous, which means you're going to ramp up your willpower and you're going to make those changes in your life or self-condemnation because you're not able to get your willpower off there. So you're just never going to change for the simple fact of the matter is the hard work of sanctification is one thing surrender. It's surrender. It's trying that it's going before the Lord and just telling him. You are God and I am not you are God and I am not I'm going to depend on you for everything.
The question I have for y'all today. The question I've been asking myself is I've been going through this during this week of craziness is will you let God be God today? Well, you do what Nehemiah said. Have you talked to Uncle Rico? Will you remember your God? Remember his goodness and all the times he has shown up for you before.
Or will you continue to struggle in your own power with your own self-righteousness or your own self condemnation?
I continue to walk down a path that just leads to continual frustration. I'll be in the wonder. What would it look like? If the church fully surrendered themselves to the mission of being holy.
Amazing things that we could do as we all began to pursue sanctification pursue becoming more we say we stay in the church becoming more christ-like Holiness means that we are the representation of God everywhere that we go. And so if we pursued being the representation of God everywhere that we went There's so many applications for this. And I know right now a lot of people probably are sitting here even me is I think about this like man that's a hard call for people that's a hard thing for us to do. The only thing you have to do is surrender. Just a God. I'm willing to surrender to that God. I'm willing to lay down being the ultimate decision maker of my life. I'm going to lay down my willpower and I'm just going to be obedient to whatever it is you're going to do and I trust that you're going to you're going to work all things out.
There's a there's a quick bite by CS Lewis that I want to read to you. Because this is how I think that a lot of people view Holiness when we talked about it in church, especially people who have been in church for a long time CS Lewis once commented to an American friend how little people know who think that Holiness is doll. When one meets the real thing it is irresistible. If even 10% of the world's population had it would not the whole world be converted and happy before Year's End as you're such a powerful statement from CS Lewis that I just want to keep the for me as I walk. Obviously the word of God speaks about Holiness so much room to talk more about it next week as we as we kind of press into the implications of being holy of being the holy nation. We're going to look not at the Old Testament. We're going to look at 1st Peter. We're Peter actually tells us that we that that that the holy nation that God has called us to we are called we are still called to that today. It's not just a call for the Israelites of the Old Testament but is actually in Christ. In the New Testament through the new blood to the New Covenant. We are still called to be that holy nation and we are actually called to be that when we have more tools than they had in the Old Testament. We have greater ability. We have the power of the Holy Spirit. We have we have so many things at our disposal and sometimes you walk through life superpowerless, but next week we're going to talk about how we can walk in Holiness how we can use the tools that God has given us and how we can push forward and pursue. Holiness not just in our own individual eyes as we try to get closer to God, but as we can exude it as we try to exude God to the world around us. All right, guys. I want to pray real quick. I want to leave you with a couple of challenges first challenges. Look at your life this week if you see areas where you are making decisions. Write something stressful comes up and you turn to a food you turn to a friend you turn to your phone to turn the Facebook return to the video and you don't take it to God. Make a checkmark make a tally this week. The same thing as a couple weeks ago when we started talking about the things we hear in our mind, if you truly do this guy can make some transformative he can he can do some transformative things in your heart to start making tallies. That's the first thing. Second thing is in your prayer Life begin to ask God God. Help me to surrender help me to lay down myself. Help me to not try and be my own God and in any other thing you can praise God are there Idols in my life. I think that the conversational Holiness is actually a whole series by itself at some point we could go but there are so many different titles in our life that we don't even know. We're not even aware of the things that we that we treasure above God. I think it's I think that that it's super encouraging to me that God says you're my treasured possession. I think sometimes when we go back to God after he said that to us we try to say to him we treasure you but you're not the most treasured of our possessions of the things that that we have in our life. And then the third thing is just to ask yourself in this crazy season in this time of Coronavirus. How can I be exhibiting Holiness? How can I be representing God? How can I be kind of showing the world? Yeah, where we have a stay-at-home mandate right now. Is there a way that I can be posting on social media that is exhibiting Holiness. Is there a way that I can be talking to people? Is there a way that can be loving people?
Think about that and think about how you can show yourself to be different than the rest of the world where the world is panic the world as scared. The world doesn't feel like they have an assurance of Tomorrow. We know that we have Blessed Assurance. We have that in Christ. And so we have no worry. We have no fear the so I asked Mike to finish up this evening by singing Super not super old. We're not talkin early hymns, but I'm more contemporary song. That's kind of older back in the early 2000s. Probably most of you haven't seen it in a long time, but I want you guys to just take a few moments to sit under it think about it listened to the words of it listened to To the call of the song just an insulin be praying this out of your own heart as well as your singing this. So I wanted to see it lap Mike off the hook. He was like make sure you let them know that you wanted this song that I asked for this song. And so Mike I'm going to turn it over to you. Hey guys and let you know I love you all. Thank you for tuning in. You know, let us know how you think this went send us an email oversight at 10:10 Community. Calm and and we love you guys. Stay safe. We're going to be continually praying and if y'all need anything again, shoot us an email and we would love to see how we can meet any of those needs. Have a good night everyone.