4.05.2020 The King Is Coming!

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Good morning. Welcome to Kentucky Missionary Baptist Church our Facebook live service and we are so very glad that you decided to join us this morning a couple of announcements in housekeeping that I would like to announce right quick is be sure to remember that today is our building fund off for you. So if you have an opportunity to give for that then building on our general fun, you can go to our website and you'll be able to give online or else you can mail your check to the church and please note needs to go in a couple of prayer request. Remember Keith brayden's cousin Peggy Jean passed away with the coronavirus yesterday. And so remember this when her husband is still in the hospital be praying for him and of course, they have a daughter that's unable to see or visit with them. And so just pray for the whole family and everything is they are going through that. Thank you so much for your prayers for my mother-in-law.

Right now she still in ICU waiting. Her coronavirus will be then she will be able to go back to Encore and you said this morning that she would like to go and have a good rest and go down and have lunch in the dining hall today. And so we just praise God for that and continue to remember all the healthcare workers and workers and everybody that's having to be out and about at this time. Just remember each and every one of them another thing a text to give if you just want to text you can text at 501-226-1715 and just give it will go right to our thing there. I want to announce an exciting thing beginning tonight at 7:37 tonight through Wednesday night. We are going to do kind of a Revival many service Bible study type deal. We're going to begin tonight at 7, and we're going to look at Fulfillment of the passion week personally deal with why I believe that Jesus Christ could not have been crucified on Friday. Not that it couldn't ever be in that pass over did not occur on a Friday, but that that particular year. It had to have nots it couldn't have been on Friday. And so we're going to look at that. We're going to begin tonight while looking at Passover and exactly what that means tomorrow night. We will look at the feast and how did they play in Leviticus chapter 23 into all of this and then we will look at the Fulfillment of of these prophecies and of these beasts and every Wednesday night, we will finish up and look at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. And so there's a lot of garbage and stuff on TV and a lot of things that you probably don't need to be watching her see you in and so I thought I would offer the UFC tonight to give you an opportunity to city and we will be doing it here live on Facebook. We will also be uploading the messages onto our website and so you can go there and be able to view them. Phyllis Morgan is Palm Sunday, and I've already had some day is it what if I'm sun to get a course Palm Sunday is the Sunday that is far to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ know basically only notified in the four gospels because we Jesus Christ rode his donkey into Jerusalem. They are the people came and they laid palm branches down and praise him as king of kings singing Hosanna. And so that's where we get Palm Sunday. It's not just basically that they are and so let's go to a word of prayer and we will begin to day looking at this particular passage of scripture in Matthew chapter 21 verse 1 through 17 near my father. We thank you so much for your lovely. Thank you for all that. You've done forced. We thank you for this great opportunity to be able to gather with one another through your spirit to be able to look into your word near my father just hide me behind your cross. Give me the words that you would have me to say fill me with your power your holy spirit that I will not say the things that I would like to say, but the things that you would like for me So, you know my father we just pray that these seeds that are going out will be able to Lodge in the hearts of your people and it much free will be produced and just continue to be with our leaders and all those as we labor and as we try to make decisions and do different things in this ever-changing environment that we're living in today. We thank you and we love you. And your name we pray. Amen. You make it in this morning and Matthew chapter 21 verse 1 through 3. This is it when they dream island to Jerusalem and we're come to best each other the Mount of Olives then sent Jesus to disciple say another them go into the village over against you and straightway you shall found a donkey tied in the cold with her loose them and bring them unto me and if any man stay all under you you shall say the Lord had needed the omen straightway he will send them and this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet saying kill you the daughter of Zion behold. I can come at Thunder the meat and sitting up on a day. Begin a Colt the foal of a donkey and the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them and brought the donkey in the cold and put them their clothes and they said me on their own and a very great multitude spread their garments in the white others cut down branches from the trees and straws them in the way in the multitude that went before that followed cried saying Hosanna to the son of David blessed. Is he that cometh in the name of the Lord hosanna in the highest and when he was coming to Jerusalem all the city was move saying is this in the multitude said, this is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee in Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all that them that sold and brought in the temple and over through the tables of the money-changers in the seats of them that showed up at 7. It is written my house shall be called The House of Prayer, but you have made it a den of Thieves in the Blind and the lame came to him of the temple and he healed them and when the chief priests and scribes All the wonderful things that he did and the children crying in the chapel and saying Hosanna to the son of David they were sore displeased and said unto him here. Is that what they say in Jesus saith unto him. Ye have you never read out of the mouths of babes and sucklings that has perfected praise and he left them and went out of the city into Bethany and Eli there will be this passage of scripture. I want you to notice first of all and verse 1 through 3. We have to have a preparation for the king and notice in this preparing for the king. I want you to notice that you and I today if we are going to see the king of kings and Lord of lords if we're going to invite him into our hearts and into our lives there has to be some preparation that has to take place and noticed first of all, we find the records requisition of Jesus Christ notice in this requisition. He sent his disciples there in verse 1 and he told them to serve sipc Lido. Undefined a donkey that has a young Colt beside it but it never been ridden before they significant that he told me I'm to go and do this because it's very good understanding that we need to know a couple of things at this donkey in this young fold represented. First of all, when we look at these we see assemble we look at the donkey as a symbol of peace normally a king would ride into a new territory or a new place. He would come into riding on a white horse a stallion and he would come in and show that he was the King show that he had power and he had a farm party but a donkey on the other hand is it isn't a symbol of peace in Jesus Christ. Of course, he told pilate later on this week in the passage of scripture that this kingdom is not of this world. He didn't come to overthrow pilot. He wasn't coming at that time to overthrow wrong. He came peacefully he came to give his life for his sheep and so he wasn't a car. Drinking but he was a peaceful King. He came to make peace and Reconciliation between us and God for the sin that have been placed upon us but not only was this a simple piece but I want you to also notice that it was a or a symbol of of symbolic of the religion that they were doing. If you'll look back and you'll see that most things that was offered for religious purposes would never been used or put in service before it in Jesus Christ taking this young cult that had never been ridden with showing that it was prepared for religious purposes. It was prepared for Jesus Christ to use it for the first time as he rode into Jerusalem. You'll also notice in this that there's also the

Not always a symbol in the service Sacrament that was there a donkey was kit to carry burdens. And of course the greatest burden that it could carry was Jesus Christ as he goes into Jerusalem to die for our sins, but notice not only his requisition of what he commanded but also in this requisition there was a revelation because you see he knew without being there is he sent the disciples to Jerusalem that there would already be a donkey that would be tied up he knew where it would be. He knew that it would be there. He knew that it was have a cult by Bayside all of these doing showed his deity. It show that he was God that he was able to look and so he was showing his disciples that he was King that he was gone. He was showing them. Once again that. He was the son of God Jesus Christ and so in this preparation, they should have understood that he was God that he was Keen In what he was doing and we see that was that was come forth with inverse 6 or is it the disciples obey him and go into Jerusalem to find this donkey in this cold for Jesus Christ, but not only do we see you in verse 1 through 3 the preparing for the king but I also want to know you'd understand that. This was a prophecy. This was mentioned in the Old Testament as a matter of fact in Zechariah Chapter 9 in verse 9, Jesus Christ is quoting here and he says Rejoice greatly o Daughter of Zion. Shout o daughter of Jerusalem behold by King cometh unto these he is just and having salvation lonely and riding up on a donkey and it's on the court the fold of a donkey butt so Jesus Christ as he tells his disciples to go in and Define this donkey in to find this cold here first back to Zachariah who prophesied this very event again showing his deity again showing that he had true. He is the Son of God that he came to fulfill a prophecy that he came to fulfill what was there? And so what exactly is DACA Raya had prophesied Jesus Christ was mail about the entry into Jerusalem and come to them every look at that. Not only do we see the the preparation and not only do we see the property but kind of where I want to spend the bulk of our time this morning is inverse it down through the end of the chapter and noticed the parade notice as they come in for Jesus Christ notice. First of all going verse 6, it says in the disciples went and said at the end did as Jesus commanded them and brought the donkey and a very great multitude in both state where did garbage in the way others cut down branches from the trees and strahd them in the way and a multitude that went before and follow cried saying, Better to the son of David blessed. Is he that cometh in the name of the Lord Hosea in the highest and when he was coming to Jerusalem all the city was moved saying who is this? What is the first thing that we stay in this parade of Jesus Christ as he comes into Jerusalem notice. First of all, we see are you ready in the people are are getting ready. They are excited. Here comes the king Here Comes their Messiah would have been prophesied over and over in the word of God and we know up until this point that many of the Jews that believe in Jesus Christ. He had many followers. Meaning that constantly work this being his third trip to see started his ministry to come to Jerusalem for the Passover and many of them knew that he would be there many of them were looking for is coming. They had heard his ministry. They had heard him talking about how that he must go to Jerusalem and die for the Salvation of people as we saw there in Zechariah Chapter. Put in this where do you notice that as they were getting ready? They cut down palm branches and they laid them in the street and they praised him Hosanna king of kings and Lord of lords. And you know, a lot of people today want to accept Jesus Christ. A lot of people get ready and excited to hear the message about Jesus Christ. A lot of people want to get to know Jesus Christ a warranty on the closest said them because he takes care of them because of all of the things that Jesus Christ does is king of kings and Lord of lords in our lives we make ready and we prepared and we were there but I want you to understand but we also see a revelation in the notice in this Revelation. He claims to them to be the key. He claims to them to be God as we notice Derek Versa 13, I believe it is a verse 14. It says in the blonde in the rain came to him in the temple any And when the chief priests and describe saw the wonderful things that he did and the children crying in the chapel and saying Hosanna to the son of David they were sore displeased you say is Jesus Christ goes in and we noticed back there. Also in verse 12:12 is he entered into Jerusalem that the first place that he went was into the temple and is he went into the temple notice for that? You began to overturn the moneychangers. He began to throw people out and claimed that they have turned his house into a den of Thieves rather than a House of Prayer a lot of times. I want you to understand if we've been looking in 1st Peter that we today in this day and time and this hour we are a spiritual Temple. We looked at this last week in 1st Peter and and and because of that Temple we are priests we are able to go into the presence of God in Christ dwells in us and I want you to understand is king of kings and Lord of lords of air. First day when Jesus Christ comes into your life when you accept him into your life the very first thing that's going to happen is Jesus Christ is going to begin to cleanse you of seeing he's going to begin to cast out the demons that do not need to believe there. But at this point during this revelation of the purification that they are not ready for this. First of all, we see this purification of the king notice in this purification. We notice our relationship notice they come to a realization. They come to the realization that this is the Messiah. This is Jesus another way palm branches down and they understand that Christ is there for a relationship he's coming to die for them and industrialization. They recognized him. It's p&t a king but notice also there in the latter part of great weltz, the Jesus Christ also mention as he comes and he cast out. All of them that shows involving the temple and overthrew the tables of the money-changers and the seats of them this so Doug's noticed that Jesus Christ is also reach a notice that Jesus Christ came into Jerusalem and we can still wants to be reached. He wants to be acceptable. He came as their Messiah he came to be respected. He came to be honored as hosanna in King of King, but he reveals himself as Lord and a lot of times we look at Jesus Christ and we want to accept everything about Jesus Christ and we want to talk about his grace and we want to talk about his mercy and we want to talk about is love but we also need to understand his lordship and we also need to understand that when we accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior that he demands some things from a Painted Man us-22 T reveals to us to see in in the wickedness in our slides and in our heart and he wants us to cast He wants us to get rid of them. And so notice he goes to the religious people notice. He goes to those that think they are serving God that think they are doing God a favor their they're sacrificing and these are the people that work in the temple and they sell sacrifices so that people could come before God, but they wasn't doing it for the people. They were doing it to line their pockets to do to get their tails reaction to have power and I have controlled but notice the two responses that we find in this purification and notice today. We also have these two responses today any time that Jesus Christ comes and he begins to convict us of our sin and he begins to show us will reveal to us the relationship that he desires for us and to show us that he can be reachable that he needs to be respected and he begins to cast out these sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. One of two things is going to happen and notice right here in Scripture is we see we see both of these responses here in scripture this morning notice. First of all, it says, I'm the Blind and the lame came to him in the temple and he'll be he'll notice if you will turn to Jesus Christ today, if you will accept him as your lord and savior as his holy spirit conviction of sin and conviction of the things that you need that get rid of bugs in your life notice. The first thing is that if you respond he will restore notice the blob the lane those that are sick they came to Jesus Christ. They recognize their need they recognize the power Jesus Christ. They recognize that that he was the answer he was the solution is so therefore they submitted to him and then that's the mission of Jesus Christ answered their prayers and who restored them. I'm reminded of the right of Paul in Acts chapter 9 when Jesus Christ comes to him on the road to Damascus and interpret mediately. Strikes and blinded and Paul realizing that he can't see you realizing what's going on says Lord, who is this in Jesus Christ response to him. He already knew who it was because you were too and miss Lord. God was fixing to do something in this life and it just point Paul could have responded in one of two different ways. It's Jesus Christ rebuked them and said Paul that's hard to kick against the golden The Princess and the words when the Holy Spirit convicts us when the Holy Spirit tells us that they're seeing in our lives. We don't need to kick against it. We don't need to fight against it we need to do is these Lane and he's blind and come to Jesus Christ when he says in 1st John chapter 1 verse 9, if you will confess your sins. He is faithful and just to forgive you your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness if we confess and we forgive them seeing Jesus Christ will restore has he will cleanse us not only of the singing that we asked for but also the sins that we don't even know when our life he will wipe them clean. And give us a ride standing before God the father so that we can leave and go out into the world and be the type of Christians in the Believers in the lights that we ought to be but no that's not everybody is going to respond and you can be restored. There's also going to be those of resistance and notice what it said. It says who in the chief priests and the Scribe saw the wonderful things that he died and the children's crying in the temple and stay at Hosanna to the son of David. They were sore displeased. You know, the one thing that Satan is hating to the most this morning. Is that all even though this fire is he thought he had a flock down. He's on his head churches where they wasn't meeting and where they wasn't going. He thinks that Easter is going to be done away with this year. But I want you to understand that no matter what happened and no matter how hard the world thinks that has had their happy. They're pleased at all. This is happening. God is still king of kings and Lord of lords. Is still in control and they're going to be those that are going to resist and notice what happens when they resist it said any set under them in verse 16 curious about what they say in Jesus Alexander Graham. You have have you not read out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou Hast perfected praise and he left them and went out into the city of Bethany and a large there. See when you resist Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords the sad reality versus even though you realize that he's the Messiah even though he makes himself reachable for you, even though you respect him if you do not submit to him. If you do not come to repentance asking for forgiveness, if you're seeing notice, it says that Christ left you we don't want to get today today today where Jesus Christ leaves you what is this at? Almost one of the saddest scriptures here in this scripture. Is this verse where Jesus Christ left them? I pray today that when your home and your job and wherever you are the Christ has not left you I pray this morning that you will do one of two things this morning with Jesus Christ, either you are going to crown him either you're going to recognize him as king of kings and Lord of lords or you're going to do is these people did later persuaded by those that would displease for Satan persuaded by the chief priests in these rulers that Christ was no good that Christ was an impostor that Christ was a good not real in a lie. And notice what happened they get the people later on to all shake their fists in the yellow crucify him crucify him this morning. Don't crucify him this morning crown him. Don't listen to the crowd. Don't listen to those that are displeased. Look at the power of Jesus Christ look back at all of the Miracles at all of the things that he has done if these disciples I imagine what this situation and thought back to the feeding of the multitude all the people did Jesus Christ healed in Madewell. And yet later on they still reject them because of the pride of their heart. Don't allow Pride this morning to keep you from Jesus Christ father. We thank you so much for your lovely. Thank you for all that you have done for us. We thank you so much for Palm Sunday. And for real villain to us your deity and your power and Elmo father help us to be those those that are black and laying those of us that are singers that have sent in our life help us to confess them sins to you right now and allow you to restore us and heal us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness near my father's there be anyone here is today in the sound of my voice in The Power of your holy spirit that has never accepted you as their personal Savior King of kings and Lord of lords the dermis father upgrade right now that they will Crown you King of Kings if they will accept you that you are the Son of God that you died on the cross of Calvary for their sins in order that they might have eaten. Buried in the ground you didn't stay there but you defeated seeing death in the grave and you came forth Victorious as we will celebrate next Sunday your heavenly father in order that we might have life and life more abundantly Lord help us not to be the chief priests and that is in these the religious leaders and those that that despise you and rejected you but they're my father help us to submit to you. Don't fuss to submit to your Holy Spirit in the things that you can pick us up help us to to release them. We thank you and we love you. And your name we pray. Amen. Thank you so much for joining our service just a day. Do not forget that we will be back Facebook live tonight at 7, and we'll be looking at Passover and exactly what they were celebrating is Jesus Christ comes in on Palm Sunday. They were coming to prepare for Passover and I want to still look exactly to the whole Testament because Jesus Christ in his own words. It's I have not come to do away with the law I came. For sale it and so when the law is laid out and dates and times and different things are there in their feast and in their laws, I want you to understand that Jesus Christ did not come to do away with all of this. He came to fulfill it is so this week on each night at 7. I hope you pray that you will join us or watch it later on Facebook or later on the website and be able to see exactly how Jesus Christ fulfilled the feast in the Passover in the Old Testament in the New Testament. Thank you. Again. If you have any prayer requests or have anything that I could reach out and help you with her needs, please reach out to me. Please message me on Facebook. Shoot me a text or whatever and I'll I'll be praying for you. I love you and I can't wait till we get back together. We're going to have a great big potluck meal when we get together and fellowship with each other. We're going to reserve the Lord's supper with each other. We are going to come back as a body and I'm excited for that day and look forward to it. But until that time we will continue to meet spiritually. On Facebook live. Thank you. Goodbye. Have a great day.

That's because it was it was lagging behind where I was. What are you preaching from?

Never found that I went Matthew Mark Luke John. I didn't save that as your way to go back.

I am done that in y'all did that did you post it first? Share if you shared it.

What is it you trying to save it to your phone after you shared it? Maybe go to the

Cuz the video right? I'm hoping it is. I don't know.

I'll see if I can get this.

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