Jesus' Prophecy
Alright, well, thank you worship team and fast. Thank you to our second team as well. I heard that we had some sound issues quickly resolved appreciate that. if you have a copy of God's word with you and 5.3 to Mark chapter 13 as we continue walking through the gospel of Mark we're doing so with the intent of what kind of what kind of kingdom
and now I know that I did a little bit behind us is he is answering a question from the site if you are a eschatology, but I've been March 13th. If you don't know what the term eschatology mean when you probably don't know a lot about is teaching about the n'time, right and the topic that of
A lot of people have been wondering with the global pandemic with everything happening in the end. Right? Is this the end and I think we can go to Mark chapter 13 for guidance on again.
55 most wanted him to answer that kind of question just like we might want the same question answer but I an opportunity for Christian good.
amillennialism right angle distance
we want this. And I don't want to be a part of fomenting suspension.
Others have you will hear what I have to say and you'll agree with me on me, please. Say haha. I told you so but this is not going to be not going to be what I want us to do. I want to see what is the specific question to ask Nexia. What I want to see is that he gives us the roof history through the church every generation this prophecy being fulfilled and we also have some warnings to his people living in the last days but to every generation the church before we do that with this being somewhat of a
God Is We Gather around the words with the desire go to honor by reflecting well and God help us using this as a distraction curious if I would you help us to see this to the call transformation as a call to whatever age Father would you guide us?
Mark chapter 13 and I said there's a specific question question comes out of a remark that one of the disciples.
And as he came out the temple one of his disciples said to him look up teacher wonderful stones and what a wonderful building rights of this disciple is a is a proud member of the Jewish faith. He is a he's a proud citizen of Israel and really the temple was the devil was beating that he would look at and that was a point of pride. This disciple is not name.
Jesus said to him do you see these great buildings? There will not be here left one stone upon another that will not be thrown. But that would be just a little bit of a blow for that has Eiffel and for all of the right teacher. Look at this amazing. Aren't you so glad that were Jews, aren't you? So impressed with how devoted the article with the Keystone?
It's all going to be just right now. This would not be a new thing. That should not be. The first time that the temple had been destroyed Israel. His wife is lamenting the destruction of amazing the destruction of Solomon's Temple, rebuilding the takes place of the wall, and then later the temple and all of these things take place. and it keeps getting keeps getting still in process.
Used to looking back at the destruction and now rejoicing in the rebuilding but now it says it's going with you. percolates a little bit
you can almost imagine Jesus sitting there with his disciples kind of looking back at the temple that just walked away from Peter and when will these things be and what would be the sign and all these things be accomplished with the question the question? When's the temperature going to be in will the temple be destroyed because that's the question they wanted.
And Jesus gives an answer. Jesus began to say they've seen it. No one will come in my name saying I am take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places. There will be famine beginnings of the bird. But be on your guard. They will deliver you over to council.
When they bring you to trial delivery over to not be anxious beforehand what you were to say, whatever is given to you in that hour for it is not.
And brother will deliver brother over to debt. The father has child in the children will rise up against parents and have them put to death and you will be hated by all but the one who will be safe. What's the question of when will the temple be destroyed West Jesus master so far?
Scripture he is not answer. The question. He is not told him just a little bit show them. What kind of a king and what kind of
Did the disciples the destruction of the temple wooden some waves? Probably be the failure of Jesus Messiah.
Clarify look properly at what they're getting ready to face in the coming years. And so he doesn't answer the question. Long dial.
But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where he at his house In the last four women tribulation has has not been from the beginning of creation to Godfrey. And never will be and if the Lord had not cut short the days no human being would be nothing but for the sake of the elect whom he chose this you look here at the price for look very is to not believe it for false christs and false prophets will arise.
Straight as possible, but beyond Gaara, I have told you all things before they destroy when you see the abomination of desolation standing where he got and this is where it's helpful to remember and it's helpful to look at the other. I just see what Jesus says in the in the same thing.
Jesus talking about this destruction of 2021 rather 20 by Army. Desolation has come near when will the temple be destroyed? I just want to know when there's Army surrounding City. So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of standing in the Holy place. Vegeta's answer from all three. Supposed to your mark Matthew Luke and when the armies surround Jerusalem
a370 there was a Revolt in Judea and the Roman army March around in Jerusalem, and for three years later to the city and destroying the temple which is where the salads the people who sparked a Revolt where they have a high priest. And that is the answer to this question. Call Jesus.
Because you think this that I'm embracing a few of the end times. This is what the
At that, we don't stop.
In Jesus's resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel to All Nations. So we have a specific answer but we also see these profit. Is it God's lack of an article?
night just happened in Jerusalem in the first kind of
and you see this persecution that comes against We saw him verse 23 and it needs to be on guard. I told you all the things.
leader of the church in Jerusalem prophesied in a sentence
left the city answers
So they placed this tribulation and they were spared because of Jesus's morning and because of the prophecy given to the church, but this is not the only time that this Prophecy from the experience of most Americans.
Who are facing this today throughout time? It's time to Greece places. You have God's people experiencing regulation experiencing persecution affected by government restrictions by those who would persecute them put them to death in their country. That's happened to all three Jesus did not leave them unaware. It was not like Jesus said hey, if you just trust in me, you'll be spared from all this is a very clear to us today as well. God's people will taste good Malaysian.
But this probably is not all the way full filled it still waiting for an ultimate fulfillment for a Great Tribulation Great Tribulation in Revelation. Hope it's hard to understand. It seems to indicate things do not get better for the people of God seems to indicate that we will face hard times and then God is a matter of fact. I just that Great Tribulation that happen. For Christ's return which is our great. So Jesus is giving this answer to his disciples the Echoes of that answer our mad in 87 in the history of the church and they will be met finally in Folsom, Italy. Before Christ returns Jesus gives is it the gospel will be preached among all the nations. The gospel will be preached to all the nations now, I'm Matthew. We see this Mark we see this. That what's going to happen is versus end of chapter 13 The Gospel to All Nations.
Work as it happened. The answer light with many of the things in the word of God. It's already happened, but it's not yet. We see it symbolically at Pentecost. We see it symbolically and Acts chapter 2 and you got your key to turn there just briefly with me Acts chapter 2 we have the church having seen Jesus ascend into heaven being told go back and wait.
And they began to preach the gospel. Read with me and Acts chapter 2 verse 5 now. There was a rattling in Jerusalem Jews the Batman from every nation under Heaven and the Batman from every nation under
An app that sounds the mobile to keep together the sound of the speaking of the people the gospel Proclamation and they were astonished they are not all these were speeding galerias. This is a polite way or not.
They're not Cosmopolitan judias. They're not people who would know a bunch of languages. These are a bunch of hicks from the how is it that we ran into Mesopotamia Egypt and Arabia?
And all were amazing saying to one another what does this mean? This is a picture what Jesus said would happen? He said The Gospel Four to be proclaimed and All Nations and here you have all nations coming.
symbolically the gospel
continue expanding property history as Lord as a new civilization were discovered under my favorite history of the Church of themselves go and take the message of the Gospel the places where it had not been hurt. And so continually this prophecy is being as new tribes. People groups are evangelizes of God translated into bibles are being translated by groups like with Liz and others who are doing the dishes the spread of the Gospel. This is fulfillment.
But so far as we can tell it's not finished yet. It happened symbolically attacking progressively but it has not happened to Missy and so we're waiting for that. So then what we read in Revelation 7-9 is the reality and a great multitude from every tribe and tongue and nation is there digging phrase? He Propst we're looking for Jesus gospel to be proclaimed to every people group. So that Jesus will return and that's the final Prophet Echo that we seen Jesus will return. Jesus will return this is our hope this is not the coronavirus when we see difficult. Hope all the time. This has been the hope of the church from the moment Jesus ascended. Through the persecution by the Roman Empire through the adoption of Christianity.
from there to the Medieval Times from there to the expansion into the rest of the world from there into Protestant Reformation from there into the missionary Resurgence coming out of the British Baptist missionary Union, right? You have all of these things hoping.
for Jesus to return what is it? How is this pool filled in an echo? Well, it's fulfilled symbolically with the establishment of the church. We're told very clearly I was looking at this week, but there is everywhere that the church is the body of Christ. The church is the body of Christ. We are meant to reveal Jesus to the and so his return is symbolically fulfilled with the establishment of the church. This is why that matters that were the church. This is why it matters that we fellowship with one of them.
Because Alone by ourselves, we are not the body of Christ. We are not the presence of Christ in this world collectively corporately.
That's the promise of his return but we're looking for a literal return we have this great. Hope have you seen lately.
Right where we're supposed to be showing Jesus in if you don't always succeed at doing there's many times for the church fails and where we really met Jesus.
That's why our great hope is not in the church being the body of Christ the actual physical return of Christ when he died. to save Who had to put their faith in him who have submitted to his lordship? to judge those to continue is in that our Pope is in that situation where everything is set, right? That's or we are not Christian if we reject the return of Christ. Because look what he says in the first 24. In those days after that tribulation the sun will be darkened. The moon will not give its light. The Stars will be falling from heaven in the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory in Revelation chapter 1 receive John talk about that situation that reality Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 and he's coming back. This was the hope for those burned at the stake. For the freedom of preaching the gospel. This is the photo for those today. Who wait to see the Brokenness of the world to see the faults in the church in oolong or restoration? Christ returns
Not to be ignored. Not to be shunted aside worth for put into a charts and something we can argue about with exactly how this is going to come. We just need to understand this is what happened.
The gospel will be preached about all the nations and
why we are looking for the Fulfillment of these things.
And this is where Jesus has given us some warning. Look back at verses 1 and 2.
As he came out of the temple, one of the disciples said to him look teacher. What wonderful Stone. And Jesus said you see these great buildings.
What is Jesus's War given to the disciples? Do not rely on the external?
Do not rely on or rejoice in the external trappings of religion, and this is a poignant.
Where are you? You're not here in the room with me, right all of the external things associated with our worship have been stripped away from us right now. We no longer can fall back on just the Cabot of showing up to a building sitting down in a chair and reading the words on the street. We can't do that.
The external trappings have been stolen away. Maybe if you had an extra time with coronavirus even sitting there and I wonder if some of you have been thinking.
Oh, man, I missed Church. Now if you miss the church. You miss a thing.
Right there right there, even though you guys are digital. I'm shouting.
Right after we come to rely on.
worship me in spirit and in the day
when you build a bridge with me fear, you will not worship me if you miss the building.
Is it in a 501 c 3 nonprofit known as Red Hill Southern Baptist Church? Where's the beef? No matter where we are my manners. We need to reject. Anything of the causes to depend on the external? in favor of an internal strong faith and when we get together again. Maybe rejoiced getting the shake hands and and hug the same.
May we be glad of the building be glad of air conditioning maybe never again.
The disciple was distracted by the external factor of the Temple of the Caltrain.
dependence on him instead of dependence technology the next morning that he did I see in this passage forest is in verses 5 and 6.
Do this again.
Many will come in my name saying I am he and they will lie. Jesus born to be just waiting for these things to happen. Don't submit to Marcy kaptur newspapers. submit to seek after new
we've been easy for the disciple this thing started to go downhill.
the look for a new Messiah
just at the Akron Sia.
quick and easy for the Christians in Rome to give up. I'm there crucified. and they would be look for somebody who would tell them anything.
For people who are used to comfort and plenty. in America
do not want to hear a messiah who says if you would follow me take up your cross be willing to Die daily. If you would follow me reject. Allegiant other than me Booty so easy for us to look for a new Messiah new savior a new preacher somebody who would tell us what we want to hear. Here's the secret follow Jesus and you'll be here.
nonsense we serve a crucified for why would we expect anything less person? Don't speak don't submit to anyone. You said like Jesus and you can follow me and not enough. Listen to me. Jesus had it wrong about the whole suffering thing. If you gotta have faith, you can avoid all that.
We don't need a new stick. We've got d don't look up the Mitzi don't believe somebody who tells you something contrary to what Jesus Christ the King. said this and it's do not be distracted. Or just rest by natural or man-made disaster.
And when you hear of wars and rumors of wars do not be alarmed this mistake place, but the end is not yet for nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places. Toys R Us
and this is where we're at. repeat pandemic anything
Accepted this is not the first time that disease to strike our world write the wars that we hear about are not the first war some of us here in this state. These are not the first time he's saying what's going on around you don't be distracted by that. Don't be freaked out by that.
Trust is earned not the song. These are not the answer to the question. This is not what you want to be looking at in the ass will be scanning the headline who sings Jesus coming back today. You're not supposed to do that. That's a distraction as we Face the pandemic it would be asking is this the end? We asked how can I serve? Instead of saying what's going to happen. How can I make? I am so encouraged by stories that I hear from them within our church in from other other brothers and sisters people making math right there, but cereal to to making protective gear for those who are on the front line in the fight against people who said
So many ideas but I haven't heard so many things that that you guys are thinking. This is one of the things I want us to use our Facebook. The other day I heard that there was going to be a group Gathering and they're going to sit in their cars out the parking lot and talk. It's awesome. That's a great way to stay connected while still being booked for those kind of ideas.
Don't distress.
Next morning. He says do not be do not panic or be persuaded to deny your face because of persecution we can first time. Be on your guard. They will deliver you open the council.
To Bear witness before then the gospel must first be proclaimed to All Nations when they bring it to trial.
Where does not you? Brother will deliver brother over the death of father has child children will rise against you will be hated by all.
will be
we don't know persecution.
Whatever. We think we've experienced. You know that it failed.
most likely death
And so when we see this we see that example, we know that whatever comes our way whatever form of persecution may come. We don't have to scan it nor should we deny Jesus?
Don't freak out. Trust that he is sufficient rest of the holy spirit will give you what you need in that day. You don't have to worry about. Should it, should it be delayed if we continue in the blessing that we've had in this country of freedom. praise the Lord Houston come
good morning. The final warning did Jesus give power.
Is it we should not stop long for Christ's return? Doing the work he set for us to do. and at least favorite
but concerning that day or that our no one knows not even the angels in heaven for the silent only thought he will wait for you. Do not know where the time. Is like a man going on a journey doorkeeper to stay awake or stay awake in the evening or at midnight or when the rooster crows are in the morning? That's become suddenly find you. Do I say to you? I say to all.
. Jesus teaching on the end times
when I coming back your work do what he told you.
Keep longing for keep looking for the return stay awake. Your what is the work that Christ has given us? What is the worth of it? Is it weird to be engaged in the servant knowing that there Master will return but not knowing when what is the word that he's given us to do?
Take the gospel to the Nations. Love your neighbor as yourself. Love your enemies pray for those who persecute you encourage one another.
Write what is given us to do? Can be summed up in love God love others make disciples. But it can also be summed up in. Be like Christ. Look for what Jesus do?
Don't worry. about the time focus on tasks in the midst of these uncertainties
I think that's a good word Ralph. Don't worry about the timing focus on the
how do we do that?