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Freedom is such an interesting thing for the Christian.
Freedom is such an interesting thing for the Christian.
We are free in Christ. But love demands that we use our freedom for the good of oour neighbor, not our own benefit.
We all have preferences that would lead us to want things to happen a certain way, but out of love, the love of Jesus in us, we lay down our preference for the sake of everyone else.
This is what the kingdom of God looks like. It is upside down. It doesn’t work the way an earthly kingdom should work
Link to Troy’s sermon:
Do all for God’s glory, not your glory
Do all for God’s glory, not your glory
This is the great temptation of our culture. In an age of Tik Tok fame, YouTubers, Instagram influencers, so much is about me, me, me.
Are you playing sports, getting good grades…for your glory or for the glory of God?
evaluate your social media use - your glory or God’s?
Are you somebody who makes a big deal bout yourself?
Fight for unity not gain because unity leads to salvation
Fight for unity not gain because unity leads to salvation
“A scared world needs a fearless church” I’d add that it also needs a united church
Followers of Jesus, united and on mission together is a powerful apologetic.
pleasing everyone doesn’t mean being a people pleaser.
A people pleaser compromises their values to try and fit in
A people pleaser changes their behavior to try and fit in
A people pleaser’s identity is in what other people think about them
pleasing people means fighting for unity. Thisis especially important inside th echurch
pleasing everyone in this context means not seeking your own benefit, but the benefit of many - what are you dong that is for the benefit of many right now?
Follow me as I follow Christ
Follow me as I follow Christ
Follow the leader
It’s not about my reputation, my influence, it’s about using my life, my words, my platform, my circle, to point other people to Jesus
influence is not the same as authority (Matt’s IG post)
Follow the leader was a game kids would play on the playground, but it
In our culture, anyone can have influence - everyone can have a ton of followers and build a following, but not everyone has authority
just because someone has a following and influence, that doesn’t mean they have authority.
just because someone with a lot of followers says something, that doesn’t make it true
Christians - don’t mistake your influence as authority.
Some of you watching have more followers on instagram than i do, you have a tik tok following, so watch how you’re stewarding that influence. First and foremost - point people to the ultimate source of authority - the Word of God