Set Your Hope

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Good Evening Parkside, I hope everyone is well. If you need prayer or encouragement please call the church office. I know these days we are living in right now can be trying, I want you to know that you that I am available and that I love you. Let’s pray.
Tonight I want to encourage you. Yesterday during my devotional reading I began meditating on . The ESV reads: “Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” I believe the only way we can make it, whether during this current crisis, or make it through life in general is to have a real relationship with Jesus. Peter is beginning to speak about being called to be holy. What does it mean to be holy? To be holy is to be set apart. Meaning that if you and I call ourselves Christians we should be set apart, different from the world around us. How we handle our finances, how we handle relationships, how we love people, etc., we should should be handling these things in such a way that we are setting a standard of excellence in the way we are living our lives. In order to live a life set apart is by cultivating your relationship with Jesus. We can do that by preparing our minds. I had a conversation recently with some friends about discipleship. The question was raised how do you cultivate disciples. This question intrigued me considering the vision of our church is to cultivate disciples. As people we generally want the cookie cutter way, or the program, or the manual of the how to for almost everything we do. However, when it comes to discipling people to be followers of Jesus there is not a manual, a program, or a cookie cutter way. Take the disciples for instance, they spent 3 1/2 years living life with Jesus.
1 Peter 1:13 NIV
Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.
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