According to a 2001 study of 1,423 adults by the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research:
• 52 percent of those surveyed have forgiven others for past transgressions
• 75 percent believe they have been forgiven by God for their mistakes
• 43 percent have asked others to forgive them of past offenses
• 63 percent have let themselves off the hook
• women are more forgiving than men
• middle-agers and older adults are more likely to forgive others than younger adults are
• forgiveness may be an antidote to anger, but asking for forgiveness can raise stress levels
Matthew 18:15–35
Forgiveness makes the Christian different from the sinner. Paul gives the Christian good advice in Ephesians 4:32. In the Lord’s Prayer, we ask God to forgive us as we forgive others—Matthew 6:12. If we cannot forgive, then God cannot forgive us—Matthew 6:15.
1. THE PATTERN—vv. 15–22
2. THE PRACTICE—vv. 23–27
3. THE PROBLEM—vv. 28–30
4. THE PRINCIPLES—vv. 31–35
A forgiving spirit shows the spirit of Christ. A Christian should not hold bitterness or evil feelings in his heart. Jesus taught of forgiving our enemies—Matthew 5:44. Note the words of Paul in Colossians 3:13.