Mar 29 - The Miraculous Compassion of Friends

Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:04:56
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Jesus had friend who was sick named Lazarus.

Mary and Martha, his sisters, sent for Jesus to see him saying, “the one you love is sick.”

Jesus loved Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.

Somehow, Jesus knew that this was not the end for Lazarus, and he decided to not go for 2 days.

His disciples were afraid and reminded him that Judeans tried to kill him, twice!

Jesus said that there is only so much time to do the work of God in obedience.

Jesus said that Lazarus had fallen asleep, and he was going to wake him up.

His disciples said that Lazarus should sleep to get better.

Jesus tells his disciples plainly that Lazarus is dead.

Jesus is even glad that he did not go back to heal Lazarus, so that they might believe in him when he raises Lazarus from death.

Thomas was sure they would die by following Jesus.

The event of this sickness will not be death, but a manifestation of the power of God through Jesus.

This would be another confirmation of Jesus’ divine authority, sent by the Father.

Jesus found Lazarus dead for four days when they arrived, and many had gathered.

Martha went out to meet Jesus and confront him. She knew Jesus could heal. Why not Lazarus?

But, she still had faith that Jesus could just ask the Father for help.

Jesus promised her, “Your brother will rise again.”

She believes in resurrection at the last day. (John 6:39-40)

Jesus says he is the resurrection and the life.

Jesus speaks of a new reality for those who believe in him never eternally dies.

Martha says that she believes but doesn’t understand the implications.

If believers never die then, God will determine when and where they would be of most benefit.

Martha told Mary that Jesus had arrived and she had a different response. Mary fell to her knees, weeping in her grief.

Others were making a show of grief by wailing, even if they didn’t know Lazarus very well.

All of this troubled Jesus and made him weep.

Genuine grief is caused by great compassion, and great compassion results in the Miraculous.

Miracles such as healing of the heart, healing of the mind, healing of the body, and healing of the soul.

While there were those who would not believe, and those like Martha who resisted belief, Jesus would show them what only God can do.

Jesus did as only Jesus could do; he raised Lazarus from the dead.

Jesus commanded one who believed back to life, not out of longing of his loss, but out of a desire that all would believe and be saved.

By this Lazarus became a living witness to the divinity of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Lazarus sickness and even his death was changed for the Honor and Glory of God.

Though we do not have authority equal to Jesus, he does empower us for the care of the sick and needy.

If you believe Jesus is who he said he is, having faith that only God makes us whole,
Then, we do not need to be afraid, but boldly ask God for healing and wholeness knowing he will do what is best for us.

My our lives be worthy of such Miraculous Compassion that the world might know of the Great Love of God.

And, may we be a reflection of that compassion, that they might see God through us.

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