5 Apr Lent #6: Palm Sunday (St Mark's)

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A reflection on Jesus' triumphal entry to Jerusalem - praise will not be silenced.

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Hello, good morning. It is a Sunday the 5th of April and it's Palm Sunday. I'm Reverend Chris sounds and and I am recording this actually on the Sunday morning, and no happiness going down the Friday book size. Been a busy week. So I'm literally recording at about 5 to 10 on Sunday morning. Please do listen to join us as we worship together online at 10:30 a.m.

So, it's Palm Sunday today on we remember the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem will be taking a look at that later. I want to apologize in advance if I sound a little bit probably sleeping like a trooper this morning. So please forgive out. Let's just take a few moments silence as we concentrate on the Lord's presence with us.

Please say the words in the Bible. The Lord is here is spirit is with us at prayer for Palm Sunday. Let's say this together. Almighty and everlasting God who in your tender love towards the human race sent your son and Savior Jesus Christ to take upon him our flight for death upon the cross grab that we may follow the example of his patience and humility and also be made partakers of his resurrection through Jesus Christ your son our Lord. It was alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God now and forever.

What type of time of confession now I'll give you a few moments just to allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of things that you want to say. Sorry to God for in your heart.

Lord Jesus Christ, we confess that we have failed you as did your first disciples we ask for your mercy and your help. When we take out he's rather than walked with you Lord forgive us. Christ have mercy when we bestow a kiss of Peace getting this Embassy in our hearts. Lord forgive us Christ have mercy

when we strike at those who hurt us rather than stretch out our hands to bless. Lord forgive us Christ have mercy

when we do 9. We know you for fear of the world and its corn. Lord forgive us cost of Mercy

almighty God who forgives all who truly repents have mercy upon you Todd and I deliver you from all your sins confirm and strengthen you in goodness. a cheat you in life eternal through Jesus Christ Our Lord

Okay, so let's have the stuff. He's now from Luke chapter 19 which tells us about the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. And when he gets set these things he went on ahead going up to Jerusalem. When he do near to Bethpage on Bethany of the mountain that is called all of that. He sent two of the disciples sing going to the village in front of you wear on entering you will find a cult guide on which no one has ever yet. Stop. I'm tired. I'm bring it here. If anyone asks you why you untying it you should say this the Lord has need of it. So those who were sent away went away and found it just to see its hole. Unless they wouldn't sign the cult its own assets of them. Why are you untying the cult a nice that the Lord has made of it? And I brought it to Jesus. I'm throwing that cloaks on my couch ASAP Jesus on it. Unless you rolled along they spread that cloak from the road. As he was drawing there already on the way down the mountain violence the whole multitude of his disciples become to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that I've seen saying blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord peace in heaven and glory in the highest and some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him teacher review Cycles answer I tell you if these were silent the very Stones would cry out. This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Two big things in life have the potential to stop was saying good things about God and asking for his help. difficult circumstances and intimidation Call Thompson day. We remember the triumphal entry of Jesus and we can see both of these things at what Jesus was. Jesus was consciously heading into difficult circumstances and yet he still praise his father on the Pharisees trying to intimidate Jesus's followers into being silent full. Of course, Jesus said you can't silence price for God if people don't praise him the things I'm about to glory and its power. But what about you and me, are we able to keep praising God in these difficult circumstances? How about if all those were trying to intimidate so then to silence Well, let's take another look at Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Jesus and his friends were heading towards Jerusalem when they approached a village called Bethany. Look at this drawing.

You can see the abilities of Bethany on Bethpage out of the bottom right corner of the image. The yellow line shows the route that they probably took into the Sissy. Outside Bethany Jesus tells his disciples to go in the village and find the colt and bring it and this is a demonstration of his omniscience is all-knowing all-powerful abilities. He knew that the donkey would be that I'm at it would be okay for them to take it. You told them what to say to the owner.

And then the fall of the disciples brought it to him and they place the blanket on the donkey on my went to Jerusalem and Jesus rode into Jerusalem many people were throwing that cloaks on the floor. They were waving palm branches. It was celebrating and rejoicing and praising God shouting loudly. They were speaking about the money to work that they've seen Jesus to saying blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord peace in heaven and glory in the highest. Bethany as well as R Us on his sisters lived for my Jesus is just trouble in John chapter 11, we can read about the amazing Miracle of Jesus bring Lazarus back to life Alyssa miracle. I know those would have been in the minds of these people. Why do not come from trees and singing praises to God? They knew that he was a messiah the Christ that was celebrating the on his policies to find silencing telling Jesus to instruct his followers to be quiet. Jesus said I tell you if these people Will still be silent the very stones will cry out. I'm not what I want us to think about this morning. The praise of God can't be silenced even in difficult circumstances and moments moments of persecution. If we silenced then the stones will cry out sometimes our circumstances might the silences sometimes with the people trying to silence.

So let's encourage ourselves in the face. Now, let's build our faith of Jesus is the son of God is God of the Sun one person of the Holy Trinity in John 1 verse 29 John the Baptist's eyes Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. That will always be the case no matter what is happening in your life and the world no matter what disaster take place what challenges with facing how difficult our life is no matter what the consequences in our life of our actions or other people's actions. Jesus is always Lord. Nature will cry out Godfather is a creation on the sustainer of all things. Jesus is son If the Savior and Lord of all and the Holy Spirit is our comforter sustaina our son See Fire. So we mustn't let circumstances take us away from the fact that Jesus is Lord of all. Like so many others across the world in this country. We are going through dark times this morning in the UK that are full see 1903 known cases of covid-19. emphatically. And 313 known deaths are economies taking an unprecedented battering and many businesses are under immense stress. There are so many heartwarming things that we can praise God forever. Every Thursday evening now 8 p.m. Thousands of people across the country stand on my doorstep in the floor across the country communities are coming together to provide help and support to those who are more vulnerable. I'm sadayo Queen Willows Breton to Ronnies to the unprecedented challenges of the coronavirus pandemic speaking of her face that this generation will prove themselves as strong as any that have come before she will invoke the spirit that solar country for the second world war and talk of her help. Britain's will be able to take pride in how they responded to this virus throwing on the traits of self-discipline quiet good human resolve and fellow feeling that characterize the UK. Regardless of whether people follow Jesus or not. We all have the image of God in us. We all instinctively know the right thing to do in this situation and many people are choosing to do the right thing. This in itself gives us something to praise God. Let's do our best to keep praising God throughout these difficult circumstances.

That's the Majesty the queen thought about persecution. The Pharisees tried to silence the people I say Praise Jesus. Christians today are intimidated by that Fife. Pharmacies that's to Jesus. teacher rebuke your disciples

Well Christian said I have not accepted them as well. And I recently read a book by a man called Andrew Brunson God's hostage true story of persecution imprisonment unpleasant perseverance. Andrew Brunson went through very dark times being held in a Turkish prison circus. Excuse me in a Turkish prison in Hodgkins. Listen to dishes piled on him by the Turkish government in the national press is lying for the risk. He was mistreated at times and his mental health really came under attack. He was kept from his Bible. Sometimes I lie was treated badly by some of the other prisoner and yet he was able to say I will trust in the Lord even though I'm walking in town. He was able to think of this bus and Isaiah 50 bus time. Let him who walks in darkness and has no life trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his daughter. Andrew's book is an amazing account of his time in the Turkish prisons and in his despair. He describes how he even though he was going through this experience. He was able to submit himself drunk well and to keep praising God somehow even though he was in this terrible situation. You might be going through Dallas. That may be no lights in your life. Please do your best to keep praising him. I know it can be hard sometimes but still trust in the name of the Lord and rely on him.

As we remember Jesus his triumphal entry into Jerusalem at the start Fashion Week. We remember that he knew full. Well, he was heading into darkness. He was being obedient to the 5th of season plums of God, and he was heading towards death and pain in his mission in God's Eternal plans was to rescue humankind. Will you remember that you said to the Pharisees if they are silence, the stones will cry out nature cries out with you. No one can change the reality of who Jesus is like saying not Hill over that doesn't exist or account see Australia. So I don't think it's real. It's like denying reality.

Jesus is the Lord of all he is. The sun one part of the Holy Trinity of the Father God the son and God the Holy Spirit account silence his followers. We will always applauded and praise him no matter what down this way go in Turin. When the circumstances get truly difficult and challenging we will turn to him and keep praising him. When the world around us tries to silence us we will declare that he is the Lord. Jesus went to the Cross send backup the father take on him the punishment the penalty for all sin spiritual death. Last Sunday sermon included a try to pray if you want to become a Christian if you like to know more if you want some say about prayer, please listen to the sermon from last Sunday. The power of sending that was defeated when Jesus rose again a few days after his death on this Good Friday. I'm will celebrate his resurrection next week on Easter Sunday for now at the start of Holy Week passion week. We remember Jesus is dark Journey towards the cross on Good Friday. By the Lord help us to keep going through our own personal dauntless to keep praising him and to keep pointing of us to him will help on the sound Layton. We will not be silenced in the Darkness.

We're going outside now Faith now with the Apostles Creed together these words on the screen. I believe in God the Father Almighty creator of heaven and I believe in Jesus Christ his only son our Lord. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit tone of the Virgin Mary sofa under Pontius Pilate was crucified died and was buried if you send it to the death almost third day. He rose again. He ascended into heaven. He is seated at the right hand of the father and he will come to judge the living and the dead I believe in the Holy Spirit the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints the Forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and the life Everlasting.

Let's have a time of prayer together now.

Will say a prayer for all those affected by the Coronavirus. cheapest good Lord, Under The Shadow of Your Mercy sustain and support the anxious those who care for the sick list of all who are brought low that we may find comfort knowing that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ. Jesus our lord.

We were reminded last week but in suit get suit and nice like Timothy Chapter 2. We're exhausted to pray for all those who are in Authority. So let's have a time of prayer now. I'll just leave some silences. I will pray now for those increments on positions of power in this country.

Let's pray now for all the health workers who are putting themselves on the line to continue our wonderful NHS and to look after those suffering from the virus.

Let's have a time of prayer now for our family and friends those who are worried about you list them to you download.

Finally, we pray for ourselves what we ask that you would give us the strength and the wisdom that we need help with in this time of isolation.

It was all the strength and the place that we need to get through this lockdown. Help us to tend to you.

Lord in your mercy And I'll try to bring up rise together with the Lord's Prayer now, so as Jesus taught us, so we pray. Our Father in heaven Hallowed Be Your Name Your Kingdom Come your will be done on Earth as in heaven give us today our daily bread. So give us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us Lead us not into temptation, but Deliver Us from Evil for the kingdom the power and the glory are yours now and forever.

I'm going to finish my with a final blessing. Please say the woods common at the end of each section May the father who so loved the world that he gave his only son bring you by faith to his eternal life of sacrifice in obedience to the father as well. Keep you steadfast as you walk with him the way of his cross almond. May the spirits who strengthens us to suffer with Christ that we may share his glory set your minds online on face.

I may the blessing of God Almighty the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit be among you and remain with you always.

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