Jesus comes in peace; let’s recognize our time your visitation.
Jesus comes in peace; let’s recognize our time your visitation.
Jesus comes in peace; let’s recognize our time your visitation.
1. Jesus guides us into His peace
1. Jesus guides us into His peace
a. Obey Jesus, even if you don’t understand what he is doing.
b. Wherever and whenever Jesus brings you peace, praise him.
c. Jesus prepares us for his peace, so we are ready to praise him.
i. Don’t let others rain on your parade.
ii. The creation will praise God. Even inanimate objects will glorify God.
1. Rocks will cry out (Luke 19:40)
2. Trees will clap (Isa 55:12)
3. Mountains will slip and sing (Psalm 114:4,6; Isa 55:12)
4. The sky will proclaim the work of God’s hands (Ps 19:1)
5. Everything that has breath will praise God (Psalm 150:6)
2. Jesus grieves, if we fail to recognize the time of our visitation.
2. Jesus grieves, if we fail to recognize the time of our visitation.
a. Not knowing what makes peace grieves Jesus.
b. Not knowing Jesus is always with us grieves him.
3. We maintain peace with Jesus, by praying and listening to his word.
3. We maintain peace with Jesus, by praying and listening to his word.
a. Prayer and listening to God’s word bring peace. Calm to the chaos.
b. Conflict and chaos can’t exist in the presence of prayer and obedience to God’s word.