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Ephesians 4:20-24 “The New Man”

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Ephesians chapter 4 verses 17 through 24 and the word of the Lord says now this I say and testify in the Lord that you must no longer walk as the Gentiles do in the futility of their minds. They are darkened in their understanding alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to their Hardness of Heart. They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality greedy to practice every kind of impurity, but that it's but that is not the way you've learned in Christ. Assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him as the truth in Jesus 2.2 put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life as is corrupt through deceitful desires and to be renewed in the spirit of your mind and to put on the new self created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. Father was so grateful that you've allowed to come together this morning as we reason through this text and we will just ask Lord that your spirit in your present do would be with us. I ask that you would help us walk through this with a clear mind a clear heart and most importantly Lord God that your spirit would speak to us as individuals. We thank you. We praise you we love you and it's in Jesus. Mighty name. We all say Amen we've been in this text for several months now and we are going to continue until the Lord returns or until we're a meeting together once again, Next week, we will do an Easter messages, but then right back and we'll get to our next our next chest in the book of Ephesians text last we can always give you this quick introduction the first three chapters in the book of Ephesians Paul practice theology, but he practices theology by the out working in the standing of what God has given him to write to the Church of Ephesus. Now what we realized for the first three verses in this book the first three chapters in the book itself. It's all about the practice of Theology and one of the things we must realize he is that when we work through theology theology defined our lives and how we live and how we breathe and how we are to respond. So the first three chapters in the book of Ephesians Seasons talks about the wealth of the believer what we have in store in Christ and the last three chapters of the book of Ephesians. 4 through 6 talks about the the Walk of the believer or what we are as new Christians in Christ Paul now moves from chapters 1 through 3 now. He's in chapters 4 through 6 as she's walking through the ethical dealings of how Christians are supposed to respond to the gospel of grace. Once they have been awaken spiritually speaking. Now what we learned last week and verses 17 through 19. We saw Paul himself appeal to the Christian tradition after you appeal to the Christmas edition. We saw that it was all about the old man. It was all about his nature was all about his practice was all about the futility of his mind and his thought process Paul called him a gentle and Gentile not only from an ethnic standpoint. What do you call them Gentiles from a spiritual standpoint? Because they did not know the true and risen God Jesus Christ. And as he walked two verses 20 through 24 this morning, one of the things we are going to realize is that Paul now encourages and implores the the Ephesians 2 Now put on this new Humanity this new man took the title this message this morning is the new man in Christ. And you were going to see the position that this new man hasn't verses 20 through 24 give you every Sunday morning. I give you a big idea. And the big idea this morning that Believers are the walk-in holness as well as unity in the new christ-centered man. In other words, we are to be new because God made us new inverse 20 divided will reads it says but that it but that is not the way you learn Christ. What polish do remember from last week. We talked about all the different aspect of their there. They're your understanding being dark and they've been alienated from God. They had ignorance do them in this is not this just stupidity. This ignorant is more lonely why they just get know I talked about the hardness of their hearts and now Paul starts off in verse 20, and he said but that this but that is not the way you learn Christ. In other words, you didn't learn price with every type of worldly contraction and what Paul was saying here. He is now contrasting the old man with a new man believers. Did not come to know or learn Christ this way and the defiled Manor what he is saying here is that he doesn't want their mind no longer darken and their lies alienated from God because God himself is the subject of their new understanding of salvation. Christ the in this text is the subject. He's the one who is heard of he is the spear. He's the one that we have been taught about. It is Christ. Holy singing at this point in time that they are learning and that they're believing and now they're acting according to what they know. This teaching is based on truth in reference to John chapter 14. We see that Jesus Christ is the truth and one of the things we must realize he especially as Believers one of the things we must realize is this a believer have you ever believed that put off the old self which is being corrupted by zazie fully than other words. We are those who are now putting off our old man because they are deceitful desires and we could potentially be corrupted by it. If we don't truly understand our new creation with Christ. Ephesians chapter 4 verses 17 through 19 explains it this way and let me just reiterate this and this is what Paul says we learned last week. He says he says now this I say and testify in the Lord that you must no longer walk as the Gentiles do in the fortuity of their minds. They are darkened in their understanding alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them do to do to their Hardness of Heart. They had become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality greedy to practice every kind of impurity and other words. This is a self-centered loss and deceitful life that promises you join, but at the same time it's fails. I don't know about you but one of the things you must realize he especially when we're dealing with truth is that we need to understand truly what we are before we became in price This is why Paul. Contrast and make sure that the Ephesians knows this. He says this is not the way you learned Christ and it is so many and it's so comical if we would live our lives and we will observe what we called so-called Christians. And again, I'm not beating anybody up and I want to encourage you to live a life. That is worthy and pleasing to God. See this truth. We must realize contrast with deceitfulness. It's this lustful living and it looks with living and you know, it always says people always leave that sometime it has a sexual connotation, but it really doesn't what it means is the on the unmerited desire for something else. I don't know about you but I live in the state we in our minds as those who are believers have been made new. Our attitude should be new are mine should be new there should no longer be any futile thinking and what we are as people in Christ Our Eyes have been illuminated spiritually speaking there no longer darker. I love with Paul says here in Ephesians chapter 2. I'm sorry 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 17 and he informs the Corinthians I and I would say the same thing. I see in Porgy fish and he says therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away behold. The new has come. So what does that mean? If we are born again today? If we say that we love Jesus we say that we're in love with Jesus and we are living for Jesus then at some point in time in the Redemption aspect of your life of regeneration when you became a new allies to start lining up with how God would be pleased with

From the humans die if we realize this. Salvation is self begins with repentance but Salvage and salvation or repentance doesn't say you and God is the one who saves a Salvation is cell starts with repentance. So we have a heart and we have a mind that would give us the ability to repent and turn to God you can ra pain not necessarily believe in God.

And I think that is what get a lot of folks in trouble sometime. Just because you change your mind on me you change your mind or the mind of Christ?

And one of the things we must realize especially here as Christians. And this is why we live on this side striving to live a life totally to Christ and for Christ. is this That no Christian is totally free from the presence of sin in this life. But Christ he is willing willingly freed us from This orientation of set another word send no longer has been there over us send no longer controls us send no longer dominate. That's because what dominates now is the Life of Christ? Is that we ourselves in from one Elementary aspect is that we should learn not to trust our own thinking. We should rely on Christ thinking on his way. We should rely on the way of Christ. We should live rely on only on the mind that is revealed to us through scripture on how we should live. I love how Galatians chapter 2 verse 20 says it this way when Paul writes to the Galatians. He says that this what he says I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me and the life, I now live in the flesh. I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. Because we have the mind of Christ. We are to have the attitude within ourselves, which is the attitude of Jesus Christ. Say what we must stay in here families at the mark of a true Christian life is to think like Christ is the act like Christ is to love like Christ and in every possible way be like Christ as long as we are working and he is working within us. This is God's plan for our lives until he brings us home Christ as we would see here. He is both the source of the transformation of of our Christian walk in our minds and a habit. But he's also the pervasive thinking he's the end goal of what we should be to keep our transformation should be directed toward him and for him

What we must understand is that Christ. Is the picture image of all who we desire to be? in verse 21 Call Continuum by saying assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him as the truth is in Jesus uses of play of words here in our ESV translation. It's it says assuming meaning of word phrases that to get the Ephesians to think. So in other words literally means that if at least you have heard about him and you were and were taught in him as the true Sao Paulo things here. There's a couple different notes here. They heard about price at their conversion and then they were talked about him and threw him in teaching of the church. What we must see here, the real sense of what Paul is saying here is that they have been schooled by Christ. I don't know about you but I love being school by Christ because what happens is that when your school by Christ it what happens is that your life now lines up according to his plan and purpose Paul is saying that they have been school. They are subject deep in the education of Christ. They understand is teaching. Now. The challenge is wood polish thing here is that since Christ has entered in Lyons what their life now be different. I don't know about you but there a lot of people again who say that they love Jesus but their life does not line up vacation is a lifelong process is a lifelong process and let me repeat that but what happens is that with sanctification there should be some Progressive Improvement in the way. We live or some of us may have something that we're hung up with but as long as we In price and we continue to grow in Christ. What happens is that we should start to get we should get better at dealing with those things. For example, if you deal with anger issues, yes before Christ, you may have been an angry person and that mean it really be your sinful bit. But in Christ, what happens is that because you know that anger could be sinful in Christ. We don't get as angry as we did before why because we know that all of this stuff don't matter. We live in a time and I'll share with you before because we are on we are doing social distancing now that there is a complete lockdown of society. I don't know. It's Society who ever go back to where it was before but one of the things I know is that Jesus himself Remains the Same so I can get mad at okay, look we can't be together the church I can get mad that I don't get to see you guys all the time. I can get angry or I can just say you know what God is in control. We got things like Zoom. We got things like Facebook. We got things like we can all stay connected. We're just not physically together. Now, I can be upset that we're not physically together. But at the same time my anger will not cause me to send to bring you guys all here. So we don't worship on Easter Sunday, that would be perfect. But again, we're not going to be here. Are you not going we're not going to have a corporate gathering on Easter Sunday. This is what Paul is talking about. Our anger should not take over us or our former. Lions are formal examples of how we live before should not take over us. Why because we were taught in Christ and one of the things we must realize he is that our Christian beliefs include Christian morality and includes Christian ethics for the whole life is summed up in who in Christ's so everything that we do we need you to please Christ and I think this is where we miss it. Sometimes especially as a universal church. We want to please one another we got the five steps to getting better. We got the five steps to a better marriage. We have to file Step2 to make it more money. We got the five steps in loving difficult people, but what about the fun stuff knowing Jesus? Cricket think you know that and if everything is summed up in him, you don't need five steps to anything else because it is a freedom in Christ that we have that all of our Christian Life. All of our Christian beliefs are summed up in him. And this is the most asked the most important aspect of the church itself as you remember from one perspective. We see this mystery now being unfolded as the church is teaching is at the heart of the Church of life. We are teaching Church. I'm Amazed by so many different programs. And again, I'm not talking about any other Church how many programs they have? They have this ministry that Ministry if I go back and I look at in the book of Acts. All they did was Peach eat and meet that was it they had no they had no children's ministry. Mom can't say amen. I got to say ouch. None of these Ministries only thing they did was teach eat. and meat those are the core principles. I believe that glorify God on this side of Eternity and all the other things are abstract. Those things make the church run. Well those things glorify God. This is why teaching is at the heart of church, like people not know how to live the correct way if they've never been taught. I've had conversations with people who have been a part of different Ministries over the years and they have talked to me. It's like what I've never been taught that was how long have you been attending for that Ministry of how long have you been attending to whatever are going to the study couple years now, something's wrong. If you're not being taught in the church, and I think that's the message and the meaning of the word. Yes. We are to go out and where they share the gospel, but we are to teach folks how to live According To Jesus. See what we must realize is that teaching itself is this this pillar in the church. This new life is conducted in accordance with the truth of living in Jesus family. In other words, when he says in this text as the truth is in Jesus what he is saying here since Jesus is the truth. This is the definite article of how we are supposed to be truth refers to this simple message. It is the reliability of the Gospel message, but also the moral Integrity that lives. It out in our own lies authentically. This is what we have to known. This is what we must understand. Is that truth itself. It's just not reliable, but truth itself. Most importantly is the gospel message in verse 22. We continue on this way. He says to put off your old self switch belong to your formal manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires. What is Paul saying? What does he mean when he's talkin about this what we think about this this with this one verse you said to put off your old self which belongs to your former manager of life and is struck through deceitful desires. Paul himself is saying at this point in time, is it is that living a proper Christian Life we must put off our old self. The old self is the self that was corrupted. We were sinful. We were born in deceitful lost luck. Born in sin. We have a sinful bit. We are at scripture with tell us from the book of Ephesians. We were separated from God David says it clearly in Psalms chapter 51 verse 5. He says it this way but whole and then if he talked about his sinful been he says behold I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me what he's saying is that the old self it's a sinful self. The old self was a self that was separated from God. It was not capable of doing anything good in the light of God and one aspect we can seem okay, we would say when we talked about the doctrine of total depravity. We would say that some people believe that there is no more good that can take place but I would share with you that's totally different when we talked about the doctrine of total depravity. That is the doctrine of being alienated and unable to choose God. God does not do something to initiate contact with you. Jesus said it clearly in Matthew when he was talking to the Ephesians. He said he clearly you being evil know how to give good gifts your father who's being good knows how to get better get so another words. He's not saying that because you're totally surprised that you're unable to do good things. It's not that those who are outside of the church don't cheat don't cheat on my taxes don't cheat on their spouses don't cheat on the friends. Don't lie don't steal. But what he is saying is this he saying that those inside price will do this, but they have been forgiven of their sins. And because they've been forgiven with their since they have now been made a new person a new creature. He used the technical term of put off your old self, which is a rapport with the reference to close it can mean that once you've been a Christian when you put off your old self art. Other words to merely put off the old self is the old self can mean merely to accept Christ. In other words. You have become new in your attitude. You have to come new and you have it you become new and your values you have become new and your actions that has given you responds to being born again not when he says this to put off your old clothes. I just want to keep this in context of the people that was reading this text at this point in time. We must realize that ancient people at this time in the city of Ephesus didn't have as many clothes are the variety close that we have. Some of us are going out clothes and we can wear the same thing for months. We have so many clothes but in this context what Paul is saying here, these people did not have many clothes and other words majority of folks were poor and they barely had access to clothing clothing was expensive, but what he is using here, he's using his Universal image. Putting on are taking off the old and putting on the new this is a frequent metaphor in the Old Testament. If you stood me of the Old Testament where you clothe yourself in righteousness, are you closed yourself and praise or you called yourself in in God Majesty. We Paul is speaks of this clothing as being clothed and cries. Another word. We are putting on Christ. Paul says it clearly in Galatians chapter 3 verses 27. He said for as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. In other words, we've taken off our old self R Olson nature and we put on the person of Christ in the way. We live in the way. We act in the way we respond to one another

Paul himself Give clear understanding of what the old man was like. We had our word deceitful.

And the desires were corrupt. See what happens is that what we must understand that sometimes. A deceitful desires they promised to deliver one thing but they always deliver something else. I don't know about you. But sometime I mines Can Be Few down in the way. We think in the way we Act and the way we respond to certain things. But what we must realize and what Paul is saying at this point in time, he's saying that we should be smarter than our Earthly desires. We should recognize the deceitfulness of our Earthly desires and we should run from them. We should turn from them in other words. We should repent. What we must realize he especially that to be a part of new Humanity the new Humanity crisis created. We must first get rid of our old life as though it was a set of filthy clothes. I don't know about you but some of the requirements now as we are living in this covet in Byram, and then I don't know if everybody here is to it is when you go out in public. Are you go out to get the essential things when you come back home, one of the things you must do is wash your hands. Wash your hands at least for 20 seconds. I was out running a couple errands and because we're all work from home my wife and my girls my walked in the house and I was going for a little while and you know, as I wash my hands before I leave for the 22nd. My wife looked at me and she says are you going to take off those clothes to? In the meeting was because those clothes could have been affected with the coronavirus of covid-19. This is what Paul is saying here is that when we are apart of the world we became just like the world we are acting just like it where we put on the world's close spiritually speaking. But now that we have been made new in Christ with Paul is telling us at this point. He's saying for us to take off our filthy clothes in other words get rid of the oils to Nature. This is a life itself that has been corrupt. This is a life itself that no longer has as we could take off the old clothes it no longer has any internal for controlling our hearts and our minds are Spirit. It is now external. This is why Paul can clearly say they take it off.

Paul is talking about this aspect of Our Lives operates through flesh. It operates through sin nature and it is still a part of us. This is why we must take it off. He says in this text. specifically talkin about corruption I want two things. You must realize your family when we talked about corruption itself corruption is the process. overriding and it's in our senses that corrupt or courage is in in stages will spend goes on checking out on lies. Send from one perspective is a disease. It atrophies and then it eats away at the limbs. It can be stopped only by cutting away of the offending flesh. How old is driving this home? Because why the mystery of the church has now been revealed. He wants the church. This unit is Mystery that God has revealed that he is now drafting in Gentiles and Jews together still there now in one so that they won't have their own sinful been toward each other. They would only have unity and praise for Christ.

We see that sometime I own sinful self-centered impulses seem good to us. But when we checked in reality, they're good for no.

This is the old nature. And one of the things you must realize that this battle still rages on. And at this battle still rages on our victory. must begin with studying how to get rid of our own nature You ever do something you just don't want to do it anymore. And you do it again. You just don't want to do it anymore than you do it again. And then that's you focus on not doing it. Then it gets a little stronger that you don't do it anymore. That's repentance. But also that's a sign of regeneration in the life of those who believe in Christ. It is a sign of a holy spirit working in and through us to make us better for Christ in verse 23 and 24. It reads an to be renewed in the spirit of your mind. And to put on the new self created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.

Want to things you must realize families that we are made to be new an attitude of our minds.

and we oughta think the right way.

This is where spiritual warfare *

it didn't start on the outside. It starts in the mind. And this is what Paul is encouraging us to do take away the old mine now he get into a spiritual because what happens is that Paul was thinking about the thought process. Paul is now moving in the direction that what you put your mind to. And what you allow your mind as well on is what you become. This is what he said and to be renewed in the spirit of your mind.

So if we are not what we want to be in Christ, we ourselves we must start to think differently. We must think differently we must put on a new mind the new mind of Christ. We must become christ-like and every aspect of my life. Now. This is not saying that it's not going to be easy. It's going to be a struggle but what happens if that we have the Holy Spirit that dwells in us to make the transition easier.

You think about it from one perspective? If we are able to think differently. We must put our mind on what we want. Know how many of you want certain things in your own life. But how many you have gotten certain things in your own life? Some of you have gotten certain accomplishments in your own line, because what happened was you put your mind to it? You started to think about the success you started to think about the relationship you start to think about, you know, dealing better with folks in a different manner are are adjusting to the aspects of Lies around if you want it success and some are your life in the only way you got to accept it. Wasn't that you thought up on it or photophone it? Is that you put your mind to it? How many of us in here have ever wanted to buy a house?

And we said Okay. I want to buy that house and we had a Pacific Pacific housing in mind. No pun intended. And we started Living in the house, even though it wouldn't Ivory started saying where stuff you want to go. We started painting certain walls and and we started going but yet at the same time we didn't have the house. We just started you going through the motions.

But then they became a process that we had to start thinking about the incremental steps in order the purchasing the house, right? Some of us had two at one point in time start to make sure we are finances were correct so that we can take the first step in purchasing a house. And what's the finances were correct? Then we can submit for a long been once we submit for long then we got an approval right there again. We were thinking through the process once we got the approval in our mind. We've already moved it to the house. So because we are approved and we got this bunch of money to spend on this particular house. Then we go. We start searching for the house itself the house that we've already pictured in our mind.

A normal whole we find a house and want to find a house. We put a purchase agreement together. And once we put a purchase cream together, we've already started to move ourselves in. But what happens is that one of the things is that we had the attitude in my mind that we're going up there to the house. So we started planning. What are things that would share with you especially when it talks about the attitudes of her mind we are what we think in this perspective.

What steps are we making to make sure that I lines are right according to his good pleasure and purpose.

What thinking do we have our stinking thinking that we need to get rid of that is still that old man that are that old man are those old clothes that still tries to jump up on us? What is that stinking thinking that we must get rid of in order to be excellent for cry?

see one of the things you must realize that we Do it. the holy spirit will use what we put in our mind to change and we become what we need to become in Christ.

What Paul is saying is special in the texts that the Ephesian believe it's at this point in time needed to rid themselves of their old self. They're all mindset. They need to be made new. And when I believe he's describing here, he's describing the inner being it is that God who transformed the mine with the spirits activity is implicit in this text.

One of the things we must realize that our decisions are made mentally as I shared with you before. In the battle to control those decisions are a mental and everything starts in the mind.

We must make our thinking and our positions the minds of Christ the mind of Christ and by making it the mind of Christ. We now have a new mind Romans 12:2 says it this way. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind by the testing by that by testing. You may discern. What is the will of God what is good and acceptable and perfect?

Clearly this talks about the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can change our mind our false? Pecan place eternity in Armand. I don't know about you, especially at this particular time as we go through this pandemic. My whole fault has been on eternity. When is Jesus going to return because now I'm in my lifetime I'm seeing the signs of the time. You can go to Second Timothy and you can see all these different signs if you have time, but we won't do that today. But what if you realize we have a pendemic that is going on in the world. Did you realize a few weeks ago? I think was this weird earlier this week. We had a few earthquakes.

Now all we have to do is just observe all the other signs of the times. that are coming for this is why I mine should be focused on eternity and not on this world but on eternity. See what we must realize here family. It is the mind that spiritual growth occurs and we must embrace the Christ like mine sent. This is what we must do as Christians. We take off the filthy Old Rag and we put on the news Rags or not new Rags, but the new stuff this new hard this new mind. We take them off in other words Palo saying discard them. We take our place in this new humanity and it's possible through Christ death burial and resurrection. And one of the things we must realize especially as we do this, we need to be sure that we understand truly would God is doing and saying in our own line.

2nd Corinthians 4:16 says it this way. So we do not lose heart. When it talks about our out ourselves or our former selves. Though our outer cells is wasting away. Our inner self is being renewed day by day. The question I would have to ask you are you being renewed in the only way you can be renewed is by the renewing of God's word being developed in your life.

the old self

Is being gone away or being moved away? The old self was an atom the new self now is in Christ. See what one must realize here family godlikeness and price likeness are the true goals of spiritual growth. That's important to us. And that's what we must understand. This godlikeness and this christlikeness will be visible in all related areas of our lives, especially righteousness and holiness.

now in the New Testament There are three stages of righteousness that I want to share with you. first God has declared us to be right with him on the basis of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Another words, we've been Justified justification. The next aspect of the stage of writing is that he has made us right? He has made us right in this is the process of sanctification. This is result of us putting on the new clothes are the new man. and finally The final stage of writing is that one of the New Testament talks about his Holiness is the defining characteristic of God and dust of all of us as well.

Bible tells us we must be holy as God is Holy. in Leviticus This is why we are called Saints. This is why we ourselves. We are to live righteousness. We should have this godlikeness. This passage itself as is a closed this morning this the passage itself summarized. the complete doctrine of salvation

as unbelievers. We're on to the power of sin and death and we were enslaved by our senses and we were doomed. for eternity in other words, there was no hope for us.

But then that we've read through the book of Ephesians God himself intervened. He sent his son to to die for us on the cross bringing a redemption and forgiveness to those who would believe

we we we entered this blessed State over Jensen through Holiness through God making this right and most importantly that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ or the Tony sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and because of that we have turned to him and we are asking him. God save me.

We ourselves.

Have a new reality. A new reality in this new man is to grow in righteousness and Holiness in Christ.

so today

is very simple.

if you Don't know Jesus.

You have an opportunity to do some Divine appointment God will sin or God right now is stirring something up in your own life.

This is something that you would only say to yourself and something you must realized. that must be said I confess my guilt before you Jesus.

And I know I need you. I believe that you died and you Rose again so that I may be forgiven. You may say something like you know by faith. I submit my life to Jesus. And I recognize you as my Lord and Savior. And I'm asking you to rescue me from the judge and not deserve and that will only be evident in the basis of how you live your life.

It is not the prayer that saves you. It is a relationship with Jesus that saves you.

If you know Christ. and if Christ knows you and you've repented from your sins. Then God will come and dwell amongst you. my prayer Is that that would be your request of Jesus? Forgive me for my sins. I am guilty. I believe that you died and you Rose for me. I believe that you now intercede on the father behalf of all I have to do is confess my sin turn from my sin. Do my best to live my life according to your plan and purpose and because of that at that moment you will save me.

My prayer for you family.

if you confess that and if you believe that

the evidence of that will be walked out and how you live. Hey, man, let's pray father. We're so grateful that you've allowed us to come together this morning. And as we have reason from the text Lord God understanding the new man Lord, I pray in the name of Jesus that you would give us the ability as we walked through vs. 17 to 24. Understanding the presentation of the new old man in the presentation of the new man what we were before and what we are now. I'm proud. I ask that you would help us as we walk out this life Lord. God trying to be holy and pleasing to you. Give us understanding give us Revelation help us lead us guidance and direct it is in Jesus. Mighty name. We all say Amen.

Earn an accredited degree from Redemption Seminary with Logos.