Luke 19 28-40 The Triumphal Entry
Luke 19:28-40 The beginning of Holy Week – the Triumphal Entry
Today begins Holy Week; the most significant week in the history of Christianity. This week would be Jesus’ last week on earth; it would begin by a triumphal entry in which he receives the honor, glory, and praise He deserves. It ends with His death and resurrection thereby offering hope to all the world. Today, we review the Triumphal Entry that leads to our hope.
1) Jesus, who came to save, ____________ our honor, glory, and praise
• Matthew 20:28, John 3:17
2) Some people ___ _______ believe Jesus; to them he is a ______, _______, ______.
3) _______ are a __________________ of Jesus!
- in your response of faithfulness, you are demonstrating Jesus to everyone (who is watching you)!!
• Who is Jesus to you?
• friend
• counselor
• prince of peace
• Savior, Messiah?
• King!
4) Jesus offers ___________ to everyone!!