Above all earthly powers: Daniel and the dream of the invincible King
Yawning Above all earthly powers: Daniel and the dream of the invincible King, pt. 1—Daniel 7.1-14
5 certainties about the Jesus Christ and His future kingdom upon which to build your life in fearful
and troubled times.
The vision of the beasts (vv. 1-7)
Beast #1
Beast #2
Beast #3
Beast #4
The vendetta of the horn (v. 8)
3 clues that this 4th kingdom is a future version of Rome that will arise in the end times
Clue #1:
Clue #2
Clue #3
The verdict from the throne and the victory of the Son (vv. 9-14)
Certainty #1: The arrival of the Son of Man
Certainty #2: The title of the Son of Man
Certainty #3: The gifts to the Son of Man
Certainty #4: The worship of the Son of Man
Certainty #5: The eternal kingdom of the Son of Man