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Despite our experience of God, We often lose sight of the authority of God
The disciples had just witnessed the feeding of the 5000 a few hours earlier. Where jesus demonstrated power of the physical realm.
During this time of crisis call to memory the power of God from seasons past in your life. Remember his authority then, claim it know -
- 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Storm navigation without Jesus leads to exhaustion
The disciples where attempting to navigate the storm without Jesus and it leads to exhaustion
look at the passage, Jesus out them in the boat, sent them out, saw them struggling and allowed it until asked back into the boat.
God wants to take these moments we are walking through to increase our hearts desire to call upon him in our routines.
storms where nothing new for fishermen
they were navigating a boat something they were experts at. they had done it their whole lives.
Even in this storm of life where we have areas of expertise or have handled before we need to look to Jesus
it is more life-giving john 6:21- immediately they were on shore
Jesus provides through our surrender
vs 52 - they had not understood about the loaves…
The disciples had grown hard hearted to the workings of Jesus - it didnt phase them
Jesus brought them to the point of desperation to demonstrate the need for dependence.
In this season remember your dependence on God, lets not rely on our efforts, our abilities, our hoarding skills,
Look this week for the work of God, surrender to his leadership and dependence, allow Jesus into your situation to eliminate the exhaustion
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2016). (). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles.
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