wedding written part
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In today’s reading, Paul beautifully speaks about true love being the center of our lives. Without this true love, Pauls says that we are nothing. Love is patient and kind; it bears all things, hopes all things, and endure all things. He says that we can possess and even use many gifts, but without love, they are worthless. He speaks of love as the ultimate gift, the gift of self-sacrifice for the benefit of others, namely, agape love.
During this journey of preparation, I got to know Dave and Martha well. I met their families and friends. I also learn some of things that they are passionate about. Dave likes woodwork and Martha enjoys archery. Once they chose the readings for today, I started to pray about today’s homily. The Lord indeed wants to give you the desires of your hearts, namely, love and intimacy. Dave and Martha, the Lord loves you and he want to live in intimacy with you.
With that in mind, he inspired me to make a gift to you. A gift that will help you to remember how much he loves and desires to live in intimacy with you as the center of your lives. This is a scarf joint. It is used to connect to pieces of wood together. This joint is extremely strong. In both woodworking and archery, finding and reaching the center is essential. In woodworking, without the center, symmetry is impossible; by the same token, in archery, the center is the core of the game.
In today’s reading, Paul beautifully speaks about true love being the center of our lives. Without this true love, Pauls says that we are nothing. Love is patient and kind; it bears all things, hopes all things, and endure all things. He says that we can possess and even use many gifts, but without love, they are worthless. He speaks of love as the ultimate gift, the gift of self-sacrifice for the benefit of others, namely, agape love.
Dave and Martha, intimacy is when two become one without ceasing to be two. This wood joint describes the desires of you hearts to love and to live in intimacy with one another and Christ as the center of your lives. These pieces (or better this piece) of wood speaks loudly about Paul’s message about love. If Jesus is the center of your lives, you will be able to live your lives in patience and kindness; you will be able to hope all things, to bear and endure all things (scarf joint endures the pressure)
of wood
The only reason this joint is able to support a lot weight is because it is tied together. Without tension, pressure, there is no resistance. Do not ever be afraid of tensions and conflicts, where there is tension, there is relationship. Love is what makes us strong. The wedge is the bond of love that will unify you as one flash.
When one of you notice the that wedge is coming loose, grab each other hand and tap it again. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but it is the peg the keeps this joint together. Once I asked Martha’s grandparents what was the secret for a 64 years of marriage. What helped them to live in love and intimacy. I quote their words for you today: “Learn how to live in the forgiveness of your sins.” Forgiveness is at the very core of the Mass. Jesus, out of Love, gives his Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus is the peg that has to be in the center of your lives. Each time you come to Mass and receive him, you are tapping the peg of love that holds you together.
It is through this love and intimacy that today both of you become one without ceasing to be two. God’s love will make you strong to fulfill the mission he gives you today, namely, to be fruitful and faithful to one another and God. It is you mission, Dave and Martha, to transmit this love and intimacy to your children. To teach them to tap the wedge.
I can
This scarf joint is not a gift only for Dave and Martha, but for all us here. Now we know the secret to live in God’s love and in intimacy with him: “Tap the wedge.”
I still remember the first time came to my office to speak about getting married. You were so joyful and exited about being together for the rest of your lives. Two words caught my attention that day: love and intimacy. Both of you spoke about how much you love each other and the great desire for intimacy with one another and also with Christ.
A few weeks ago, I was praying asking the Lord to reveal to me what and how he wanted me to share with you today. And God answered me. God always wants to give us the desires of our hearts. Today , Dave and Martha, the Lord wants you to know that he also loves you deeply and he also desires live in intimacy with you.
he speaks of the ultimate gift, the gift of self-sacrifice for the benefit of others.
A few weeks ago, I was pray and asking the Lord to reveal to me what he wanted me to share with you in this very day. And God answered me. God always desires to give us the desires of our hearts. Today , Dave and Martha, the Lord wants you to know that he also loves you and he also desire live in intimacy with you.
In th
This is how the Lord wanted me to share his message with you (show them the joint). Every couple I marry, I give them a gift. Through this gift the Lord will show you much the loves and desire intimacy with you. In the last six months, I had the privilege to get to know Dave and Martha well. As many of us know, they live in a three acres property not too far from the Parish. I know that Dave is very handy, he really likes to work with his hands doing carpentry, fixing his car, his motorcycle, etc. Martha also enjoys gardening and cooking. They enjoy to spend time together working outside.
I vividly remember the first time Dave and Martha came to my office to speak about getting married. You were so joyful and exited about being together for the rest of your lives (I could see that in your eyes). Two words caught my attention that day: love and intimacy. Both of you spoke about how much you love each other and the great desire for intimacy with one another and also with Christ. You wanted Christ to be the very center of your lives.
joint in relation to 1st paragraph
Grandparents: “learn how to live in the forgiveness of your sins.”
Mass: sins forgiven / Mass = center of our lives Eucharist.
mission / to be frutiful
In today’s reading, Paul beautifully speaks about true love being the center of our lives. Without this true love, Pauls says that we are nothing. Love is patient and kind; it bears all things, hopes all things, and endure all things. He says that we can possess and even use many gifts, but without love, they are worthless. He speaks of love as the ultimate gift, the gift of self-sacrifice for the benefit of others, namely, agape love.
During this journey of preparation, I got to know Dave and Martha well. I met their families and friends. I also learn some of things that they are passionate about. Dave likes woodwork and Martha enjoys archery. Once they chose the readings for today, I started to pray about today’s homily. The Lord indeed wants to give you the desires of your hearts, namely, love and intimacy. Dave and Martha, the Lord loves you and he want to live in intimacy with you.
With that in mind, he inspired me to make a gift to you. A gift that will help you to remember how much he loves and desires to live in intimacy with you as the center of your lives. This is a scarf joint. It is used to connect to pieces of wood together. This joint is extremely strong. In both woodworking and archery, finding and reaching the center is essential. In woodworking, without the center, symmetry is impossible; by the same token, in archery, the center is the core of the game.
Dave and Martha, intimacy is when two become one without ceasing to be two. This wood joint describes the desires of you hearts to love and to live in intimacy with one another and Christ as the center of your lives. These pieces (or better this piece) of wood speaks loudly about Paul’s message about love. If Jesus is the center of your lives, you will be able to live your lives in patience and kindness; you will be able to hope all things, to bear and endure all things (scarf joint endures the pressure)
The only reason this joint is able to support a lot weight is because it is tied together. Without tension, pressure, there is no resistance. Do not ever be afraid of tensions and conflicts, where there is tension, there is relationship. Love is what makes us strong. The wedge is the bond of love that will unify you as one flash.
When one of you notice the that wedge is coming loose, grab each other hand and tap it again. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but it is the peg the keeps this joint together. Once I asked Martha’s grandparents what was the secret for a 64 years of marriage. What helped them to live in love and intimacy. I quote their words for you today: “Learn how to live in the forgiveness of your sins.” Forgiveness is at the very core of the Mass. Jesus, out of Love, gives his Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus is the peg that has to be in the center of your lives. Each time you come to Mass and receive him, you are tapping the peg of love that holds you together.
It is through this love and intimacy that today both of you become one without ceasing to be two. God’s love will make you strong to fulfill the mission he gives you today, namely, to be fruitful and faithful to one another and God. It is you mission, Dave and Martha, to transmit this love and intimacy to your children. To teach them to tap the wedge.
This scarf joint is not a gift only for Dave and Martha, but for all us here. Now we know the secret to live in God’s love and in intimacy with him: “Tap the wedge.”