The Seven Last Words of Christ Victory
The set we appreciate that and appreciate you listening in get started with a few announcements right now. I'm going to say it will have no staff Pastor Parish or Finance at Council this month that we'll see we might change that as month goes on as the restrictions change the right now in light of the restrictions the governor's put out there. We will just not have those meetings as we need to talk about anything. We might try to do a zoom meeting or do something in that way. Bishop Trimble has issued a statement asking churches not to me on Easter and the churches were having questions about that and we had a zoom meeting this morning for a couple hours talking with the Bishop band with the some people from Indiana University Health and the recommendation was that we don't do Easter services and the recommendation was that we don't try to do drive-through communion or things like that to a lot of them are. Thinking of attempting at just because we are trying to be overly cautious. They're expecting that. The peak for the coronavirus is going to be April 17th in the state of Indiana and hopefully after that before or after that point, we will see it begin to decline. So until then they're asking us to not be meeting together and doing things that if we can help it the Bishops. Send an email earlier in the weeks after the governor had extended something saying that he expects them to probably suggest a churches that we extend that the cancellation of our services till the end of April but nothing official on that, but I will try to keep everyone posted with what they say in regards to that.
If you're listening to this, you've obviously found the online sermons. I know you can find them on Facebook. You can find them on our community and there's a way to find them through faithlife TV and their server broadcast that they have on there. Free online community and really has good. Thanks. We can put prayer request and things on there but be a part of it since we can do prayer requests with your confidential most time. I'll make sure that we have your current email and let me know what email you want it sent to and I can send you an invite to ask so that you cannot be a part of that Community still working on the Church website even as I've been constructing the Church website. It's been uploading my sermons did so that's going to be a place in the future that you can go to. To get those from but I hopefully by the time I do my sermon on Easter Sunday, I'm hoping to maybe have the Church website up and running.
I do get it put out there. It's still definitely going to be a work-in-progress. But I think I'll have it at a point that we can go ahead and put it up out there for people to be able to have another way to access the sermons if they want to buy one of the best ways still to do is through the Faith Life mobile app. So you download that you can do it that way too and I know people are finding a lot of those things pretty handy. I'm starting a church Instagram account. That's something that was suggested when we did our church surveys as a way of posting things that are going on at the church not a lot of things going on now, but it could be a good way to get some weather updates out there when I set up the Instagram account Monroe United Methodist was already being used and so is Monroe UMC so I just went with the unique name of the Father's House Monroe all one word if you put that in you can Find us on Instagram and see some of the stuff that will be putting on their hopefully some stuff to encourage you and to just help you through this time.
Looking at our Joys and concerns first and foremost you want to be praying for anyone that is a healthcare worker that's helping those in our community who are dealing with their on the front lines. So certainly keep them in your prayers everyday. Going to be praying for a residence in our care facilities. Definitely be thinking about them give them a phone call. If you can write them a card or letter all that helps continue to pray for those in our church facing health issues prior service members in remember the families of those who recently lost loved ones and if you have a chance again great opportunity to get my phone call send him a card whatever you feel led to do.
This week we start in on. Are glass 7th in the seven last words were up to victory for the past five weeks. We've been examining these so-called Last Words of Christ and by Examining The Last Words of Christ. I've talked about how we learn a lot about the character of our savior after Jesus was nailed to the cross. He spoke 7 short phrases afraid. I'd like I said, these are what we call The Seven Last Words of Christ daily come to the 6th word. He's a spider found in John chapter 19 verses 2930 where we read.
A jar of wine vinegar was there so they soak the sponge in it, but the sponge on a stalk of a plant and lifted it to Jesus is left. But he had received the drink. Jesus said it is finished with that. He bowed his head and gave up two spirit.
I know the Lord Jesus Christ came to us. In the form of a human being as he lived on this planet he lived in absolutely perfect life of self-sacrifice. No begins to God. Yeah, he has been despised and rejected by Men A Man of Sorrows and he's well acquainted with grief. His enemies have been many and his friends have been few. Jesus betrayed by one of his very own disciples. He is arrested while in the act of prayer he is declared innocent and yet he is delivered up by that same judge to be executed by his persecutors. Jesus beaten beyond recognition. He is Rogue does a king in mockery by the soldiers unrobed as a criminal and shame. Jesus dragged through the streets of Jerusalem, which had killed so many of God's prophets who'd come before him. Is brought to the Cross he is nailed to that cross his put on display for all to see. They spill his blood they dislocate his bones. He struggles to breathe under the weight of his own body.
As our Saviour hangs their bloodied and bruised for our sins. His own disciples have deserted him people continue to Mock and ridicule him. He looks everywhere and there is no one to help him. He looks around and there is no one who can share in his suffering. He must suffer alone. Only his mother and a few close friends have gathered around him in his last moments. Most people gathered around the cross are there simply to mock him in to see the show. Despite all this the hardest thing for Jesus to Bear. Is that even his Heavenly Father deserts him? He said he cries out in English my God my God. Why have you forsaken me?
Then at last he cries as we saw in our passage for today. It is finished. The first goes on to tell us that after that. Jesus bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
But I want us to look at today. Is what do you think Jesus meant when he cried out? It is finished. There's a lot that could be said about that. But I want to pick up a little and include some of the scripture that may have looked at up some of the previous messages in this series so that they can begin to get a picture of how this tragic story actually starts to paint a beautiful picture of God's grace and mercy
for right now, we only have to backup 1 verse to John chapter 19 verse 28
Marie Reed later knowing that everything had now been finished and so that scripture would be fulfilled. Jesus said I am thirsty.
A jar of wine get vinegar was there so they soaked a sponge in it. Put it on a the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant. And lifted its Jesus's lips when he had received the drink. Jesus said it is finished.
Was that he bowed his head and gave up his spirit?
If you remember the two weeks ago we talked about compassion. After tenderly establishing his mother's care. We come to the bridge that we studied last week in John 19:28. Where can we read that?
Jesus fulfilled scripture by saying I am thirsty.
Is omniscience Jesus knew there was only one remaining prophecy to be fulfilled.
In Psalm 69:21 David Road, they put Gall in my food and gave me vinegar for my thirst. Jesus knew that by saying I am thirsty he would prompt the soldiers to give him a drink. Of course, you're not consciously do so to fulfill prophecy and definitely not to show him compassion. It's most likely their goal was to increases the Lord torment by prolong his life by giving him a drink. Search from a Jar full of sour wine was standing there by one of the bystanders probably one of the soldiers or at least someone acting with their approval put the sponge on a stock, but has the plant and lifted its Jesus's lips. Alice was the cheap sour wine that the soldiers commonly drank. It's not the same drink that Jesus had refused earlier. In Matthew 27 34 we read about that where it says that there they offer Jesus wine to drink mixed with gall, but after tasting it he refused to drink it. That drink which contains golf was intended to help deaden his pain so that he wouldn't struggle as much while they nailed him to the cross. Jesus refused it Jesus refused it because he wanted to drink the cup of the father's Wrath of consent in the fullest way possible. He didn't want to skip out on any of his responsibility of taking the sin of the world upon his shoulders. He was willing to feel the full Wrath of God's justice for our sake.
But this was different after receiving the sour wine. Jesus said it is finished.
Actually the wash out at these words with the loud cry. It was a shout of Triumph the proclamation of a Victor. The work of redemption that the father had given him was accomplished send was a tone for by his blood and Satan was defeating rendered powerless. Every requirement of God's righteousness. I've been satisfied God's holy wrath against sin had been appeased. As you reading first John chapter 2 verse 2 does he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins? Not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. Like I said, every prophecy has been fulfilled Christ completion of the work of redemption means that nothing needs to be nor can be added to it. Salvation is not a joint effort of God and man, but it is entirely the work of God's grace appropriated solely by faith. Read about that New Visions chapter 2 verses 8-9 where it says for it is by grace that you have been saved through faith. And this is not from yourselves. It is the gift of God not by works so that no one can boast. It's important that we remember that it is the free gift from God.
His mission accomplished the time had come for Christ to surrender his life. Luke chapter 23 verse 46. It says Jesus called out with the wild boys father into your hands. I commit my spirit. When he's had said this he breathed his last. When's our passes for stays reads with that? He bowed his head and gave up his spirit. Jesus voluntarily chose to surrender his life by a conscious Act of his own Sovereign will
John chapter 10 verse 18 tells us no one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up. Again this command I received from my father.
You know the fact that he still had enough strength to shout loudly shows that he was not physically at the point of death. The fact that Jesus died sooner than was normal for someone who had been crucified also shows that he gave up. His life is his own will if you looking Mark chapter 15 verses 43 through 45 to see an account of that when pilot is surprised when they report to him that Jesus is already died.
Show us we think about what Christ accomplished on the cross.
I could go on and on talking about if the truth is no human words no matter how eloquent can adequately Express the meaning of Christ's death.
There are some words from Oldham. titled at Calvary that Express the Gratitude every believer should feel
Follow along as I read it.
As years spent in vanity and pride caring not my Lord was crucified knowing not it was for me. He died on Calvary. Mercy there was great and Grace was free part in There Was X for me. Are my burdened soul found Liberty at Calvary? By God's word at last my sin I learned then I trembled at the law. I'd sperm till my guilty soul and pouring turned to Calvary. No, I've given to Jesus everything now. I gladly own him as my king. Now my raptured soul can only sing of calvary. Oh the love that Drew salvations plan other grace that brought it down to Man O the mighty Gulf that God did span at Calvary.
You know she look at that I think all too often.
We just forget the significance of what happened on that cross. Yeah, I know. I shared a lot of different scriptures today. But I hope that you can see how they come together to compose a great Symphony of God's grace and mercy.
Even though we see slight differences and nuances need to the gospel accounts. They all weave together to paint a beautiful picture of what Christ accomplished on the cross. You know most of what I talked about focused on how all the promises and Prophecies of scripture fully accomplished in Jesus. Must not forget that in a composting all of these things Jesus not only atone for our sins by his own blood. He also won a great victory over Satan and death
Since Jesus is willing to become sin for us. When those soldiers nail. Jesus to the Cross. They nailed sin to that same crossed. Are they both hung together send and sends Destroyer Our Savior send thought that it had won a great Victory, but Jesus knew the only way that he could defeat sin and death forever was to die for the sins of the world on that cross. We look up on that Old Rugged Cross. You must never forget that the power of sin was forever destroyed by Jesus's death. After his death on the cross Jesus turned his next enemy Satan. The lion of the tribe of Judah took his stand against him who would seek to destroy everything good that got it created. I'm sure that Satan through everything that he had it Jesus but like David against Goliath Jesus in the end stood Victorious and then cried out it is finished. And with that Victoria Streisand every demon and Satan fleeing to hell for all eternity.
Let's not forget that Jesus also Met Death and destroyed the power of death on the cross.
Sure death killed Christ on the cross but only because Jesus allowed him to do so that his mission could be completed. Christ willingly gave up his spirit so that the sin and death could be defeated forever death had been disarmed. For every believer death has lost its sting. Princess is what Jesus meant when he said it is finished all the promises and Prophecies of scripture were fully accomplished in him and he totally destroyed the power of sin Satan and death. Let us thank God for what Jesus accomplished on the cross and our behalf and let us know that in the midst of anything we face. even the craziness of being quarantined at home by ourselves. The craziness of all the things we hear the coronavirus going around the entire globe. In the midst of all those things we do not need to be motivated by fear, but we can have faith. Knowing that we serve a risen savior who defeated? The powers of sin and death once and for all on that cross.
And as we prepare for the upcoming Holy Week, I know it's going to be entirely different than anything we're ever used to we won't be able to do many of the things were used to doing together as a church family during this time.
There won't be a Monday Thursday service. There won't be a Community Good Friday service, there won't be a Easter morning service or an Easter egg hunt for the children here at the church. things that we are all sad about
but none of that changes the fact that we still serve a risen savior. None of that changes that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and none of this that is happening in our nation in our world is a surprise to God. Tomorrow it's all part of his plan. And that's what we have to trust. We have to hope and pray that God will give the church great opportunity during this time speak in the lives of so many who have yet to know him.
You may be God's giving you an opportunity right now to reach out to some friends through social media or phone call or a letter. Those that don't yet know Christ and to share your hope with them and why you can have hope during this time. It's my prayer that God will help us all to see those opportunities and help us to make the best of this time that we're apart. It's also my hope and prayer that when we finally do get the opportunity to gather back together again that we will be much more thankful.
For how wonderful it is to be able to gather together in his house and to worship together. Please bear with me in prayer.
Most gracious Heavenly Father. We thank you for all that you've done for us for all that your son accomplished on the cross.
Barbie thank you that Not only was every promise and prophecy fulfilled Lord, but the power of sin and Satan and death Was Defeated once and for all
Lourdes Believers, that means that death has lost its sting and as long as we're walking in a right relationship with you Lord, we have no reason to fear. death any longer Lord I pray that as we Go through this Holy Week that you will just keep that in front of us all the time Lord help us not to give in to the fear. That is so prevalent in our society right now, but Lord help us to be different and for people to see us reacting and Faith instead of in fear.
Orcas, we truly have no reason to fear what is ahead because we know we serve a risen savior. Lord I pray that you will help us all to remember that date. amen Do I wrap up for today just few announcements?
Like I said the Faith Life mobile app. We need to want to look at that just go type in face Life download the app and then look for Monroe United Methodist Church, and you can find our community on there. I'm still working on setting up the online giving that I'll work through the app or through the website or through the community. I suppose things will be coming and it might even have a texting to give with it. I'll have to see what I can set up there. And then just another announcement that I want to make is just remember that farm wagon will be at Adams Central starting next sexually on Wednesdays now at 9 a.m. Over by the football fields by the elementary office at the schools where they did it since last week and will keep doing it there until they change it back. But if you can be there to help that would be great. We had a lot of families come through this last week and the more hands there to help bag stuff up. Not necessarily have to hand things in the cars, but if you can help us bag stuff up, that would be great. So he could be there about 8:30 Wednesday morning, that would be spectacular. and now for Benediction I want to share the verses that I shared last week, but I think it's important during this time 1st Peter 5:7 cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. God cares for you and he's looking out for you through all of this and we have no reason to fear because we serve a Risen Savior and as Hebrews 10:39 tells us we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed but to those who have faith and are saved.